Immortal Space

Chapter 459: large transaction

Chapter 459 Large transaction

After listening to Yun Qingya's introduction, Wang Hong already had a bottom line in his heart.

A day later, Wang Hong transformed his body into a different shape, piling up the skin on his body to form scales covering his whole body.

In this way, he changed from a green-skinned monster to a scaled monster.

He left the inn quietly, this time without even taking Xiaopeng with him, and went out alone.

Tianyao Pavilion and Wanyao Building are on the same street. Two powerful shops face each other across the street.

When Wang Hong walked into the gate of the Tianyao Pavilion, a strong and healthy beauty immediately greeted him.

"Hello, my lord! What do you need?"

"I need to buy a lot of materials, can you make the decision?" Wang Hong asked straight to the point.

"Yes! Of course!" The clerk smiled and agreed with the flesh on his face blooming.

When she smiled, Wang Hong could even see her voice clearly. It is said that the most beautiful smile among the demon clan must be able to show her voice.

Wang Hong turned his head to one side in disgust, not daring to look directly at him.

"I don't know what kind of materials the adults need?" The beauty asked enthusiastically.

They are all slaves, and everyone has a share that must be completed. If they cannot complete it, they will be punished.

On the contrary, if they can exceed the task, there will be rewards, so they are full of desire to complete a large transaction.

"I need a lot of things, and it's troublesome to say everything. Why don't you just give me a sample list, list all the names of the materials here, and I'll just tick them off."

Wang Hong made a suggestion, he wanted to catch all the high-level materials of Tianyao Pavilion at once.

He thought that it would not be easy for him to come here, so he might as well do something big.

Even if these monsters want to cheat, they still have to pay attention to the impact, so they don't do it in their own shop.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment!" The clerk arranged Wang Hong to a reception room, made a pot of tea, and left in a hurry.

After a while, the female clerk walked in holding a thick booklet.

"This is the list of all the items in the Tianyao Pavilion, please have a look."

Wang Hong took the booklet, flipped through it, and saw the names, pictures, approximate effects, prices, and stock quantities of various spiritual objects were recorded in the booklet.

He only made a rough estimate, and there are tens of thousands of items recorded in it. It really deserves to be a powerful businessman.

Then he started from the first page and carefully checked each spiritual object.

In the process of browsing, as long as there are items that he thinks can be used now or in the future, he will check them all.

The female clerk who has been waiting on the side all the time was shocked when she saw that Wang Hong had been checking items all the time without any intention of stopping.

She didn't expect that the large batch the other party mentioned would mean that the high-level spirits would be wiped out.

So far, this is no longer a deal that she can decide.

"My lord, due to the huge amount of your transaction, I can no longer make the decision. Please wait a moment, I will ask our shopkeeper to come and receive your lord personally."

"Well, you go." Wang Hong didn't intend to embarrass a female slave, and continued to check the items without looking up.

Soon, the clerk brought in a third-tier white-haired old ape.

"I met fellow Taoist at the Lower Ape Mountain!" The old ape cupped his hands and said.

"I'm flying in the lower scales, I've met fellow daoists!" Wang Hong casually changed his pseudonym, bowed back, and then continued to select items.

Seeing this, Yuanshan waited patiently at the side. It was not until half a day later that Wang Hong stopped what he was doing because he had turned to the last page.

"Fellow Daoist Saruyama, I'll just choose these for now!"

Wang Hong said, and handed the book to Yuanshan.

"Do fellow daoists really need so many?"

Ape Mountain glanced briefly, except for panacea and panacea, almost all the middle and high-level spiritual materials accumulated in the store have been wiped out.

This is a big business that it has been in business for many years and has never encountered.

"Of course! Is there a problem?"

"Of course there is no problem. I just want to confirm again. After all, such a large transaction is not a small amount, and the financial resources required are not trivial."

Yanshan vaguely reminded that, after all, such a large transaction requires financial resources that cannot be easily provided by ordinary forces. This is their savings for so many years.

"As for property, don't worry fellow daoists. How much do you think this pill is worth?" Wang Hong said as he took out a pill bottle and handed it to the old ape.

The price of elixir is at least ten times higher than that of Yaozu. Therefore, if he trades elixir, he only needs to pay less than one-tenth of the price to complete the deal.

Although Yaozu may become stronger after taking his elixir, such a small amount cannot affect the overall situation.

And everything will have both advantages and disadvantages, as long as the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, it is worth doing.

The old ape poured out a few pills, but he couldn't tell what kind of pill it was.

"Fellow Daoist, you can try taking a pill, or find a professional alchemist to identify it."

"Thank you, fellow daoist, for your understanding!" Yuan Shan immediately took a pill, and silently refined the pill.

After a while, Yuanshan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said happily: "How many other Taoists have this kind of elixir? Do you trade all of them with this kind of elixir?"

"It's impossible to use all of this kind of elixir, and I don't have so much in stock, but I have other elixirs that can be used for trading, and the quality can satisfy fellow daoists."

Then Wang Hong took out several other samples of elixirs and asked Yuanshan to check them one by one.

"Fellow Daoist needs a lot of items, and needs to be counted slowly. Please wait for a while."

Wang Hong waited for a whole day before Yuanshan invited him to a large hall where countless storage bags had already been piled up.

"All the items needed by fellow daoist have been sorted out, please ask fellow daoist to count the number."

Wang Hong walked towards the pile of storage bags, picked up one at random, and glanced inside with his divine sense.

It was filled with various materials, and there was also a jade slip. He took out the jade slip. The jade slip recorded the list of items in this storage bag.

After checking the items in this storage bag with the list one by one, he picked up the other storage bag.

In this transaction, the two parties spent three days in order to check and check each other's items.

Three days later, Wang Hong walked out of the Tianyao Pavilion, accompanied by Yuanshan, carrying a huge wooden box.

This wooden box is full of storage bags, because storage bags cannot be put into storage bags, so a large box can only be packed in this way.

The items he took out in this transaction were all pills, which were expensive and small in size, and could be filled with only a few storage bags.

He carried this huge wooden box and walked on the street, attracting the attention of all the monsters passing by.

Because it was too conspicuous now, he didn't dare to go back to the inn directly, but went out of the city and headed south all the way.

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