Episode 35

The three kings began a campaign to reclaim the Holy Land and were advancing toward the inland fortress of the Ayyubid Elf nation, which was closest to the Holy Land.

There are countless soldiers and knights, and the three human monarchs who command them.

King of Dragon Heart, Supreme King, Blood Red Beard.

Even if it is the world's shooting star, it is not an opponent that can be destroyed by charging in alone.

Tier 7 Hard It wasn't a meteor whose meaning I didn't know. Moreover, if the battle begins properly, the Lord of Light and his subordinate forces will intervene.

That's why Yooseong turned his head.

About a thousand Elven archers were there. They were elite soldiers of the desert who could faithfully carry out the command of the meteor according to the orders of the Queen of Syria.

“Replace the side deck use skill Oculus with Ice Bolt.”

Leaving the elf cavalry behind, the shooting star opened his mouth. Just before entering the tower, I took out a side deck with new settings.

[Side Deck: Can be replaced a total of 2 times]

. Oculus (Illusion)

. Swordsmanship (Metal 2 stars)

. Thrust (2-star metal) A shooting star

silently stretched out its arms

beyond the horizon at a distance that even the elf archers could not clearly discern .

《Ice Bolt》

. 3-star enhancement effect: Large increase in distance and damage. Possible to project firearms.

A storm of magic swept behind the gun barrel of cold air swirling along the fingertips.

A clanging

sound rang out. It was a literal gunshot that could not be understood by the common sense of this world.

One shot was fired, and even the distance of about 2,000 meters in front of it was meaningless. It wasn't magic or a bow, but a firearm that was literally projecting itself onto the meteor's 3-star ice bolt.

And this place happened to be an open desert plain. One sniper was enough to hold an army at bay. That's why Yooseong calmly aimed his next shot.

Every time a gunshot rang out, the knights across the horizon fell to their knees.

“The enemy cavalry will move ahead to find me. “Aim for the moment when the cavalry is separated from the infantry and move according to my orders.”

That's why Yoosung spoke calmly. Toward the elven archer cavalry waiting for orders behind him.

“I will follow your orders!”

At the same time as Yooseong said, a thousand elf cavalry began to turn in unison. And Yoosung turned his head again.

Gunshots rang out again.

Arrows were raining down from all directions. It wasn't an ordinary arrow. It was a bow forged with the magic of the elves, and as a result, it had the advantage in range even from a horse and struck down with destructive power.

When the Elven cavalry attacked, the troops stopped their advance and took up a defensive posture, and the bolts of wizards and archers rained down between the shields.

And then that beast finally appeared towards them.

“Kamang, let’s eat.”

An endless sea of shadows stretched out beneath their feet, and the predators of the ocean opened their mouths towards the knights.

Apart from the fact that the 1,000 Elf cavalry were stranded, what the shooting star showed there was a destructive power greater than that of the 1,000 Elf cavalry.

A power that is so overwhelming that it is astonishing.

“He is my stranger! “My defender is fighting for the infidels!”

“Why did the player fight for the heretics...! Oh God of Light! “ Take pity on us


And there is only one thing in this world that can explain its power through common sense. Therefore, fear began to spread like a plague among the soldiers.

‘I'll try to hold on a little longer.'

Thinking like that, it was a time when a shooting star was blocking the front of the army.

“That’s foolish.”

I heard a voice. It was neither loud nor low, and was a murmur that continued calmly among the agitated soldiers.

“What were you afraid of, that you should die for the Lord? “Why are you afraid of the glory of entering your heavenly kingdom?”

However, the weight of a thousand gold in that voice took Yooseong’s breath away.

It was right then. The man began to charge through the soldiers.

He was a knight riding a pure white horse and armed with blood-red armor and a cape.

The knight closed the distance to the player without any hesitation. It was an overwhelming sight, almost like a heavy tank crushing everything.

“Here, King Richard of the Dragonheart, stands before you and speaks! Don't be a coward! Don't back down, don't run away! Do not turn your head away from God! Death to the infidel! Aaaaamen!!”

“For the King!”

“For the Lord!”

“God wants it! “Kill the infidels!”

Immediately afterwards, a voice rang out so loudly that it seemed to pierce my ears. And as if inspired by that sound, a spark of fighting spirit began to bloom within the soldiers. It was an ember that was burning like never before.

What was there was by no means just an article. It was a king.

An overwhelming presence that is in no way inferior to the appearance of Hopsa players.

Richard the Dragonheart.

One of the three kings who had to be defeated in this tower was once there.

The distance narrowed.

The monster's maw rose from the shadows beneath his feet and swallowed the Dragon Heart King and his horse whole. Still, the sound of flesh and bones being broken and crushed was not heard.


