Chapter 613

Facing Zhou Xuan's provocative words, the **** general in the later stage of the Immortal Emperor just wanted to swear.

It's so arrogant.

However, he was afraid of the Seven Kills Formation, and he had nothing to do with Zhou Xuan and the others.

Originally, they came to chase and kill Zhou Ming. Now, they were the ones who left first.

They left, but they would not let it go, and vowed to kill Zhou Xuan and the others one day.

As the enemy retreated, Zhou Xuan and the others reacted quickly, leaving the spot immediately and returning to the ancient battlefield.

The ancient battlefield became their last refuge. Although it was full of dangers, it also contained vitality.

After returning to the ancient battlefield, Zhou Ming told Zhou Xuan and the others the details.

He told Zhou Xuan and the others that the Immortal King Taiqing had died in order to save him.

After hearing this, Zhou Xuan felt sincere admiration for the Immortal King Taiqing.

Back then, when the Immortal King Taiqing took Zhou Ming away, he promised Zhou Xuan that he would do his best to protect Zhou Ming.

In the end, the Immortal King Taiqing did not break his promise and protected Zhou Ming at the cost of his life.

Zhou Ming also brought back some news from the fairy world.

The fairy world was in chaos, and some people had already become sacrifices in order to stop the Heavenly Emperor's crazy way of cultivation.

Once upon a time, the fairy court sheltered countless fairy kingdoms and enjoyed the incense offered by countless living beings.

It's just that since the Emperor of Heaven chose this crazy way of cultivation, the creatures of those fairy kingdoms have become sacrifices.

Thousands of fairy kingdoms have been sacrificially refined, and now there are very few left.

There have also been fairy kingdoms who resisted, but in vain. The more you resist, the more miserable your death will be.

Later, the immortals in the fairy world saw that they could not stop the Emperor of Heaven, so they could only help him.

If they don't help the Heavenly Emperor break through, they will also become sacrifices in the end.

If the Celestial Emperor breaks through before they are sacrificed, they can survive.

With this in mind, they helped the Heavenly Emperor find sacrifices everywhere. The more sacrifices you find, the greater the chance of the Heavenly Emperor breaking through.

Countless creatures from the Immortal Kingdom were captured into the Immortal Court without even a chance to resist.

Apart from the creatures of the fairy kingdom, they didn't even spare the creatures of the small world. Countless small worlds were shattered, and countless creatures became sacrifices before they knew what was going on.

Mortals make up the majority of the creatures in those small worlds. Facing this kind of fate, let alone resisting, they didn't even have the right to know, and they died without knowing why.

On that day, Zhou Xuan got the news that Xianting would attack Liu Xian.

Liu Xian is an extremely ancient existence that has lived for several ages. He has survived for a long time, older than the ancestors of Immortal Lake.

Because Liu Xian has lived a long time and has a profound background, and because he is far away, Dao Sword Immortal and Hunyuan Sword Immortal did not deal with him immediately.

They planned to destroy the Immortal Lake and suppress the Mountain of Beasts before dealing with Liuxian.

They did destroy the Immortal Immortal Lake, but they were beheaded by Zhou Xuan and others before they could suppress Wanshou Mountain.

And this time Xianting's eyeing on Liu Xian also has something to do with Zhou Xuan.

After careful investigation, the generals of Xianting discovered that Zhou Xuan had been to Liu Xian and had received advice from Liu Xian.

So, they planned to use this kind of thing to make a fuss.

At the beginning, they planned to cultivate Liu Xian as a new agent, to capture the souls for them, and contribute to the Emperor of Heaven.

That identity is equivalent to the previous Dao Sword Immortal.

It's just that Liu Xian didn't agree, and refused to be Xianting's running dog.

Liuxian's refusal made Xianting furious. However, they did not capture Liu Xian immediately, but used Liu Xian as bait to lure Zhou Xuan into the bait.

Although Liu Xian is strong and can burst out the power of the Immortal Emperor in a short period of time, he is still not the opponent of the Immortal Court, and is controlled by the generals of the Immortal Court.

After the **** general of Xianting controlled Liu Xian, he deliberately told Zhou Xuan the news.

They said that if Zhou Xuan didn't come to rescue Liu Xian, he would be ungrateful.

By doing this, they deliberately stimulated Zhou Xuan with the aggressive method.

When Zhou Xuan heard the news, he resolutely went to save Liu Xian.

It's just that this incident aroused the worries of the Golden Monkey King and other monster kings. They told Zhou Xuan that this was a trap. As long as Zhou Xuan went there, he would be besieged by the gods of the fairy court.

Zhou Xuan naturally knew about this.

He knew that the generals of the Immortal Court must have set up a net, and they were waiting for him to go.

But he has to go.

The so-called knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and he prefers to travel to the mountains, that's what he wants to do.

On the one hand, he wants to rescue Liu Xian. On the other hand, he needs the blood and corpses of those generals for cultivation.

Essence and blood can be used to water the star soul. Corpse can be used to refine into pure energy.

Seeing that Zhou Xuan insisted on going, the Golden Monkey King offered to go with Zhou Xuan.

After the other demon kings learned about it, they also expressed their desire to fight with Zhou Xuan.

In the end, Zhou Xuan only brought the Golden Monkey King, and none of the other demon kings.

Zhou Xuan had his own plan.

On the one hand, the other demon kings need to guard the rear to guard against sneak attacks from the Immortal Court. On the other hand, it was better for him to go with the Golden Monkey King.

Before setting off, Zhou Xuan and the Golden Monkey King analyzed the enemy's strength this time.

Even if they had to deal with Zhou Xuan, Immortal Court would not send out the strongest at the peak of the Immortal Emperor. According to what the Golden Monkey King knew, there were only three immortal emperors in the entire Immortal Court.

One of them is the strongest Heavenly Emperor, UU Reading and the other is the teacher of the Heavenly Emperor, who has lived for endless ages and has long been out of the world.

There is also a strong man at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, but he is an extremely mysterious existence. The world only knows that there is such a powerful existence in Xianting, but they don't know who that person is.

Because of this, the Golden Monkey King predicted that even if the Immortal Court had to deal with Zhou Xuan, there would not be a peak Immortal Emperor, at most they would send some more late-stage immortal emperors.

As the Golden Monkey King had guessed, this time in order to deal with Zhou Xuan, Immortal Court directly dispatched five late-stage Immortal Emperor powerhouses.

Such a lineup is truly unprecedented.

The five late-stage Immortal Emperor powerhouses had already laid out their nets and waited for Zhou Xuan to take the bait.

Zhou Xuan really came, accompanied only by the Golden Monkey King.

When the five late-stage immortal emperors saw Zhou Xuan, they couldn't help but praise Zhou Xuan for his courage. At least most people know that it is so dangerous, it is impossible to come.

However, Zhou Xuan came by chance.

Liu Xian has been controlled, lost all her strength, and no longer has the ability to resist.

When he saw Zhou Xuan, he couldn't help shaking his head, thinking that Zhou Xuan shouldn't come.

Zhou Xuan came to save him, it was not worth it. After all, as long as Zhou Xuan and the others continue to resist, there is still a glimmer of hope.

If Zhou Xuan is convinced here, then he is a sinner.

Zhou Xuan just thought that it was worthwhile for him to come, because he saw that among the five late-stage immortal emperors, two of them were not humans, but two immortal beasts.

This is the first time he has seen a fairy beast in the later stage of the Immortal Emperor.

Immortal beasts of that level are full of energy and blood, and are extremely valuable.

Whether it's signing in or refining, it's all he needs.

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