Chapter 170: Enmity with Xu Family Town

The gunshots did not scare off the rabid dogs. Instead, they became even more frenzied, baring their teeth and lunging at Zhang Yi and Zhou Haimei. Zhou Haimei screamed, paralyzed with fear as the dogs closed in.

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Yi quickly shot and killed the two dogs near Zhou Haimei. But the remaining six dogs were already upon him, making it too late to use the gun.

"Dimensional Gate!" Zhang Yi shouted, opening a portal to a different dimension in front of him.

The barking of the dogs abruptly vanished as they were swallowed by the portal. Zhang Yi took a deep breath. If he had been bitten on an unprotected part of his arm, he might have lost a chunk of flesh, and there was a high risk of infection. This was his first time using his dimensional ability in combat, and it proved incredibly effective—almost invincible in terms of defense. The dogs would suffocate and die in his alternate space due to lack of oxygen.

With his nerves steadying, Zhang Yi saw more people approaching from the distance on the ice. Knowing he couldn’t stay, he quickly helped the terrified Zhou Haimei onto the snowmobile and sped away. He also collected the two dead dogs into his space.

Not long after Zhang Yi left, Xu Dahai arrived with his men. The villagers of Xu Dong Village saw the four bodies on the ice, their eyes filled with grief. They had sensed something was wrong when they heard the gunshots.

“I’ve always said not to act rashly when encountering strangers. Now look what happened—they’ve lost their lives!” Xu Dahai said with a pained voice. The four young men had been impulsive, ignoring Xu Dahai’s caution and deciding to intercept the stranger with their sled dogs. Now, they lay dead.

Xu Manjin looked around and noticed something strange. “Where are the dogs? Where did they go?”

The village's dogs were well-trained and would not run away easily. The absence of the dogs was baffling. The villagers looked around but found no trace of them.

“Something’s not right. This guy isn’t ordinary. He had a snowmobile and a gun. He’s definitely someone special!” Xu Dahai said, his face darkening. This incident would be difficult to explain to the village.

“No matter what, he killed our people. This won’t end here!” Xu Dahai declared. “We should go back and inform the village chief. This guy might have extraordinary abilities, just like Chunlei.”

The others nodded in agreement, taking the bodies back to Xu Dong Village.

Xu Dong Village, located at the eastern edge of Xu Family Town, was a remarkable sight in the snowy landscape. Hundreds of igloos of varying sizes formed a cluster, with a white castle made of snow bricks at the center, resembling something out of a Japanese anime.

Inside the castle, the furnishings were also made of snow, including chairs, tables, and chandeliers. In the castle owner's room, strange sounds occasionally emerged.

“Eri, naughty children must be punished!” a voice said.

“Ah! Not there…” another voice responded.

A chubby young man was engrossed in his laptop, surrounded by tissues. Just as he was about to reach his peak, the door—a wooden board—was pushed open. Several burly men entered, led by a stern old man with a long beard.

“Chunlei, something has happened!” the old man announced.

The young man, Xu Chunlei, was startled, his moment ruined. He quickly closed his laptop, but the sounds continued from under the covers. The burly men, seeing the scene, were taken aback, realizing they had interrupted something private.

The old man, Xu Dongsheng, the village chief, scolded, “You’re a grown man, yet you’re still doing this!”

Xu Dongsheng tried to pull the blanket off Xu Chunlei, who resisted fiercely. “This is my hobby! So what if I’m a bit perverted?”

“You ungrateful brat! I’ve been trying to set you up with someone from the village, and you still act like this!” Xu Dongsheng shouted.

“Who cares about those old women? I don’t want them!” Xu Chunlei retorted.

After a brief struggle, the blanket was yanked off, leaving the men in an awkward silence, trying to stifle their laughter. Xu Chunlei, now exposed, reluctantly asked, “What’s the matter?”

Xu Dongsheng nodded to Xu Dahai, who explained, “Today, we went fishing, and Xu Kang, Xu Guangzhi, Xu Youbin, and Xu Xingwang were killed.”

Xu Chunlei’s face turned serious upon hearing about the deaths. “How did this happen? We had subdued the nearby villages, hadn’t we?”

“This time, it wasn’t anyone from Xu Family Town. It was someone from across the river,” Xu Dahai explained, recounting the events.

Xu Chunlei listened intently, his expression growing grim. Village Chief Xu Dongsheng said, “This person is very strong. He killed four men and eight dogs with ease. I worry he might pose a future threat to our village.”

“Chunlei, could this person have powers like yours?” Xu Dongsheng asked.

Xu Chunlei nodded. “It’s possible. Though I am the chosen one, there could be others with powers destined to challenge me, to make me stronger!”

He propped his chin on his hands, deep in thought. “Perhaps this is my first trial outside the beginner village!”

The elders were used to Xu Chunlei’s dramatic expressions. Xu Dongsheng said, “The Xu family must avenge our kin. No one can kill our people without facing consequences!”

“Chunlei, this person is formidable. It’s up to you to handle this.”

The elders praised him, boosting his confidence. Xu Chunlei, feeling proud, covered his right eye and laughed deeply. “Leave it to me! I’ll see just how strong I can become!”

Meanwhile, Zhang Yi sped towards Yue Lu District with the shaken Zhou Haimei. He felt troubled. Xu Family Town was just across the river from Cloud Manor, less than a kilometer away. Killing the four villagers could provoke a retaliatory attack.

“I’m not afraid, but I left Yue Lu District to avoid trouble, and now I’ve stumbled into new trouble. I just want a peaceful life with some beauties. Why force me into conflicts?” Zhang Yi thought.

He realized his abilities were more defensive than offensive, but he was nearly invincible in defense. His dimensional skills and fortified shelter were impregnable against most threats.

“If they’re smart, they’ll leave me alone. But if they seek their own doom, I’ll wipe them out completely!” Zhang Yi resolved.

Soon, they reached Yue Lu District. Zhang Yi parked the snowmobile outside building 25. The area was quiet since he had cleared it of threats. Building 25 was now a strict no-go zone for others.

“We’re here. Get off,” Zhang Yi said to Zhou Haimei, who was still shaken. Her heart pounded as she followed him.

“The person I want you to meet is upstairs. Come with me,” Zhang Yi said.

Zhou Haimei sighed, feeling resigned. She knew she was no match for younger women but hoped to find a semblance of peace. She followed Zhang Yi up the 24 flights, pausing to rest twice along the way.

Before entering, Zhang Yi checked the surveillance feed on his phone. Everything was normal. Zhou Ke'er was reading in the living room, and Uncle You was resting. Satisfied, he opened the door and led Zhou Haimei inside.

Hearing the door, Zhou Ke'er looked up, her face lighting up with joy. She was about to run into Zhang Yi's arms but stopped when she saw the woman with him. Her expression turned wary.

“Zhang Yi, you’re back! Congratulations on your success!” Zhou Ke'er said, helping Zhang Yi remove his heavy coat while eyeing Zhou Haimei. She recognized the former actress immediately, feeling a pang of insecurity. Would Zhang Yi prefer this older, still-beautiful woman? This new addition threatened her position in the household.

One woman could lie low, but with two, competition was inevitable. In these times, good positions and good men were always contested.

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