Episode 34

The final antagonist player was there.

The iron fist struck like a flash.

Martial Arts (武道) Monarch's Player As the name suggests, it was a martial arts class that fought the King of Heroes with both fists and legs.

It was a non-stop jab, but the intangible air current surrounding the fist remained intact even after colliding with the blade of the frost sword.

A movement that does not give in easily even in the face of the debuff of ‘Assassination Warning’ that is restraining him.

He is probably the strongest player in this labyrinth, except for Yooseong.

Even as they rush in right in front of their noses and raise their fists, they are fluidly dodging the movement of the shadow blade rising from under their feet.

At that moment, the martial artist's movements stopped.

The group F players he belonged to died and there was only a few seconds of respite until they were disqualified. The moratorium ended immediately. That's why the martial artist quietly bowed his head in front of Yooseong. Literally as if to show an example of martial arts.

“Thank you for teaching me until the end.”

“Well, even teaching me.”

Immediately after, without even pain, the fighter's body began to crumble into powder and scatter. Following Moon Group, he was the last player in Group F. The

hunt came to an end, and only then could I understand the meaning of human hunting that this jungle meant.

” finished!”

“It’s all over now. Please kill us painlessly and resurrect us…!”

After seeing the hunter's last hunt, the ‘Hero King's companions' were heartbroken. However, they did not even have time to finish speaking. The memorization of ice and frost scattered, and the shadow blade and the jaw of the beast rose. Climbed.

It was literal murder without even having time to realize.

Dying without even realizing death was the greatest mercy a player could show in the tower.

Except for Group A, the number of remaining groups fell by two. It decreased. That meant only one thing.

[According to rule 5, the remaining BC group players will be disqualified.]

[Season update: Cleared the first labyrinth! Special achievement points...]

[Winning reward [To...]

“Woah, we won!”

“Thank you, I really appreciate it!”

Only then did the hidden players of Group A appear and laugh, and Yoosung shrugged his shoulders calmly.

But it wasn't over

yet. Even if Yoosung won alone, this was a complex mix of competition and cooperation. And Mi. The rules of the palace are not much different from the rules of the tower. No matter

how many people enter, the rewards that can be obtained from one tower are fixed. The same goes for achievement points and experience points. So, for example, two people can enter the tower and receive one skill pack. In this case, how should we divide it?

That was the alpha and omega of all the fights going on in the tower, and it was also the reason why Yoosung was reluctant to play in a party.

‘We should look at the rewards first.'

The most ideal thing is to take the skill card of the group that was left out.

[2 ‘Random Guardianship Tickets (B Rank or higher)’ will be provided as a winning reward!]

[Please decide which player will receive the winning reward! If an objection is raised, compensation will not be received.]

‘...Then that's right.'

Out of the five players, only two could receive the reward.

What Yooseong felt in that message was TOP's indescribable malice.

“Well, since I've done everything, I'll take all the rewards as well.”

“Wait! I’ll pay for it. One ticket is mine!”

The idiot opened his mouth at Yoosung’s words. Then level 20 player Park Seongho opened his mouth, saying he couldn’t lose.

“What are you saying you did? Yoosung, it was my role to watch over the two groups of prisoners! I should take it!”

“what? This guy knew who I was... and that was right then.


It was the same as before. The darkness of ice and frost swept over me. As expected from the class ‘Shadow Assassin', the sharp, lethal blow struck Mangnani and Park Seong-ho's vital points.

Blood was splattered and screams rang out.

“You must have some conscience. “What else are you trying to get after getting experience points and achievement points?”

The final boss of the cooperative mode is not called a colleague for no reason. It's better now. Because Yoosung clearly remembered the scene shown in front of the so-called ‘jackpot’ reward among players of similar level.

At the end of the Plague Lord raid, the army of gravekeepers and immortals stood in the way of the King of Heroes.

After thinking about it, Yoosung quickly shook his head. Just like that, two players disappeared, leaving behind a high school student and Lee Seong-ah.

“Is there anyone else out there who thinks I deserve some compensation?”

Yooseong’s words were followed by a chilling silence. After silence, Yoosung continued speaking.

“Player Kang Yoo-seong receives compensation in bulk.”

The blessings of the monarchs are inherited without being reset even after the protection season has passed.

In a sense, it is a power that has more value than a skill card in the long term.

“Ex Gaho appeared? “It’s up, right?”

The shooting star muttered, a halo of light flashed, and a message appeared.

[You have acquired the protection ‘Fire Resistance (B)’!]

“Ha, I’m craving beer...

[I already have the protection!

Would you like to combine protection? Y/N]

[I have acquired the protection ‘Flame Block’!]

Guardian 一 (Flame Block)

– Grade A

– Effect

. Fire Resistance ++

. When receiving a fire attack, protection is activated. Resistance to fire attribute attacks is greatly increased (cooldown lasts 10 seconds)

“Whether you wake up, be careful of fire.”