Rather, the seven-pointed shadow exploded, and a man armed with blood-red armor and a cape emerged from it. Like it splits open the belly of a whale and jumps out.


Yooseong muttered in shock as he looked at that scene.

— Yah! What are you doing, butler, I’m sick!

Immediately afterwards, the scream of the black man rang out. Nevertheless, seeing that he had the energy to blame the butler, fortunately the damage did not seem to be that great.

“Uh huh, I’m writing this because I’m being mean to someone else’s uplift^].”

“Your tricks are truly evil and despicable, you pagan dog.”

“It’s a cat, not a dog.”

Yooseong glanced at Kamangi and said. The Dragon Heart King silently adjusted the hilt of his sword.

The sword was swung.

The Dragon Heart King's sword strike sent waves of blood and sea. The arch of blood-red aura swirling in the form of sword energy was a slash.

In front of him, Yoosung quickly built up a cold shield formation. The blood-red sword energy collided with the ice wall, sending shock waves through the area.


The ice shield shattered, and within it, the meteor once again created the dark air of ice and frost. A total of eight memorized words were scattered like a fan between my fingers. Kaang , who possesses enough killing power to tear even steel like a sheet of paper


Nevertheless, they could not even pierce the blood-red armor of the Dragon Heart King. Because his sword didn't allow it.

A clash between the strongest of Ikkitousen.

As soldiers, they did not even dare to intervene in the fight between the two.

Several cavalry units broke formation and attempted to bypass Yuseong's rear, but it was a suicidal act without any benefit. This is because there was auxiliary elf archer cavalry that concentrated on covering fire centered on the shooting star and repeatedly spread out and united in all directions.

That's why King Richard the Brave roared once again.

“You bastards! “Don’t get involved in Jim’s fight!”

“Is that really okay?”

[Assign the skill ‘Assassination Warning’ to target King Richard of the Dragon Heart!]

[Keyword: Mark of Death is activated.]


Immediately after, the expression of Richard the Dragon Heart Spreading Blood-red Aura. It froze.

The air in the area shifted, and a deadly force that I had never felt before began to swirl around me from all directions. The senses of a fighter, sharpened through endless battles, were whispering the immeasurable intuition of death.

In the hot, burning desert of martyrs, a bitter chill ran down my spine.

“Even if you have the heart of a dragon, it doesn’t seem like there’s anything scary about it, right?”

“You bastard...

At Yooseong’s sarcasm, King Richard of the Dragonheart adjusted the hilt of his sword. A great sword that makes it difficult to even call it a sword or an extremely ignorant piece of metal.

Kaang! Sword and sword clashed.

It was ridiculously heavy and had a speed that belied its weight.

Even though the maws of predators emerged from the shadow of the black man and the shadow blades were fired one after another, it did not change.

It's not as easy as you think. No, it was stronger than I thought. Therefore, Yoosung's body once again melted into the darkness.

Not behind, but rather between the enemies watching this battle,

the silhouette of a shooting star rose from the shadows, and the memorization of ice frost and shadow blades were scattered in all directions.

Yoo Seong

climbed onto his war horse, dropping one of the heavy cavalrymen riding on his horse.

“What you said was awesome.”

At the same time, the monster's maw rose from the black man's shadow, and the shooting star took advantage of the gap to take advantage.

There is no way that a mere knight could help a player that even the King of Dragon Hearts in the world could not help.

Just like that, a horse jumped out of the formation and started galloping alone. A shield of cold was erected above the arrows and magic raining down from behind.

“Everyone, run away without looking back!”

Following Yooseong's words, the scattered Elven archer cavalry began to carry out the order all at once. However, even as he was turning his nose around and running away, he turned his back on his horse and was struck with an accurate shot.

The same was true for Yoosung’s ice bolt.

Nevertheless, there were those who ran without heeding amid the barrage of arrows.

“Do you think you’ll miss it?”

A thunderous roar resounded from behind.

“Wow, follow this?”

Likewise, Richard the Dragonheart was galloping on his horse again. Furthermore, the heavy cavalry, which could be seen to be the king's direct personal guard, was following behind him.

[Warning: King Richard of the Brave and his immediate personal

guard, the ‘Dragon Cavalry’, are in pursuit!]

“...I liked the chase.”

muttering calmly. Yooseong spurred his horse.

As twilight descended along the desert horizon, a shooting star turned the reins of the horse.

Facing the Dragon Heart King and his dragoons who are chasing Yooseong right behind him.

“Do you really want my head so desperately to see you chasing it so desperately even though you knew you would fall into a trap?”

