"Okey~. All set." I breathed a happy sigh and set down for the breakfast.

The morning was quiet and grandma was playing in the garden with Celes so they will be here soon.

It had been some time since we started the training she mentioned and it had been proving quite effective.

This training that focused on the soul... was an amazing one.

I did not understand the meaning of the Astral body and all, but as I listened to her and read things about it, it fascinated me more than ever.

Things were going slowly and the same way they had always been, despite her warning of hellish training.

Yes, I felt like I was dead every weekend after our spar session, as she had started doing stuff.

Like she would start attacking, use some normal magic that god knows how reached (tier-4).

She attacked me with fast attacks, punches that shook my insides, spells that really hurt and she did all these as if this was an actual fight.

She really was ruthless... but I liked it.

I liked this real training instead of the past where she just stood there and I had to attack with whatever I had.

And she definitely did those things with different motives in her mind.

Like, I would have never done such thorough planning, something I specialized in these fights.

I might never have tried deciphering the skill-like barrier, or never thought of things that I did in that fight.

She really was something else...

The knowledge, wisdom, and experience she had were unbelievable, even for someone like me.

She even knew about my dark past and she just threw it in a corner, never mentioning it.

I had even told everything to Celes, but her reaction was more of sympathy and sadness that she wasn't with me at those times.

Such 'red' things were nothing from her point of view.

Well, I understood her perfectly.

She wasn't a human, after all.

She was a far more outstanding creature than the rotten human race.

Well, not everyone was rotten among humans, like my special family.

I had read the letter my uncle sent the first time and that thing... was a really interesting method.

It was a question paper-style thing where you solve the question to get the special answer from the formula that comes after the answer.

That thing really impressed me.

I felt like I was giving the first exam in this new life.

Though it was difficult and it even took an entire month to solve that with normal formulas I found in the books in the library, I was successful in figuring it out.

And, it was pretty easy if I did it with different formulas mentioned in the other books in the library.

This theoretic part was actually amazing, and I liked it.

I liked it so much that it immersed me in it. For the next months, I had to prepare my own letter.

It was simple after I understood all the aspects of this particular type of question.

It was more complex than the higher-level math problems I had studied in my past life, but it was, in the end, math.

People in this world were more advanced in mathematics and scientific prospects but, everything was part of the magic.

Well, they knew what they were doing, so giving it different names wouldn't change anything.

This world was so advanced that if I searched some old books, I would even find the proof of relativity theory and higher rocket science.

They also included quantum science in the high magic area.

All that was difficult, but things didn't just end there.

This world had more than that and if people of my past world come here, they would cry to gain this knowledge.

Well, I was more fortunate to have a such magnificent library filled with countless books.

Though barriers were blocking every section, I did not need to pass the general area with almost some hundred thousand books.

Yes... and I wasn't exaggerating.

That space was special and even had sections floating in the air.

I hadn't even passed through some thousand books in all my time here.

It seemed almost impossible that I would want to pass through this area, which was apparently the smallest.

Like hell people... just how big was that place?

Well, I didn't know that and I didn't actually want to know that.

I had enough access that I can have all the knowledge possible and beyond that.

I had already prepared a question paper for them, or a voice mail in the form of fifteen papers this time.

That was better, as I can say actually as much as I wanted in that paper and they will be able to hear my voice more.

Well, I didn't know if they knew this was possible or if one can make voices in the form of magic questions but, well, creating a voice recording magic circle and then decoding it should be doable, right?

Like, it wasn't like I was the first one to create something like this.

I had seen some old books, and they had ideas of creating whole holographic scenes with these types of magic formulas, and I was pretty sure I can make something like that.

But, well, my brain won't be sharp enough to decode something on that level.

I was just a big hard drive, after all.

I can remember all those things but, solving them was a unique thing altogether.

So... maybe I can make some beautiful scenes from the famous masterpiece arts of my previous life and the gorgeous things I had seen in this forest.

That would be a fun activity for the free time I might have in the future.

Well, my family was a special one.

My grandfather was THE [Golden Hammer]!

A [King] ranked knight and one of the eighteen people that had reached that rank on this continent.

He was special among them and I had always wished of meeting him at least once.

He was a king-ranked knight as well as a member of the (House of Prism).

Well, every one of the kings and queens was a member as well as powerful knights with great potential.

Being a member of that place meant many things, and it was an organization neutral to the entire continent.

p He was an amazing person, respected on the entire continent, and someone who believed in using the strength one had in the protection of others.

I liked that thing about him and I really wanted to just meet with him one day and have a spar.

And that very person was my grandfather...

I couldn't express my emotions after knowing this and even in the letter, he was as warm as I knew.

But my grandmother was as warm as him in that letter.

My grandmother, his wife, and the one who owned the title of the marchioness of the empire.

Yes, grandpa was called marquess, but he couldn't truly associate with just the empire.

But my grandma, the patriarch of a true noble household that has been part of the empire for a long time, was someone as famous as my grandfather.

