Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 727 The Familiar Dinner Table

[Eon's POV: ]


Name: Axion Heliox Kromet Von Aishwa Elanor Ethan Griffin

Age: 15

Strength: 198

Dexterity: 201

Stamina: 213

Magic Power: 249

Intelligence: 225

Luck: 147

Charm: 156

[Skill: Energy Circulation, Cascade of Ark, Light steps, Hexagram triangles, Queen's castle, Strings of Archaneum, Triple points.]

[Origin Skill: Instigator of Dawn: Advanced mastery.

-Three Eyes (Stage-2)

-Dynamic Heart (Stage-1)

-White gate (Stage-2)

-Lucy (Stage-0)

-Call of Authority (Stage-1)


"You are the best, mom."

"Hmmm… empty flattery."

"No, I mean it. You are the best."

Standing up and going behind her chair, I hugged her from the behind and gave her a kiss on her head.

"Thanks for these. They are amazing. And perfect.

I couldn't have got better things than them in times like these.

Thanks, mom. Really, really, really thank you."

I stayed like that for a moment, she put her head over my arms, and kissed my palm as I released her.

"At least the hug and kiss were genuine. Haaa, my dear baby."

I was standing, so she also stood up from her chair, and hugged me tightly.

"Though the surprise wasn't so surprising thanks to our daddy, I'm glad you liked these things.

I hope they are much more helpful to you than the skills you used to have… they might not be the same things, but they are the most special ones I have come across in the past few years.

I know they will be of great help to you, sweetheart."

"Of course they will."

Our heights were almost the same now, which means she and Rein almost have the same heights as well. How fascinating…

Dad was pretty taller than both of us, same for uncle El and grandpa, so I think my height will increase a little as well over time.

'I am already as tall as I used to be in my past life.'

And I am much healthier now. Especially after that origin awakening.

I had been feeling more 'free' ever since that day.

"It's good to see you are safe."

She was emotional now… she held it back when we were all together, but now that we were alone, she couldn't hold back her overflowing emotions anymore.

"Thank goodness you are… you are safe…"

Her voice was breaking now. She was crying…

"Yes, mom. I am safe. I am fine. And I am here."

She cried, she cried as much as Rein did the night after the battle.

Her warm tears covered the floor of her office, painted her eyes red, dried her smooth skin, and made the atmosphere a little gloomier.

But it lasted shorter than I had expected.

She controlled herself, slapped me, punched me, asked me to promise her I wouldn't do something as reckless as this again, and just like every other time, I told her how that kind of promise would be impossible for me to keep…

Acting reckless wasn't something I did on purpose, but if situations asked for it, I couldn't just ignore the possibility that my recklessness could bring much better results than my thoroughly designed plans.

"You will have to prepare all the remaining elements of the annual auction by yourself as a punishment. And, you will have to do it while spending time with me, ok?"

"I will gladly accept a punishment like that any day, mom."

"Oh don't be so happy, dear. You are doing this alone, not with Elle. She will be going back to her home as her punishment."


"You heard that right. And I am not the one saying that. Uncle decided this."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?! When does she have to leave?! Does she know?! Wait, let me ask her directly! Celes-"

"Calm down, mister fiancé. Your sweetheart is still going to stay with us for a few days. She will leave after the weekend, perhaps."

"Moooooooooom! Must she go?!"

This wasn't fair! What the hell will I even do without her here?!

"It's not me who decided this, dear. Your grandfather-in-law did. Talk with him if you want to change his decision."

"Alright! I will go and-"

"Not now, dummy."

I was about to run out towards the communication channel room to connect her grandpa back at the Atraxia estate, but mom caught me by my collar.

"This is dinner time so let's go eat first.

Your friends and the others must have arrived there by now, so… let's have dinner first, talk with your fiancée, and then talk with her grandpa later tonight.

I don't think they will get any sleep with everything going on so I know for sure he will be available till dawn."

She was looking at me with her serious smile. The one that she has when she is actually angry about something. The one that she only rarely has…

"Punishment is called punishment for a reason, darling. It's not fun to play everytime. Learn from this and prepare for what you have to deal with.

