"Hmm~, hmm~. La lalala~"

Reading the books in this library was the best thing.

She filled this vast library with bookshelves full of books on both sides of long rows.

Rows of a bookshelf lined together, some special cubic bookshelves floating in the air, that high ceiling with special lights and celestial map that constantly moved.

The books that shined, glowed, and sparked, as well as books that carried the old scent of the past.

This place was heaven, and it was no exaggeration.

The books here were diverse, and there was no lack of magic tomes either.

Just the shelf behind my back, I was sitting there were at least a hundred of them.

And in total, there were six hundred books on this 'small' shelf.

It was small... even with this large amount of books.

If my calculations were correct, the books on the floating shelves were all magic tomes and one such shelf contained three thousand such books.

Three thousand magic tomes... I didn't believe there was another library aside from the one in the academy that could have even been close to the books in this general area.

I had only read around a thousand books in my long one and a half years of stay in this place and I knew those were already a lot.

And thanks to the language books here, I was able to learn many languages.

That helped me a lot as there were books in all kinds of languages here I couldn't even start to understand.

From human languages, ancient languages, runes, as well as languages of different races.

It was an amazing experience.

And I loved it as much as I loved the reaction of my little sister from the last time.

The letter surprised her more than anyone.

I sent the letter with a voice answer and not just words, and she was overjoyed to hear my direct voice for the first time.

Though this artifact orb was one special thing, I knew they would like this letter very much.

Even mom, my two aunties, and my grandparents were happy to receive it.

The only three that was odd at that time were my dad and two uncles.

Well, I could understand their feelings to be so simple-minded and not doing it this way.

They thought it would be a too high-leveled thing for me but when they received the paper from me, my first uncle was the most surprised one.

I knew he was a genius magic engineer, and this paper was his area of expertise, but even him complimenting me on that one felt a little embarrassing.

I wasn't quite at the level of that scenery circle but, hearing my work was impressive was my first time.

This was different from the master, who was also my grandma and had different methods.

My uncle took that whole day to himself just to explain how great my simplification of those significant problems was.

Though thankfully it wasn't the first time someone had done it, I was the first one he had seen that could water down the enormous calculation works of a voice recorder to that degree.

Even my little brother was surprised.

My version of the voice recording magic circle that comes out as an answer was considered revolutionary in the field of communication.

Aside from its great calculative aspect, it was far more simple than the one previously used by mages and knights.

It was something that can commonly help others and... I was the one that made it.

Though we didn't have much time, we couldn't discuss much so, I decided to let my uncles do whatever they wanted with this knowledge.

It wasn't like it was entirely my idea, anyway.

I just created it using many references from this library.

Maybe the outside world didn't have as much knowledge of the past as this place, but, well, it wasn't that important to me.

They were happy, and I was happy. That's all that mattered.

The book I was currently reading was called <Energy application to physical and astral body parts>.

Though it was written in the ancient language of a nation named [Valmik], I had learned this language some time ago.

I don't know if it's actually true, but the time in this library seems to have slowed down.

I had spent more time here than I can think, but actually; I don't spend that long here.

Aside from training and playing with the master, I just spend some hours here by myself and sometimes with Celes.

Celes was with master more time than me and I knew the reason behind that.

We were connected, and the master was teaching her how to use her own powers as a crystal butterfly as well as the power of our bond.

She had learned many things and aside from talking with me with no limit to distance, I can see and hear what she was doing if I wanted to.

And right now...

[[ Master~, are you spying on us or something~? ]]

She spoke just when I was about to close my eyes and check up on her.

Well, if I can see what she can whenever I wanted, she at least knew when I was looking through her eyes.

And she seemed pretty cheerful for this evening.

[ "What's going on Celes? You sound quite happy. What might be making my lovely partner happy?" ]

I was curious about her overly cheerful tone that sounded almost teasing to me.

Were they taking ba-... doing something exciting?

[[ Master tried to grow a flower that could taste like what you call pizza. She has been failing for an hour now! Hehehe... ]]

[ "She failed? Oh, yeah~! That's the power of almighty pizza~!" ] I shouted through my head and she jumped in our private talk.

[[ Don't get that excited, you two. I'm finally done." ]]

I didn't know how she can hear and interrupt our talk that was supposed to be connected with the origin link.

