Chapter 169: You Dare to Rob Me?

Zhang Yi rode the snowmobile with Zhou Haimei towards Yue Lu District. Driving along the riverbank, the snow-covered Lu River looked majestic. However, there was noticeably less snow on the ice surface compared to the ground. The Lu River, connecting to the East China Sea, had a large specific heat capacity, causing its temperature to change more slowly. They even saw people fishing on the ice.

As Zhang Yi observed the scenery, he felt a rare sense of human presence. However, a sudden realization struck him.

"Fishermen? Have they adapted to this extreme cold?" Zhang Yi was astonished. During his month in Yue Lu District, he witnessed the misery people endured. Yet, across the river in Xu Family Town, the villagers had adapted to the cold. It wasn't surprising, though. Farmers work year-round, getting up early to labor in the fields regardless of the weather. Their ability to adapt far surpassed that of city dwellers spoiled by air conditioning and heating.

"Human adaptability is truly frightening! If it were me, I wouldn't know how to survive a winter without heating or air conditioning," Zhang Yi mused.

But his thoughts were cut short by terrifying barking from the ice ahead. Zhou Haimei screamed, pointing at the river, “Dogs!”

Zhang Yi saw them too. Eight ferocious dogs were charging towards them, dragging two makeshift sleds with four men on them. Zhang Yi’s eyes narrowed, realizing trouble was ahead—not just now, but future trouble. Originally, he planned for the city's inhabitants to perish quickly in the snow disaster, leaving him and a few others in shelters to survive. But he hadn't accounted for the countryside adapting to the severe cold, posing a potential threat.

For now, his snowmobile was a target. “Hold on tight!” Zhang Yi revved the engine, speeding up to avoid a confrontation. Fighting one person could lead to dealing with an entire village. He sped ahead, the dogs frantically chasing, their eyes wild with savagery. These dogs had survived many battles, even eating human flesh during desperate times, making them extremely dangerous.

The snowmobile was fast, but so were the sleds. The fishermen had anticipated his path, blocking his way. One fisherman hurled a fish spear at Zhang Yi. “D*mn it!” Zhang Yi cursed. The spear would have taken a chunk of his arm if it hit. He swerved the snowmobile sharply, braking suddenly, causing Zhou Haimei to be thrown off into the snow. The once-famous actress cried in fear, unable to get up.

Two sleds blocked Zhang Yi’s path, the eight sled dogs barking ferociously, baring bloody teeth. Zhang Yi’s scalp tingled. He feared the dogs more than the men; humans could be reasoned with, but dogs were relentless.

The fishermen approached, armed and holding the dogs’ leashes. “Leave the vehicle and the woman, then get lost!” one man with a machete shouted.

Zhang Yi coldly assessed them, memorizing the position of each man and dog. Then he drew his pistol, aiming at them. “Fellas, let us pass. I don’t want trouble, and you don’t want to die.”

The sight of the gun made them step back. Zhang Yi gestured with the gun. “How about you move aside?”

The four men exchanged glances, their hostility undiminished. They were survivors, not easily scared. A young man with a rogue look asked, “Buddy, where’d you get the snowmobile and the gun?”

Zhang Yi sneered, “Inherited.”

They eyed each other, seemingly debating whether to retreat. But the lure of the snowmobile and Zhou Haimei’s presence reignited their greed. The snowmobile was a top-tier vehicle, far superior to dogs. And a woman, especially a well-maintained celebrity, was a rare commodity in the apocalypse.

The rogue, Xu Xingwang, said, “Buddy, this is Xu Dong Village’s territory. If you want to pass, pay a toll.” He pointed at the snowmobile and Zhou Haimei. “Leave either the vehicle or the woman!”

Zhang Yi couldn’t believe their audacity, treating his gun as a bluff. He frowned and sneered, “You see this gun in my hand, right?”

The four men hesitated but didn’t back down. Survivors in the apocalypse were tough and bold. Another skinny man with a felt hat taunted, “Who are you scaring? There are four of us and eight dogs. How many bullets do you have?”

“Leave the woman and the vehicle, or else try your luck!”

Zhang Yi’s gaze turned icy. He saw more people coming from the river. The river was less than a hundred meters wide, with Xu Family Town on the other side. If more villagers arrived, they’d surround him. Zhang Yi could protect himself, but Zhou Haimei might be torn apart by the dogs. He took a deep breath. They were forcing his hand.

With no more room for negotiation, Zhang Yi swiftly drew a second gun, shooting each of the four men in the head. They fell instantly, blood splattering.

With the men dead, the eight dogs charged at Zhang Yi and Zhou Haimei, barking ferociously.

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