Chapter 612 Come and Kill Us

In this battle, the anti-heaven army wiped out one hundred thousand immortal soldiers. Even Immortal Sword Sect, the running dog of Immortal Court, was all wiped out.

However, the Immortal World is no longer what it used to be. It has already become riddled with holes and lost its former vitality.

Too many creatures were captured by Xianjianzong and sent to Xianting to become sacrifices.

The remaining creatures live in fear all day long and are under unprecedented pressure.

In the battle of Wanshou Mountain, Zhou Xuan and the others wiped out 100,000 immortal soldiers. They seemed to have won a complete victory, but they also exposed their strength.

After annihilating one hundred thousand immortal soldiers, they unceremoniously chose to withdraw from Wanshou Mountain.

Immortal world is no longer a safe place, they went to another place.

Zhou Xuan had never been to that place, but the Golden Monkey King and the others had.

That place is a bit special, it was the main battlefield of the war between immortals and demons, and there are many dangers inside.

The danger inside comes from the residual power left over from the previous wars, including the power of the immortals and demons themselves, the power of various magic weapons, and the power of various magic circles.

In the past wars, top immortals and demons gathered, and countless emperor-level creatures were gathered.

It was also in that battle that the demon world was completely wiped out, and the immortal world was also severely damaged. Later, the demons disappeared, and the immortals regained their vitality after countless years of development.

Without the constraints of the Demon Race, the Immortal Race developed rapidly, and it can be said to be thriving and brilliant.

It's just that everything changed when the Heavenly Emperor chose a crazy way of cultivation. Countless souls were sacrificed, not to mention fighting, even hiding.

There is no danger to guard in the fairy world, and there are many crises.

Zhou Xuan and the others retreated into the main battlefield of the Immortal Demon War to take advantage of the danger there to fight against the Immortal Court.

Dangerous places often contain vitality.

It is precisely because the ancient battlefield is full of dangers, people in the fairy world are also afraid, and dare not go deep into it easily, just to give Zhou Xuan and the others time to develop.

Countless creatures in the fairy world knew that there was great danger in the ancient battlefield, and they did not hesitate to follow the anti-heaven army and retreat into it.

Even if he died in the ancient battlefield, it was better than being caught as a sacrifice.

Ever since Zhou Xuan and the others wiped out 100,000 immortal soldiers, the Immortal Court was furious and sent a large number of strong men to chase and kill Zhou Xuan and the others.

Zhou Xuan and the others arranged troops according to the special environment of the ancient battlefield, smashing the attacks of Immortal Court time and time again.

Even if there are strong men from the late stage of the Immortal Emperor coming, they will be repelled by them.

It's just that Zhou Xuan and the others also know that this is not the final victory. Xianting is frustrated, and will definitely send stronger people to suppress them.

The most urgent task is to seize the time to practice.

The ancient battlefield is indeed full of dangers. When the creatures of the fairy world first entered, they encountered great danger, and countless people died in it.

In the battle between immortals and demons back then, there were many creatures at the peak of the immortal emperor, even if they died for countless thousands of years, some souls were immortal, and some corpses were immortal.

Today, those that remain are menacing and menacing.

Even a strong man like Zhou Xuan had to be careful not to rush forward.

A long time ago, Zhou Xuan contacted his son Zhou Ming and asked him to come back.

It has been a long, long time since Zhou Ming followed the Immortal King Taiqing to the Immortal Court to cultivate.

During this period, he only came back once.

It was that time that Zhou Xuan faked his death, in order to make things look more real, he did not hesitate to travel across time and space to avenge Zhou Xuan.

For this, he paid a huge price.

But even so, now he has become the Immortal King.

Originally, he kept a low profile in Xianting and did not reveal his identity. Outsiders did not know that he was Zhou Xuan's son.

But after Zhou Xuan rescued the real body of the three anti-sky demon kings in the polar region, and wiped out one hundred thousand immortal soldiers on the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, the Immortal Court began to pay attention to Zhou Xuan and deeply investigated Zhou Xuan's identity.

