Chapter 460 Contest

Not long after Wang Hong left the city, another group of monsters followed him out of the city. The leader of the monsters turned out to be Yuanshan, the shopkeeper of the Tianyao Pavilion.

Originally, they were still very principled in Tianyao Pavilion, they paid great attention to business reputation, and they never made customers' ideas.

But this time it was really an accident. They were able to stick to their principles before because they hadn't encountered enough big benefits. When they encountered a fortune equivalent to less than half of the Sky Demon Pavilion, they could no longer suppress the greed in their hearts.

There are actually five third-tier monsters in their line, and the leader, Yuanshan, is actually a third-tier monster, which is equivalent to the late Jindan stage of the human race.

A wolf demon stretched out its nose, while trying its best to distinguish the smell left in the air, and at the same time led a group of monsters to chase in the direction of the smell.

After they chased for hundreds of miles, the demon wolf didn't move, as if it had lost track of its target.

"Fellow Daoist Wolf, have you ever sensed the other party's position?" Yuan Shan stepped forward and asked.

"It's strange, the smell seems to disappear out of thin air here." The demon wolf said suspiciously.

"It's impossible to be discovered so quickly!"

Ape Mountain was also a little puzzled. This time, in order to be able to track them from a long distance, they mixed an item with a special smell into the large pile of spiritual materials.

Moreover, this special smell is generally not smelled by humans or monsters, and only a few races can smell it.

Logically speaking, the other party should not have discovered it so quickly.

This special smell is difficult to isolate, and they can be easily found even through the storage bag.

"Chasing! Everyone chases separately, it must be nearby, if you find any traces, send a message immediately."

Ape Mountain shouted loudly, it believed that the other party was carrying such a big box, it must not be so easy to escape or hide.

Then the five third-tier monsters dispersed and searched in their respective directions.

Ape Mountain was searching when he suddenly heard a beast roar, the sound was urgent and miserable!

It hurried towards the source of the sound. When it arrived at the scene, there was only a pool of blood on the ground, and not even a dead body was found.

At this time, the other three monsters also rushed to the scene from three directions, and they also found nothing.

"Where's Fellow Daoist Wolf?" A monster asked.

"I don't know either. When I arrived, I saw this pool of blood." Yuanshan shook his head. Without the help of the wolf demon, it would be even more difficult to track him down.

"Let's look around here again, the other party must not be far away, everyone be careful."

The remaining four monsters searched carefully around here.

A monster walked cautiously in a small forest, watching its surroundings vigilantly, not daring to be careless.

When he walked past a big tree, a figure silently emerged from the trunk of the big tree. The figure was integrated with the trunk before, and it passed by without noticing it.

After this figure emerged, a cold light flashed in his hand, and a small knife with a cold light flashed towards the back of the monster like a shooting star.

When the monster felt it, it was already too late. It only felt a pain in the back of its neck, and its big head was separated from its body.

At this time, the remaining three monsters were not very far apart. After hearing the movement, they turned their heads and saw a figure, who stretched out his hand to collect the body of the monster, and then quickly fled away.

"Chasing!" Yuanshan roared angrily, and chased after him first. It felt extremely humiliated and committed an attack in front of it.

The remaining three monsters chased after them with all their strength, and they didn't know what kind of movement technique the opponent was using, their speed was extremely fast.

I saw the opponent's figure turned into an afterimage, and within a few flashes, he had already gone a long way.

When they chased around the corner of a mountain, they lost track of Wang Hong again.

This time, the three monsters never separated again, but gathered together and slowly searched behind the mountain peak.

They also thought about leaving here, but the five monsters chased them out without even seeing each other's face, which made them feel angry.

It's not that they can't beat each other, it's just that the opponent's secret attack makes them even more annoyed.

Wang Hong realized that there were soldiers chasing after him, so he put the wooden box into the space. With the power of isolating the space from the world, these monsters can no longer be found.

Then he put on the cloak he got from Shadow Killer long ago.

This cloak can isolate breath and spiritual consciousness, and blend with the surrounding things, making it difficult for people to detect with the naked eye or spiritual consciousness.

It's just that this cloak also has a big shortcoming. It cannot be moved when it is hidden. As long as there is a movement, it will reveal its figure.

The monster wolf that he killed before, smelled its own smell, found Wang Hong's vicinity, and was attacked by Wang Hong, killing him with one blow.

The second monster was also unlucky, and it was sent to Wang Hong by itself, giving him a chance to sneak attack.

At this time, Wang Hongzheng was hiding in a pile of rocks, and his body and rocks merged into one.

He saw Yuanshan leading two monsters from the chaotic rocks, searching carefully in this area.

Because the stones in this rocky land are not big, the field of vision is extremely wide. While Wang Hong can see the three monsters, the three monsters can also see everything in the rocky pile at a glance.

Because it is conspicuous, it can be seen clearly at a glance. The monsters of the Three History passed by several times, and they always glanced at them.

Instead, put the main energy in some dark places, such as the shade of trees, thorn bushes, rock crevices and other places that are easy to hide.

They didn't get close, which also made Wang Hong lose the opportunity to sneak attack.

The opponent still has three monsters, and one of them is a third-rank top-rank. Wang Hong doesn't know if he can beat it.

Since I’m not sure, I’d better hide it first. If I can sneak attack and kill one, the remaining two, the poisonous bee can deal with one, and I can deal with the other. I’m still somewhat sure.

The three monsters searched for a long time on this hillside, but found nothing, not even a hair.

"Let's go! Let's go back to the place before. When we saw it running away, it didn't carry the wooden box. It must still be hidden in the original place. Let's go back and find it."

After searching for several times, Yuanshan said to the other two monsters, after all, their original purpose was to seek money.

When they went back to the original incident and wanted to find the wooden box.

Wang Hong also emerged from the rocks and sneaked back.

He slipped to a place not too far from the Three Demons and hid.

However, he waited for a long time, but he didn't have the chance to attack and kill.

After thinking about it, I felt that it was not an option to sit on the sidelines and wait for rabbits. I could use some things to attract them.

He quietly took out a pill from the storage bag and threw it not far away.

Items with too strong spiritual power will attract all three monsters, making it difficult to deal with them.

The spiritual power is too weak to attract the attention of the monsters, so I feel that using a second-order elixir should be just right.

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