I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 657: Death of Captain Jefferson Davis (2/2)

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While Peter and Aaron were talking in the kitchen, In Mateo's bedroom, the tension lingered between the two versions of Miles Morales. The air crackled with unspoken resentment, yet Miles pushed through, finishing his apology. "… I shouldn't have just started berating you like that, even if I don't necessarily like killing people. This isn't my universe so I shouldn't have put my ideals on you. I'm sorry…" Miles seemed truly remorseful, his apology lingering in the air.

Mateo, arms crossed, met Miles' gaze with a look of annoyed reluctance. "Apology accepted, I guess," he mumbled, feeling just how genuine his counterpart was being, though he couldn't completely mask his ongoing dislike of Miles.

Miles, happy that his apology was accepted, decided to break the ice with a more personal question that had been gnawing at him for a while now. "So, uh, how did our dad die in this universe?" He couldn't help but ask, his mind wandering to his own father.

"Once again, it's my dad. Not yours…" Mateo's eyes narrowed, his discomfort evident as he hesitated before sighing deeply. "And It's not a story that I exactly like telling," he admitted, his gaze drifting to a framed photo of his father on top of his desk. "But I guess you'd still want to know anyway, huh?"

"Uhh… Yes please…" Miles replied awkwardly. He didn't want to make Mateo relive everything, but he also felt as though he needed to know. After all, his father was meant to die as well, and he still worried that Peter's protection wouldn't be enough.

Sighing in annoyance, Mateo took a seat at the edge of his bed. "I thought so…" As he began recounting the painful memories, Mateo's voice wavered, each word carrying the burden of the past. "My dad was one of the best cops you'd ever meet, and because he was so good, he was recruited into a special task force…"


The Morales family was gathered in their cozy apartment, the aroma of freshly fried empanadas wafting through the air as dinner preparations were in full swing.

Mateo's mother, Rio, hummed a tune while expertly maneuvering around the kitchen. His father, Jefferson Davis, sat at the kitchen table, engrossed in some leftover paperwork. Across from him, Mateo swiped through his phone, eagerly awaiting his favorite meal.

This harmonious atmosphere was abruptly shattered by the distant roar of military vehicles surrounding their apartment building. The noise grew louder, accompanied by the sharp barks of soldiers screaming orders. It was as if the building itself was under attack, triggering a collective sense of curiosity and concern within the Morales family.

Drawn to the windows, they witnessed the unsettling scene unfolding outside. Soldiers, armed to the teeth, took strategic positions, led by a massive figure unmistakably identified as Wilson Fisk.

Fisk's imposing presence stirred a sense of dread, especially for Jefferson Davis, who recognized Fisk from a time when he wielded significant influence in New York City, before he somehow became a General in the army.

Turning to his father, Mateo couldn't contain his worry. "What's going on, Dad? Why is the military here?" His voice trembled with a mixture of confusion and fear.

His mother, trying to remain optimistic, suggested, "Maybe it's just a training exercise or something. They do these things, right?" Despite her attempt to dismiss the tension, uncertainty lingered in the air.

Jefferson Davis, however, wasn't swayed by false hope. Anxiety etched his face, and he hesitated before speaking, his tone serious and low. "This doesn't feel right..."

As they watched the military presence intensify outside, General Fisk's voice boomed through a megaphone, sending chills down their spines. "Jefferson Davis, come out with your hands up! Give yourself up peacefully, and no one has to get hurt!"

The gravity of the situation sank in, a knot tightening in the pit of Mateo's stomach. The question of why the military was targeting his father lingered, though the look he saw in his fathers face, which reflected a mix of realization and fear, told him that his father had at least a clue as to why this was happening.

Turning to his father, Mateo wanted to ask what was going on, but his mother beat him to it. "Jeff, what's happening? Why are they here for you?" Rio's voice held a tremor of fear as she desperately sought answers, confused as to why the military would be arresting a decorated and respected police captain.

Jefferson stood there, shock etched across his features. His mind seemed to grapple with the sudden, unforeseen intrusion of military forces into their ordinary lives. He opened his mouth to respond, but the words seemed to escape him, leaving an unsettling silence in the room.

Rio's voice grew more desperate as she repeated her questions, her tone rising with each plea for information. Mateo felt a knot tighten in his stomach as he watched his father, hoping for some reassurance or explanation.

As Fisk's voice echoed through the megaphone once more, threatening to escalate the situation, Jefferson snapped out of his momentary paralysis. He heard the ultimatum… surrender peacefully or face a potential storming of the building, which would put his family in danger.