I have never liked those old bastards in the grand conference and I know for a fact they aren't gonna do you any good either.

You will have to be more prepared than I was."

"Yes, mom. I will keep-… wait. Did I hear that right? You have done the presentation in the grand conference before?"

She patted my head and held me by my hand, and she walked out of her room.

"Of course I have. And now that I think about it, I have never told you about that, have I?"

"Of course you haven't! When was this anyway?! How many years-"

"It was during the last conference, dear. It's not that old of a tale. I will tell it to you, Elle, and Zoe tomorrow, 'key?"

Grand conference was not something just anyone can attend. Hell no one can even step foot inside the venue where it is being held if they aren't connected with some prominent figure attending the conference under any circumstances.

But she was saying she was the person to present the agenda before the conference… not even the kings and emperors get such an opportunity.

'My case was different since I was the only one capable enough to present this matter before all those people, but the fact that she had been chosen as one of the people to ever present a certain topic by the global councils was a freaking big deal!'

And she never told me anything about this!

How could she do that?!

"Alright, alright now. Stop thinking about those things. We are here so introduce me to your cute friends."

She led me all the way to the dining room on the ground floor when I was lost in my thoughts, and, since everyone including Rein, grandpa, grandma, aunt Aug, and others from the academy were present here, I also tried to get my act together.

[[ "You are going?!" ]]

At least, outwardly.

[[ "I know right?! The hell?! How unfair of grandpa! I want to go home and meet all of them but not for weeks! Mom and dad aren't even home yet!" ]]

We sat down on our seats and though there was a straight expression on our faces, we were screaming inside our heads.

[[ "This has to change, Rein. I don't think I can do everything related to the annual auction on my own!" ]]

[[ "You have to prepare the auction on your own?! Is it a punishment as well?!" ]]

I was sitting right beside her, with my Anna on my other side, and on the other side of Anna was Zoe as usual.

Grandma and grandpa were on one end of this long table, while mom was beside aunt Aug and Carla.

The others were sitting on both sides beside us and Quin and Med were sitting together right next to Rein.

The food wasn't served yet but there was a special juice prepared for them resting before all of them. And now that I think about it, this was our first dinner together… shouldn't I make something as well?

"Should I go prepare a few things for everyone as well?"

The cooks had learned directly from me so I was pretty confident in their skills, but wasn't it more of a basic courtesy to prepare food for the guests personally?

"They have already prepared the dinner, Eon. It will be too much if you make something more now."

"That's right. Instead of making more dishes, how about you make some special dessert for everyone in the house?"

Grandma's suggestion… was pretty good as well. It was better to use this chance to prepare something special for all of them, including sir Mel and others.

It was a great suggestion but the faces of the people who were expecting some dishes directly from me fell off a little.

'They had tasted my dishes, so, well, they certainly were going to have high standards for any kind of food they were going to have in their lives.'

They didn't know what kind of things they were going to have right now, but they thought they wouldn't be as good as what they had back in the Heliox estate in Lakmer.

The things that I made myself.

However, they were wrong about something here.

"Then, if everyone is here, shall we have dinner and talk a little about all of you while eating?"

What I made for all of them were just basic things. What they were going to have right now though, as Princesses and princes here knew, was going to be something entirely different from those basic things with unforgettable flavours.

Some of them were meeting grandpa and grandma for the first time, for some people here, mom and aunt Aug were some of the most attractive people they had always wanted to meet, while for some, uncle Theo and aunt Haze who had just come back from a certain meeting, were also people that some had always wanted to meet.

They were having a dinner with them directly right now, so, what they were going to have, were certainly not going to be simple dishes.

They are going to be surprised pretty soon now, but that aside…

[[ "Rein, Rein. Can you guess what mom's gifts were?" ]]

This was dinner time, so we can talk freely now.

It was a special space where we, in this family, share what has been on our minds and share our thoughts.

Family dinners for us was a special time of the day where we talk.

So, the others present here, including the two of us, expected some good questions from them…

The food would be helpful for those particular questions.

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