Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 728 Questions, And Responses

[Eon's POV: ]

"Hmmm… Quin, is it? I have heard a lot about you, young Miss. Especially your water control abilities."

"T-thank you for your praise, but… but I am nothing special-"

"Hear me, Eleequinn. Do not utter such words now. I know when my granddaughters praise someone, their hearts are sincere. They don't call just anyone 'amazing'; there must be something truly special in what you do and how you do it for them to say it."

Grandma smiled at her and pushed the fruit salad towards her by controlling the water in the nearby glass in such an elegant manner that it stunned not only Quin, but also Princess Bell and Lizzy.

"Wow… did you just control the water… itself?"

Grandma was a blessed individual, blessed by one of the major gods off this world.

She could control the waves, the entire waters of the sea if she wished and had enough mental stamina to do so in that moment.

She did not need to use the Mana or any kind of particular energy to do it as well like the mages and element users usually do.

She was not a mage, but a unique blessed human that was capable of much more than most normal individuals could be capable of.

"Huhuhu. You will be able to do it soon as well if I am correct. Oh, do you want me to show you how to do this?"

"Please! I would-, ahem. I mean it would be my honour, Lady Griz-"

"You can address me comfortably. All of you, actually.

You are guests of my dear children. There is no need for you to be formal, rigid, or tense about anything.

Just think of this humble place as your own house."

She was being genuine about this, the ones present here could tell instinctively.

They could feel her authority, her natural presence that was the most unique and dominating among any of us.

She was the marchioness, the lord of this household, and one of the highest authorities in this entire empire.

"I-if you say so… thank you, Elder Griz."

She was calling her elder, and also by her nickname at the same time. Grandma found this super cure, of course. And, seeing her interest in Quin, it was obvious she had quite the liking for her skill set.

She had her eyes on her, all of us can tell that.

However, unknown to all of it, Quin was just smiling shyly. Eating her plate full of special dishes with a delighted expression.

"Big brother! Big brother! Have this~."

"Ah, thanks."

Anna passed me another glass of juice since mine had finished, and I accepted it with a smile.

"Big sister Elle! Here~."

"Oh, thank you very much, little one."

And then she asked me to pass a plate of salad to Rein sitting beside me on the other side.

She was being helpful to everyone present here right now, handing them the common things that were gathered near here, and though others found her attempts to help them super cute, she wasn't eating her food properly.

"Here, Anna."

"Hehe," that's why I was feeding her occasionally.

Something she liked, of course, but also something that will help her finish her food a little quicker.

"Hmmm, so, miss Nebula and Lizzy. You two are light attribute users, correct?"

Mom asked the two who were lost in the flavours of the unique food that they were not familiar with, and brought them back from their unique zone.

"Hmmm? Did you ask me, Lady Nolan?"

"Yes, dear. I was asking if the two of you were light attribute users like prince Claudius. And you have sauce on your face, wipe that with this."

Mom passed a napkin to her with a smile, and there was an embarrassed expression on her face. Eula was fine though, as she was still lost in the flavours of the food.

"Eula? Nebula, ptsss."

Lizzy could tell Eula wasn't mentally present among them so she whispered to her and, only after she hit her with her ankle, did Eula come back to this place.

[[ "Kehehe. The two of them are so cute. And funny as well~." ]]

[[ "They sure have a good chemistry." ]]

This wasn't the first time the two of them have had this kind of unique moment.

They were mostly together, hanging out with each other in their unique classes, so they were pretty close.

"Zoe, have you seen after all of their accommodations? Everything is alright, right?"

"Yes big brother. They liked the places, and though some of them needed some special features in their rooms, grandpa Zhen should be done with the changes by now."

This was a dinner table, we were having dinner, and, talks were happening all around us.

Grandpa was talking with Captain Alpha, prince Claus, Hide, and Ezra. They all were all weapon users or at least possessed some intrest in weapons and when there was a [King] ranked knight, a war hero, and one of the most renowned fighters with them, they couldn't possibly not be interested in talking with him.