Only then did they learn that Zhou Xuan had a wife and children.

Moreover, Zhou Xuan's son suspected to have entered the Immortal Court.

So, they began to investigate Zhou Ming.

After careful investigation, they discovered Zhou Ming's identity. Therefore, they planned to capture Zhou Ming and use it to threaten Zhou Xuan.

Suddenly, Zhou Ming encountered great danger.

Fortunately, the Immortal King Taiqing used a big trick to teleport Zhou Ming away.

Zhou Ming escaped, but Immortal King Taiqing was not so lucky, he couldn't escape at all.

In the end, the Taiqing Immortal King was charged with treason, taken away, and offered as a sacrifice to the Emperor of Heaven for cultivation.

A generation of ancient giants of the Immortal King just died like this.

Once, he had a great reputation in the fairy world, even in the fairy court, he was the number one fairy king giant, and he was unable to lift his head against countless fairy king giants.

In the end, he didn't die in battle, but died of being sacrificed, and he died very aggrieved.

However, he once promised Zhou Xuan to protect Zhou Ming's safety.

In the end, he did not break his promise and sent Zhou Ming away safely.

After Zhou Ming left the Immortal Court, Zhou Xuan received the news. So, he led the Golden Monkey King and other demon kings to meet Zhou Ming.

Seeing his father Zhou Xuan, Zhou Ming's hanging heart was finally relieved.

What made him sad was that the Immortal King Taiqing paid the price with his life to save him.

However, time does not allow him to be sad, the pursuer of Xianting has arrived.

A strong man in the late stage of the Immortal Emperor, leading a dozen or so Immortal Emperors, came in a menacing manner.

The strong man in the late stage of Immortal Emperor angrily scolded Zhou Xuan, threatening to wipe out Zhou Xuan and his son.

Zhou Xuan gave an order to let a group of immortal emperor level demon kings arrange a large formation.

They set up a seven-kill formation, and when the formation was completed, endless murderous aura erupted immediately.

The murderous aura pierced through the starry sky, UU Reading is endless, which shocked even the strong man in the late stage of the Immortal Emperor.

That kind of murderous aura has already threatened a strong man of his level.

He was really surprised, he didn't expect that Zhou Xuan and the others didn't have a strong person in the late stage of the Immortal Emperor, but they already had the strength to fight against the strong person in the late stage of the Immortal Emperor.

The Seven Killing Formation was created by Zhou Xuan.

Of course, in the eyes of the Golden Monkey King and other creatures, it was created by Zhou Xuan.

In fact, the Seven Kills Formation was not created by Zhou Xuan, it was rewarded through the unscientific sign-in system.

The seven-kill formation only needs seven people, and a large formation full of killing can be arranged.

Once the Seven Killing Formation came out, even the **** generals in the later stages of the Immortal Emperor had to retreat.

The **** general in the later stage of the Immortal Emperor brought a group of **** generals to kill him, but was forced back one after another by the Golden Monkey King and others who arranged the Seven Killing Formation.

The murderous aura erupting from the Seven Killing Formation was so strong that it was almost unmatched.

The **** general in the later stage of the Immortal Emperor brandished a long spear to kill him, but was knocked back by Zhou Xuan's sword in the formation.

Zhou Xuan looked at the general and said, "If you want to kill us, you are not strong enough."

Zhou Xuan's goal is very clear, specifically targeting the weak. Then, with the help of the big formation, he started the **** massacre.

The sword energy is endless, piercing through the bodies of the gods, causing them to bleed into the starry sky.

The Seven Killing Formation, a large formation specially created for killing.

With this formation, Zhou Xuan and the others not only blocked the pursuers, but also beheaded five immortal emperor-level generals.

In the end, the strong man in the later stage of the Immortal Emperor saw that the situation was not right, so he chose to retreat.

Zhou Xuan saw that the duck he was about to get flew away, so he shouted: "Don't go, come and kill us."

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