Before we knew it, additional troops were added to the Elven arch cavalry that had fled earlier, and they surrounded the Dragon Heart King and his cavalry as if they were besieging them from all directions.

Apparently, I fell into a trap.

“It’s a trap! It’s a trap! “So, you said it was a trap!”

Even though it was the worst composition imaginable, there was no trace of agitation on the King of Dragons’ face.

“So, just because you and your cavalry are isolated, what do you think the heathen minnows and the like can do to us?”

“Did you plan on calling it a battle cry just because you surrounded the luggage with a few thousand minnows?”

Instead, he just burst into laughter.

“How dare you draw this body and think what is gushing out of my chest, you heathen bastards!”



At the same time as he said those words, the Dragon Heart King struck his great sword on the floor.

The red blood-colored aura followed the great sword, and the airflow of the aura surrounding the body of the King of Dragon Heart swirled as if it were about to explode again.


The battle horses in the area were frightened and started running wild, and a shock wave swirled around that was enough to knock even soldiers in armor.

Immediately afterwards, the ground I was standing on cracked apart. Magma began to gush out along the crack as if exploding.

The pillar of magma that was gushing across the sky collapsed.

Magma was scattered in all directions as if an active volcano exploded, and waves of hellfire engulfed the area.


Several elves were completely swallowed by magma and melted. The remaining elves quickly turned around and left.

The screams of the elves were echoing from the desert land that had been transformed into a lava field. The waves of hellfire rolled endlessly.

Jump! Jump!

Just towards the shooting star. The ground I was standing on cracked straight and magma came out. Yoo Seong's war horse was swept away by the magma and ‘melted', and Yoo Seong's body also melted into the magma.

Losing its substance and becoming a figure of darkness.

Immediately after, darkness rose from the nearest shadow, forming a silhouette.

It was right behind Richard the Dragonheart.


At the same time, the magma covering the Dragonheart King's great sword swallowed the frost sword, and ice and flame clashed.

The great sword of magma was engulfed in frost and hardened into rock. The meteor's frost sword also melted in the heat.

The king with the heart of a dragon was there. Not with blood-red armor, but with molten metal from a furnace covered like armor.

Furthermore, the dragoons he commanded were no exception. Molten iron from the furnace was dripping down, wrapped in armor of glowing magma.

Before we knew it, the Great Sword of the King of Dragonheart, which had been solidified as an igneous rock, was wrapped in a high-temperature aura and began to turn into magma.

“Isn’t it too hot in this desert?”

Yooseong muttered in bewilderment when he saw that scene.

King Richard the Brave and the dragoons of his immediate royal guard were there, one of the three kings to be defeated in this war.

So nothing changed.

“Replace the side deck use ice bolt with the fish sword technique.”

Immediately after, Yooseong changed his skill deck and forged several blades by creating a frost sword.

[Side Deck: Can be replaced 1 time in total]

. Oculus (Illusion 2 stars)

. Ice Bolt (Cold 3 stars)

. Stab (Metal 2 Star)

The frost sword in Yooseong's hand and the five frost swords orbiting around like satellites began to dance in unison.

A total of six swords.

It was not the sword of a knight who faced his opponent fairly. It was the killing sword of an assassin who would stop at nothing to take the opponent's life.

Dragoons armed with magma armor rushed in at once, and Yoo Seong swung six swords in response.

Six murder swords were scattered from one body and each began to unfold its own sword.


Ice and fire, frost and magma collided and clashed.

It wasn't easy for not only the Dragon Heart King but also the dragoons who were with him. Moreover, the entire area has become a lava field and is burning, making it difficult for troops to join.

It should have been so.

At that moment, the wind blew over the glowing lava field. And the sound disappeared.

At the same time, a sandstorm... no, a sandstorm began to swirl, so strong that even right in front of us we couldn't see it.

Silhouettes rushed in in the swirling sandstorm .

Aiming at the dragoons who are radiating heat in the area.


The wind blew again.

It was a wind of blades.

The sword wind swirling in the sandstorm was so fast that I couldn't even follow its movement properly. Even more so in a sandstorm that disturbs all five senses.

In the wind of the sword, a dragoon armed with magma armor was crushed to the ground. No, it was like putting vegetables in a slicing machine, piece by piece, and the meat and bones were being torn into pieces.

Blades and winds of death whipped across the land where magma and sandstorms collided.

I knew it as soon as I saw it.

Like the dragoons commanded by the King of Dragonheart, they are the executors of the elf kingdom that the elf queen is proud of.

Desert Assassin.

“From now on, by order of Her Majesty the Queen, we will eradicate these heretics.”

“As expected, this is the right balance.”

Looking at that, Yoosung also adjusted the hilt of the frost sword and said,

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