Some others with them were also talking with aunt Aug and aunt Haze, asking them aboyt the high society and the flowers, the gardens and how the ladies chose their dresses for the special events.

The ladies, including Med was interested in the things that the two of my aunts knew the best here. So their own conversation was going on as they continued with their food.

Uncle Theo had the company of Deleon and Miss Mia who were asking him about some serious legal procedures that should not be a kind of talk that one has over dinner… but this was a special dinner with the special people, so, uncle Theo, one of the best attorneys of this world, could chat with those special kids freely.

It wasn't like they were asking him state secrets or anything.

Little advice was all they were asking for and there was no reason to not help them.

One of them was the youngest known alchemy master, as well as possessor of that strange elixir in world's eyes, while the other was one of the only Slime experts of this world, and also someone who had long surpassed the bounds of a prodigy.

He was a genius when it came to creatures, especially slimes and beings close to them… the reason he was interested in Povpoi was also mainly because they had very close characteristics to the slimes, and now that he was seeing these creatures so closely, he couldn't hold his curiosity back.

'He is a fanatic. That's exactly why it will be extremely fun seeing him being played under the hands of my little Anna.'

All of us were looking forward to see his special slime collection that he promised to show Anna, and how she will let him 'play' with her little friends.

"So, girls, if you are finally listening, how would you like to help me with the preparations of the Annual auction of Hiraani? I need a sat of special hands that could play with light for something, special."

Mom gave them a mysterious smile, put her fork down, and as she took a sip of her wine, her lips curved even further.

"I will pay you handsomely, of course. But, along with pay, if you do well, I might even help you get any item you want during the auction. How about it?"

Lizzy's ears picked up the word money while Eula's eyes shined when she heard mom would help her get any item she wanted from the auction.

And, any person who knew the grand Auction house of the capital of Roxanna, and it's annual event, would undoubtedly know just how special items appeared there.

"It would be my honor!"

"I will gladly help, lady Nolan!"

Mom knew exactly what excited the two of them and aimed directly for that. And, as she knew, the offer she had made was too attractive for the people present here to ignore.

"Haha, how nice of you, cute girls. Oh, if anyone wants to help us, feel free to speak-"

"I want to help Lady Nolan!"

"I can help as well!"

"I have some slimes with light attribute ability if Lady Nolen needs it."

"Please allow us to help as well, Aunt Nol!"

"Hehe, I will help as well~!"

She asked me to do everything on my own so that she can sit back and watch everything from the sidelines. But after sending Rein away, she was making others help her with the other things as well.

'She certainly doesn't have any intention to do anything about this year's auction, hun.'

Perhaps it was because everything that happened with us, and with the Lakmer.

Perhaps she wanted to focus on more important matters other than the auction, or perhaps she was doing it because she just wanted to go away from all this and spend some alone time.

But then again, she also said she would watch over me and teach me, so this might also be her way to prepare me for the grand conference.

It could be anything, I did not know yet. But, one thing I knew for certain, was how she piqued the interest of every person present here, and one way or another, all of them were now ready to overwork under her for some item that they themselves would not know the worth of until they actually have it.

The auction was going to be the same blind auction it always is, so what she was offering was actually that much interesting. And she didn't say she would but that thing for them.

She just said she would help them get what they wanted, she did not say she would pay for the things in full so… well, she was using them.

And she is a bad person anyway, so I pity these people.

They were falling for her scam while believing in her background and authority… my poor friends.

'Haaaa… at least they will get some money from this. So that much is good.'

Not that most of them had any need for money anymore.

Lizzy was just an exception here.

"Hmm? Is something wrong, big brother."

"Nothing, Anna. It's just, I'm worried about our friends here."

She knew I was a little worried, also after my answer, she also knew there was nothing for her to worry about here.

She knew how her mom was, as well as where all of this was going, and also how there was no stopping this, so she just patted my back with her little hands.

"it's alright, big brother. We will help them so that they don't have to lost too much~."

My Anna was smart. And humble. And cute. And the best.

"Let's do that, dear."

Everyone was finishing up their dinner now… I should go prepare the dessert for everyone.

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