I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 658: Frozone?! Static Shock?!

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After plugging the flash drive in, Mateo turned to Miles, a mixture of determination and sadness in his eyes. "This... this is what my dad left behind," he said as the computer booted up. "He hid it well, so no one could find it. Even the government agents who came to take his stuff didn't find it... I stumbled upon it a few days after his funeral."

Miles looked at the small device with curiosity and concern. "What's on it?" he asked, wondering what kind of evidence could make the President of the United States of America execute a police captain on live television.

Taking a deep breath, Mateo fingers danced along the keyboard, navigating through a series of encrypted folders until he found what he was looking for. "This," he began, gesturing to the screen, "is the evidence my dad and his task force were gathering..."

As the files opened, a cascade of documents, images, and videos unfolded before their eyes. Mateo explained, "Since his first term, Richards has been siphoning money and resources from America, destroying the economy by raising taxes to historic levels, completely destroying social programs, causing irreparable damage to our environment, and worst of all, he's started seven different wars since he was elected, with more to come, no doubt. After all, it's not just the United States that has resources and money…"

Miles watched with wide eyes as Mateo brought up all sorts of documents, many of them classified, proving all of his claims. From the very public things, like taxes and social programs, to the more secretive documents, showing government sanctioned pollution, logs of embezzlement, and purposeful goading of foreign nations to incite wars.

Mateo's eyes flickered with anger as he continued, "but that's not all, there's even evidence of assassinations all across the world, many of which were orchestrated here in the United States…"

As Mateo says this, he clicks on a video file, which opens and plays instantly, showing a live video of Donald Trump stood on the stage of a Maga Rally. He stood on the stage, surrounded by cheering fans, a red hat atop his head, stating Make America Great Again.

Seconds into the video, a gunshot is heard and Trump collapses off the stage, a bloody hole in the middle of his forehead.

As the video ended, Mateo spoke, "That was Donald Trump, he was Richard's biggest rival during his first campaign for presidency, 20 years ago. His death can be linked back to people under the current President…"

Miles watched in disbelief as the evidence painted a grim picture of the president's actions. "Wait!? Did you say 20 years ago? How is he still president? Isn't there a limit?"

"Nope, not anymore." Mateo dejectedly shook his head side to side. "During his second term, he pushed a bill through the Senate that changed the term limits. Instead of four year terms with two being the limit for a single person, it's 10 year terms with no limit, meaning he can run for president as many times as he wants. He's practically made himself the king of America."

Miles' eyes widened at the revelation. "How has no one revolted against him?"

Mateo sighed solemnly. "He's manipulated the system, silenced opposition, and ensured that he faces no consequences by framing other people for his crimes." His mood suddenly turned somber as he continued. "It also helps that everyone who's ever even attempted to do anything against him has been killed, the last of which was my father and his task force, who were killed on live TV…"

The weight of the truth sank in for Miles. "So, he made our dad an example for anyone else brave or stupid enough to stand up to him…"

Mateo nodded, doing his best to ignore the fact that Miles keeps claiming his father as his own. "Yes, my father knew the potential dangers, but he chose to do what's right, and this is where it got him..." He emphasized the words 'my father,' hoping to make it clear once again for Miles.

Miles clenched his fists, anger simmering beneath the surface. "We can't let him get away with this! We need to expose him, bring justice for our dad and everyone else he's hurt." He said, completely ignoring Mateo's subtle correction about his father.

Mateo nodded in agreement. "That's why I'm showing you this. It seems like you guys are here for him…" He says, pausing for a moment, as if contemplating something. "We need to work together. I'm willing to share all of this info with Peter, but I want in on whatever you guys have planned."

Miles saw no problem with that and nodded his head, "Okay, I don't see a problem with that, but you'll have to get Peter's approval first…"

"Sure, he can tag along…" Suddenly, Peter's voice sounded by the door, drawing their attention.

Relieved that he wasn't pushed away, Mateo adds, "One more thing…" He says, causing Peter and Miles to raise a curious brow in his direction. "I don't care how you go about getting or doing whatever it is you're here to do, but I need to make one thing clear…"

Mateo paused, his hard stare glancing between both Peter and Miles. "The president is mine. I'm the one who'll end his life…" He said, his eyes turning to Miles before a warning left his mouth. "Don't get in my way."