A defeated look crossed Jefferson's face, resignation settling in. Without a word, he pulled both his son and wife into a tight embrace, holding them as if trying to imprint the warmth of the moment into their memories. The weight of unspoken sorrow hung heavy in the air.

"I'm so sorry… I know this is going to be hard for you two from now on, but I know you'll be just fine without me," Jefferson whispered, his voice laden with a mix of sorrow and determination. "I love you both so much. More than you'll ever know." The sincerity in his eyes conveyed a depth of emotion that resonated within the confined space of their apartment.

He gave his bewildered wife a quick kiss before focusing on Mateo. "Take care of your mother, okay? I know it's sudden, but I have no doubt that you can do it. After all, you're my son…"

Tears forming in his eyes, Mateo frantically asked, "What's going on?! Why is this happening? Why… Why does it feel like you're saying goodbye forever…?"

Rio joined in, holding her husband's arm as she pleaded, "Why are they here for you? What did you do?"

Jefferson simply smiled down at them, a sad, melancholic look on his face. "You don't have to worry about that. Just live your lives to the fullest and don't let this drag you down."

He refrained from divulging the specifics, fearing that knowledge might jeopardize the safety of his family. With one last tight hug, Jefferson turning away, marching resolutely toward the door to give himself up.

Rio and Mateo tried to stop him, calling out for him to stay, but their pleas fell on deaf ears. The door closed, leaving them alone and helpless, their eyes glued to the window as they watched him step out of the building, hands raised in surrender.

After his father was taken away by the military, Mateo and his mother were left alone, but that didn't mean they gave up on him.

No, instead, they called everyone they could, from elected officials to the police commissioner himself, they explained everything and asked for help, yet the answers they received weren't fruitful.

Over and over, they were told that they'd look into it, but no one ever called back. They spent more than 24 hours without sleep trying to get just a modicum of help, constantly making calls to whoever they could, but no one had an answer to their questions, nor a solution to their problems.

And finally, just as they were about to get some sleep, suddenly, they got calls and texts from just about every friend and family member, telling them to turn on the TV. And so they did, confused as they may be.

On the TV, broadcasted on every channel was the president of the United States, Nathaniel Richards.

Instantly, hope filled both Mateo and his mother as they thought that maybe, just maybe, their calls had made an impact and the president was notified. They thought that the president would explain what happened and set things straight, releasing Jefferson back to them.

But their hopes were crushed the second the president opened his mouth. "My fellow Americans, today, we have uncovered a dangerous cell of traitors, terrorists who sought to undermine the very fabric of our nation. These individuals plotted against not just me, but the safety and security of every citizen in this great country."

Mateo and his mother were shocked, as they had no idea what was going on. At first, they didn't believe that this had anything to do with their situation, as police Captain Jefferson Davis was most certainly not a traitor or a terrorist for that matter.

But then something truly shocking happened. The camera widened, showing a line of haggard, kneeling prisoners, each of them seemed to have gone through some sort of torturous interrogation before this broadcast.

Mateo and his mother's eyes widened as they saw Jefferson among the kneeling traitors, cuts and bruises all over his body. Fear and worry gripped their hearts as they watched.

The President continued. "These are the traitors who conspired against our nation. Their vile plans have been foiled, and justice will be served. Let this be a stern warning to anyone who dares threaten the sanctity of our democracy."

A satisfied look on his face, the president declared that these traitors shall be put to death for their heinous crimes, and as he finished speaking, gunshots went off, killing each of them one by one.

Mateo and his mother watched in horror as they all died, one after the other. Until finally, it was Jefferson's turn.

Mateo's father looked up at the camera, a sad smile on his face as he mouthed the words, "I love you," before a barrage of bullets impacted his chest and skull, killing him immediately.

Mateo and his mother cried, their faces damp with tears of horrified anguish. The broadcast ended, leaving them in a chilling silence, the weight of tragedy settling over their souls.

-Flashback end-

The weight of the revelation hung in the air, casting a somber shadow over the room. In the quiet aftermath, Miles struggled to find the right words, a mix of sorrow and empathy etched across his face. "I… I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked…"

"No, it's fine…" Mateo shook his head, his eyes slightly damp as he looked over at Miles. "Cherish the time you have with your father, because you really don't know how good you have it…"

"I… I will. I promise." Miles nods as a thought entered his head. "Wait, how do you know about dad's task force? You said he didn't tell you…"

Walking over to the picture of his father, on his desk. Opening the back, he pulled out a small thumb drive, plugging it into his computer. "Take a look at this…"

A/N: 1852 words :)



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