She was the master and ruler of [Maris Archipelagos], the western border of the great Roxana empire.

Well, she was an amazing person, and... she was gorgeous.

Beauty ran in our family in true meaning, not that I didn't like it.

Though for different reasons, my grandmother was someone I respected as much as a grandfather.

They were one thing but, the rest of my family was special too.

I praised my uncle as a genius magic engineer, someone who made outstanding inventions.

He and dad had created the thing that informed them about my current condition and they had used the thought of a cardiograph in making it.

Well, that was amazing and from the whole page he took in that small six-page letter, I knew he was more of a crybaby than a dad.

Why was my family filled with male crybabies and powerful ladies?

Haaa... well, thankfully, it wasn't true for my second uncle, who was a normal viscount and a lawyer.

He was a dignified male in this big family where his wife and my second aunt... was the same as my first uncle.

She was a worrywart like him and she also took almost a full page from the letter.

leaving a small part for my second uncle.

Well, he was surprisingly good at expressing his emotions through words; maybe the reason such a special person as aunty was with him.

My first aunt and someone as dignified and alluring as my mom... or maybe more.

She was a perfect example of a noble lady, and she was gorgeous in all aspects.

She was not as good with words as my second uncle but, her words carried genuine emotions.

That was a unique kind of writing and maybe something special about her.

The butler grandpa didn't write anything but I know that he was an Origin skill user like me so I wanted to meet him soon.

"Haaa... then there are those three." I sighed while taking a sip of my choco milk.

My three siblings.

My angelic Anna.

Big sister Carla.

And little brother Alf.

Those three...

I never thought having siblings would feel this... unique?

Well, I had been alone all the time in my previous life and now I had three unique people to call brother and sister.

I knew my little sister was special but, after meeting them and from the letters that had the first words of challenge, I understood the other two were more like me.

My cute little Anna was the most normal kid in that house, and maybe that was the reason everyone loved her more than us.

I was confident everyone loved her the most.

'I just know! I would love her more too! Like, why not? Why would someone love such a cute baby less or even equal the troublemakers?!'

I wouldn't believe it.

She was more loved than anyone, and she had to take care of that on her own.

And those two who first challenged me before asking what the hell had happened to me.

My big sister, Carla, who grandpa praised as a sword genius, had quite a rough mouth.

Unlike her mom or dad.

She was like those truly rough-speaking knight ladies from novels, and that was her charm.

I was also one to use that kind of speech, but I had nowhere to speak about such things.

I had no one to speak that way too but, but maybe I can have open conversations with her while crossing weapons?

I wasn't afraid of close combat anymore anyway, so she would definitely lose at the end.

But the fight was more expectation filled than that.

And last was my little brother Alf and one of those so-called geniuses of magic I had mentioned many times.

If I was the storage drive, he was the supercomputer for magic.

From what grandpa said, he was already able to use (tier-3) spells while being a (tier-2) mage at the age of nine.

Like my script magic, he had his own (Fold magic) that increased the power of a spell many folds after reprocessing the spell before release.

He understood magic in the true meaning and he was, more surprisingly, a [Quadra elemental mage], having an affinity for fire, water, earth, and wind.

Was I the protagonist born in a family of geniuses or something?

He was definitely strong, but I knew he was still not strong enough to defeat me.

He had no physical strength like Carla, and Carla had no magical abilities like him.

There might be a chance if they worked together with a nigh perfect sync like those chibi assassins.

Those two were genius and I would beat them nonetheless.

I was afraid of what might happen after that.

But, well, that was for the future me to think.

"Oh? You started without us?"

Just when I finished my glass of milk, the familiar voice of my dear master and grandma entered my ears.

"I just started grandma, Celes. Please join me~. I brought the orange flower, Celes. Fresh and sweet." I smiled as I pointed at the flower to my gorgeous butterfly partner.

[[ Thankyou~, master~! ]]

She was as energetic this morning as always.

Flaying down on the flower, she started her meal without any further talk.

Looked like she was really excited today.

Master just stood in her place and looked at me with a warm smile that found the current me cute.

I was confused about what she was smiling for, but then, noticing my cluelessness, she walked toward me.

Standing before me and shaking her head with a smile, finding me even cuter than before, she picked up a napkin and wiped the choco milk mustache.

"You little baby. Why are you so adorable~?" she praised me and patted my head with her special hands.

But this time, a pink blush of embarrassment painted my face.

"Grandma!!! I knew t-that! I-its just..." I tried to make up something in the face of this awkward moment.

What kind of milk was it? I didn't even notice it on my face?!

"Hohoho." She laughed at my predicament and caressed my cheeks.

"Let's eat my dear pink, cute, funny, darling~."

After making fun of me like that, she just set down and started her breakfast.

"Mmmmmm!" my beautiful morning was ruined by this damn milk.

I just buried my face in the dining table, not realizing this whole behavior was even more entertaining to her.

'Damn sweet milk... though it was really good, damn...'

What better way to start the day if not by being tested by your alluring grandma?

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