Hearing this, Peter couldn't help but warn him, "You may not know this, but the man you want to kill is far stronger than you realize…" He said, gesturing to counterpart. "If you can't even beat Miles in a fight, then you stand no chance against a Kang."

Mateo's eyes narrowed at Peter's warning, his resolve unshaken. "I appreciate the concern, but he needs to pay for what he's done, and I'll be the one to make that happen," he insisted, his voice tinged with determination.

Peter sighed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Mateo, you don't understand. Kangs are on a whole other level. It's not even about physical strength, it's about intellect, technology, strategy. Even if you managed to get close, his defenses are impenetrable for someone of your level."

Peter quickly continued before he could be interrupted by the unhappy Prowler, "Don't get me wrong, for a kid without any powers, you've done well to build yourself up with training and technology as a support, but compared to a Kang's technology, your gadgets look like a child's toys."

Mateo's confidence wavered, his earlier bravado faltering in the face of Peter's warnings. "But... but I have to do this. For my father…" he protested, uncertainty creeping into his voice.

Peter's expression softened, sympathy evident in his eyes. "I get it, Mateo. I really do. But you need to understand the reality of the situation. You're not equipped to take on someone like Centurion."

Mateo's brow furrowed in frustration. "Then what am I supposed to do? Just sit back and let him get away with everything?"

Peter smirked, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Oh, I'm not saying that. I have a plan. But it involves a little... enhancement."

Mateo's interest piqued, curiosity overshadowing his doubts. "Enhancement? What do you mean?"

With a flourish, Peter produced a small vial filled with a mysterious blue liquid. "This," he explained, holding it out for Mateo to see, "is a special serum called Compound V. If you're lucky, it'll give you a useful superpower or two, but don't think it'll be easy. There's a considerable amount of pain involved with the process…"

Mateo hesitated for only a moment before reaching out to take the vial, grasping it tightly in his hand, determination burning bright in his eyes. "I'll do it. Whatever it takes to bring him down."

Just as Mateo was about to take the vial, the door swung open, revealing Aaron, his uncle, standing in the doorway, a stern expression on his face. "Hold on just a minute," he interjected, his voice laced with concern. "You're not seriously considering letting Peter inject you with whatever that is, are you? We don't even know what it is…"

Mateo squared his shoulders, meeting his uncle's gaze head-on. "I have to, Uncle Aaron. It's the only way I can make sure justice is served."

Aaron's expression softened, a mixture of pride and worry in his eyes. "I understand. But I can't let you risk your life like this."

Peter stepped forward, his tone earnest. "I don't remember saying that the serum would kill him, did I? It's just going to be a bit painful. His life won't be in any danger. I would never do anything to endanger him. This serum may be potent, but it's not lethal. It'll just sting… a lot."

Mateo nodded in agreement, determination shining in his eyes. "I'm willing to take the pain..."

With a heavy sigh, Aaron stepped forward and snatched the vial from Mateo's grasp. "Hey!"

Aaron ignored his nephew as he rolled his sleeve up and holds his arm out, passing the vial back to Peter. "Fine. But on one condition… I'll be testing it before it goes anywhere near my nephew..."

"Sure." Peter shrugged in agreement.

"No!" Mateo shouted immediately. "What if it really does kill people. You can't just put your life in danger for me…"

Chuckling, Aaron patted his nephew on the shoulder, a confident look on his face, "Now you understand how I felt." Mateo frowned as realized his uncles point. "Besides, I'll be fine. But you, on the other hand, have your mother to worry about. You can't just leave her, not after what happened with your father. She'd be devastated…"

"…" Mateo couldn't find any words to argue with him. Although he wasn't happy about the whole situation, he'd go along with his uncles plan.

Best case scenario, they both get superpowers. Worst case scenario, his uncle dies…

"He better be okay…" Mateo threatened, his eyes boring into Peter.