She had damn broken abilities for a divine entity.

Well, pizza proved that it was worthy of the name of one of the best things.

'Next time I will make the special curry rice. Let's see if you can copy its taste.'

This wasn't the first time they were doing this, and it surprised me every time I saw the artificially made flower with a wavelength of light that tasted differently.

Just how the hell did she do it?!

Even if I knew the procedure, no way in hell I can make something like that.

She used earth magic as well as some unique properties of distinct elements to grow a plant that carried strange characteristics.

Like, right now.

She grew up a bright yellow flower from a normal blue flower seed and when Celes sucked the light out of the flower; she shouted in joy.

[[ Yes! It's the same as you described! The feeling is the same too. It's warm, spicy, sweet, and saucy! Master is amazing~! ]]

It overjoyed her from just that small bite and that light reappeared after some time.

Master oh master...

[[ See. I'm the best~. Huhuhu... ]]

Her triumphant laughter was a rare sight and I could feel she was really happy to make this flower for her.

She loved pizza more than the burgers and other food I had made.

And we had a lot of ingredients to make things with different tastes, types, and flavors.

I had the appraisal skill so I could make out some of the ingredients but, my skill wasn't good enough for most things here.

I had no way of knowing what this was if I had not even the slightest knowledge of it with this skill.

Thankfully, she knew everything about them, so I was happy with her mouth-watering cooking.

So, well, my grandma is awesome.

[[ Say, Eon. How about you experience some small pain tomorrow? ]]

So, well, my grandma was evil.

I closed the book in my hand and put it back on the shelf, and set it down with complete focus.

This was one of those things when she starts saying something that could change many things that had happened in the past.

Now, I was accustomed to these sudden sparks of inspiration to do something unexpected.

[ "What do you mean by 'small' pain, grandma?" ]

I asked with my heart beating nervously.

[[ Master be prepared. She has that grin on her face. ]]

This was more serious than I had thought.

Let's prepare to almost die again.

[ "Thanks Celes." ] Thanking her from the bottom of my heart, as I might not see them tomorrow, I listened as she talked.

[[ Well, it's nothing much but... there's a special floor for training. Seeing that you have progressed so much in these six months with your special training, I think you're ready.

You will have to endure extreme pressure and a dense energy atmosphere, and there might be a teeny tiny threat to your life.

You can only use this at a certain stage of your training and now is the time.

You won't be able to do it for a long time if you don't do good in this one but...

If you do well, I believe you can gather months' worth of energy in one day and improve the balance of the astral and physical body. ]]

"Why are you saying it so casually?!" I shouted with a horrified expression and stood up.

Teeny-tiny threat to my life? And more than that…

There's such a place? Here?

And what inspiration did she get to say something so important out of the blue?

And why did she say something involving my death so happily!?

And that grin... this was definitely more than a little painful.

But that floor sounded too interesting to not go.

...not that I had any choice if she said it.

[[ So, tomorrow is good, right Eon? ]]

She asked with a genuine smile that I saw through Celes and exhaled.

[ "Yes. Tomorrow is good. But I want you to make dinner today." ]

I had to at least taste her cooking if I was uncertain of my survival the next day.

Not that she would let me die, nor did I have any plans of dying anytime soon.

[[ Of course. You will have fun on your own. Though we both will have to be closed in that room alone. And you have to sit down without a shirt and- ]]

[ "Yes, grandma. That much information is good enough. I will be ok." ]

[[ Oh really? ]]

She grinned, as she knew I would be blushing from her misleading words.

I didn't fear death as I have experienced it already.

I feared her because she was truly unpredictable.

She can do whatever she wants to me and she might if I don't know but, thankfully she just loved teasing me.

[[ This might be sudden but, Eon, I'm expecting some excellent results. But, don't go too far. I know you will do good. ]]

She said in a serious as well as warm voice.

She wanted me to do my best and be safe.

Just like her...

A ruthless woman who worried with her heart.

I loved her because of this side of hers.

She was the best.

[ "Worry not, grandma. I will do my best so that you won't be disappointed." ]

I smiled, and she sighed happily on the other side.

This quiet library was forever the same, and so was my grandma.

"Let's continue..." I sighed and took out the book I was reading.

There was still time so, I can finish this one before going down for the possible last dinner of my life.

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