After thinking about it, Yooseong read the next divine protection.

Protection 1《Sail of the Fair Wind》

- Grade . B

- Effect . When not in combat, movement becomes lighter and movement speed increases.

In any case, the more protection you have, the better. Later on, you can collect useless blessings and synthesize them, or you can obtain better blessings by combining blessings that you think are useless.

As a contractor of the ‘Clown Lord', who is favored by monarchs, he possesses countless blessings below the level. There is not enough space to include all blessings in one status window.

However, EX-level protection... for example, unconventional protection that can turn the entire situation of the war, such as those who cheat death or those who turn the tables, is not so easy to obtain.

If you collect provocations from all over the world at the UN Hall, or if you hit the jackpot, you will eventually have no choice but to sincerely collect favors and raise your rating.

‘Anyway, I've raised my anti-flame special protection to A rank, so it's not a bad thing.'

After thinking about it, Yoosung took out his cell phone. Before we know it, labyrinths from all over the world have begun to be conquered, and Bob is talking about the new update for the endless labyrinth season.

Yoosung put the phone back after hundreds of missed calls.

Afterwards, I stopped at a Chinese restaurant, ordered a bowl of kimchi fried rice, and when I left, the wind was quite chilly.

In an attempt to digest the food, I put my hood down and started wandering around the streets. My steps were strangely fast and my body was light. This was the effect given by the blessing ‘Fair Wind Sail’.

‘Not bad.'

Just then, another message blocked Yoosung’s vision. It wasn't an announcement.

[The Tower of Crusade and Jihad is calling to the player's ‘strong meteor'.] It

is not enough for the player to go to the tower with both feet.

And calling a specific player ahead of the top team meant only one thing.

[?? The grade accessory 《Token of Trust〉 exerts a powerful influence. Would you like to respond to the tower's call?]

A necklace given to Yoosung by Princess Syria of the Elven Kingdom, a being in the tower. Because there was a medium that connected the world inside the tower and the shooting star.

As the season progresses, players can interact with the beings in the tower and ultimately influence the ending of the world within the tower. Regardless of whether that world really exists or not.

Afterwards, the tower's information appeared in the status window.

[Tower of Crusade and Jihad]

[Tier 7 hard large-scale war format. Number of players allowed to enter: 1(Token of Trust holder) Store available]

[Strategy goal: Victory]

[Special information: Innumerable beings of the tower are at war. Planning to intervene!]

“There is no time to rest.”

And since tier 7 hard lords and tower forces are directly participating, it will most likely not be an ordinary number of players. But there was no reason to hesitate any longer. Why should he hesitate? As Yoosung, he just carries out what needs to be done.

[Enter the Temple and the Tower of Jihad....]

[When the Queen of Syria, monarch of the Ayyubid Elf nation, led her army to occupy the ‘Holy Land’, Pope Urban III passed away from the shock.

Soon after, the new Pope Gregory VIII ascended the throne and appealed to the kings of men from all over the continent to stop fighting and unite to restore the Holy Land.

Therefore, the monarchs of the continent, including King Richard the Brave, Philip II the Bloodbeard Barbarossa, gathered together and began a campaign, and the curtain rose on the Third Crusade between humans and desert elves over the restoration of the Holy Land.]

Briefly The history lesson was taught and the class ended.

There was a ‘holy place' that was meaningful to both humans and elves, and an endless battle took place to occupy that sacred place. The area that had been lit in darkness was once again engulfed in light, and a shooting star raised its head.

“...The Shadow Goddess answered my prayers, and you also answered my call.”

I heard a voice. It was a very familiar voice.

“Ah, you were the princess back then.”

“Can’t we be polite in front of Her Majesty?”

At that moment, the bronze-skinned elf knight guarding her raised his voice. Only then could I realize that the woman sitting on the throne was not just a princess but a monarch who ruled a nation.

“Wow, you’ve achieved success.”


Yoosung opened his mouth calmly, and at that moment, the Queen of Syria stretched out her arms.

“Everyone, just do that.”

“Ha, your Majesty!”

“I owe an indescribable debt to the person in front of me. “If that’s not enough, aren’t you willing to answer my call and fight for us in this war?”

“I apologize for not knowing, Your Majesty.”

Yoosung knelt down and held out something, and the Syrian Queen smiled. The token of trust was there.

“...It’s the necklace I gave you back then.”

“When I heard the general situation, I heard that the kings of three countries led their armies and started a campaign.”

“They are the monarchs of the human kingdom called the Dragon Heart King, the Supreme King, and the Blood Beard. “They are strong people who are proving their obscurity and insignificance by fighting endless battles in the land of humans.”

“Oh, Your Majesty,

there is nothing to worry about.”

Apart from the worry in the Syrian Queen's voice, Yoosung answered calmly.

“I came, I saw, I conquered.”

The source of this c𝐨ntent is fre𝒆w(e)bn(o)vel

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