"Well, If you're so worried, I could just not give you guys superpowers? It's not like I have to…" Peter, not so happy at the constant threats he's been getting, offered, smiling as he took the vial back.

After all, he was giving them superpower. The least they could do is be a little bit grateful and respectful about it.

"No… umm… I'm sorry." Mateo immediately realized his mistake. "Just, please keep going…"

"Sure." Peter forgave him fairly easily, turning to Aaron as he gestured to the bed. "Lay down and keep your arm out…"

As Aaron complied, walking towards the bed, Peter conjured a syringe with a flick of his wrist, the vial of Compound V in his other hand. With careful precision, he filled the syringe before turning to Aaron, who lay in bed, his arm held with a mix of determination and apprehension.

"Let's begin, shall we?" Peter muttered, pressing the needle into Aaron's skin, and pushing the plunger until the syringe was emptied.

As the serum entered Aaron's bloodstream, his body quickly started to convulse in agony, his muscles tensing and his screams echoing off the walls. "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!"

Mateo rushed to his uncle's side, gripping his hand tightly. "Uncle Aaron, are you okay? Please, say something!" he pleaded, his voice filled with worry.

"He'll be fine. This is expected…" Peter reassured as he snapped his fingers, summoning straps that restrained Aaron to the bed, preventing him from thrashing about.



Time seemed to crawl as Aaron's body continued to react to the serum, the pain gradually subsiding but leaving behind a chilling sensation that permeated the room. Mateo watched with a mixture of fear and hope as his uncle's breathing slowed and his body began to relax.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Aaron opened his eyes, his gaze unfocused as he took in his surroundings. "What... what happened?" he murmured, his voice weak and shaky.

Before Peter or anyone else could respond, a sudden drop in temperature filled the room, causing Mateo to shiver involuntarily. He looked at his uncle in astonishment as a cold energy radiated from Aaron's body, chilling the air around them.

After testing out his powers for a short while, Aaron marveled at the frost forming on his fingertips, a sense of wonder coursing through him as he tested the limits of his newfound abilities. He waved his hand through the air, sending icy tendrils spiraling outward, freezing small droplets of water suspended in the air.

"Hmm, that's pretty cool…" Peter commented, a grin spreading across his face as he watched Aaron manipulate the frozen air around them. "You're kinda like Frozone from the incredibles…"

"Frozone? What's that?" Aaron asked, furrowing his brow in confusion.

Peter's grin faltered slightly as he realized his reference had fallen flat. "Uh, never mind. It's just a character from a movie. You guys don't have 'The Incredibles' here?"

Both Aaron and Mateo shook their heads in unison, prompting Peter to let out a disappointed sigh. "Well, never mind then. Just know that you basically have ice powers now…"

Eager to join his uncle in the realm of superpowers, Mateo wasted no time in strapping himself down onto the bed, his arm outstretched and ready for the injection. His eyes sparkled with excitement as Peter filled a new syringe with another dose of Compound V, his anticipation palpable.

"Are you ready for this, Mateo?" Peter asked.

Mateo nodded eagerly, his gaze fixated on the syringe in Peter's hand. "Yes, I'm ready. Let's do this!"

With a steady hand, Peter injected Mateo with the serum, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. As the liquid entered Mateo's bloodstream, a surge of pain rippled through his body, causing him to writhe in agony, just like bis Uncle did only moments ago.

"Hang in there, Mateo!" Aaron called out, his voice filled with concern as he watched his nephew struggle against the effects of the serum.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly for Mateo as he endured the excruciating transformation, his screams echoing off the walls of the room. But just as suddenly as it had begun, the pain began to fade, leaving behind a sense of euphoria as Mateo slowly regained control of his body.

As he opened his eyes, Mateo was greeted by a dazzling display of blue electricity crackling across his his entire body, the energy surging with power and intensity. With a burst of electrical discharge, the straps restraining him were incinerated, along with a sizable portion of the bed beneath him.

Miles and Aaron watched in astonishment as Mateo stood, his body pulsating with raw energy. "Whoa..." Miles muttered.

A/N: 2480 words Long… Boy… :) Frozone powers for Uncle Aaron and Static Shock powers for Mateo.



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