I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 604 - This is a Tue God

When the great god Odin rode his warhorse from Valhalla to the battlefield, when his majestic figure crossed the rainbow bridge over the nine worlds and finally arrived on Earth, at that moment, humanity finally understood what it meant to be a god, and they experienced the fury of a god.

A power beyond words shrouded the entire Earth, from the North Pole to the South Pole, from London to Tokyo, from Moscow to Los Angeles, from New Delhi to Sydney. Wherever humans and living creatures existed, a moment of inexplicable anxiety and fear washed over them.

On the African savannah, the kingly lions, the forest-dwelling tiger ruling the jungles, the sharks that once terrorized the oceans in search of blood, and even the wolves that roamed the grassy plains, at that moment, all of them let out mournful cries and prostrated themselves on the ground.

A cheetah was in the midst of pouncing on a small, defenseless deer, its sharp teeth just moments away from tearing into the deer's throat. However, at that very instant, the divine presence descended. Astonishingly, both the cheetah and the deer prostrated themselves on the ground. The cheetah abandoned its predatory instincts and the soon-to-be meal, while the deer seemed to forget its imminent danger. It was an extraordinary scene, where the predator and its prey knelt side by side. These two creatures, which were so close to each other, now lacked the will to bite and flee.

Scorpions and venomous snakes emerged from the deserts, and even the army ants in the tropical rainforests, which were usually perpetually on the move, stood still as if time had been frozen.

The lower the creatures were in the natural hierarchy, the more difficult it was for them to bear the overwhelming divine presence. In the presence of the true King of the Gods, all living beings could do was prostrate themselves, offering their faith and humility to the supreme god.

As the highest primates, humans keenly felt the vastness of this divine aura. When the great god Odin finally descended upon Earth while riding his steed, every individual seemed to revert to a primitive state, and they regarded the celestial thunder and volcanic eruptions as divine forces to be worshipped.

It was a profound ancestral instinct etched deep within the human genome, and they realized that they had never truly escaped the grasp of the gods. Even with the enlightenment of natural science and the liberation of thought, deep within their genes, their marrow, their blood, and their souls, they still held reverence for the heavenly deities.

People with wavering wills had already knelt on the ground. Even the most resolute among them felt cold sweat forming on their foreheads. They wanted to resist this divine aura with their willpower, but their minds, their blood, their bone marrow, their genes, and their souls all told them that resistance was futile. What they were witnessing was the presence of the supreme god. They should be humble; they should kneel down!

Among those who could withstand the divine aura, the largest group was the truly devout followers of various religious faiths. They didn't worship Odin, but their deep devotion to their own gods allowed them to resist the divine aura of Odin through their unwavering faith.

This terrifying state of divine aura shrouding the globe didn't last long, perhaps just around ten seconds. After ten seconds, when the divine aura dissipated, everyone was left panting, faces filled with shock.

In those short ten seconds, humanity seemed to have lived an entire lifetime, as if their souls had regressed to the primitive era tens of thousands of years ago, when they were simple humans, worshipping the gods with unwavering faith.

This is Louie’s avatar, who already possesses the power of a mid-level god. For the first time on Earth, he has displayed his divine might, and it's a display on a grand scale, enveloping the entire planet in his divine presence.

In the world of San Soliel, where magic flourishes, even the mightiest legendary rankers, besides demigods, would see their willpower diminish in the face of divine presence. Even legendary figures, who on Earth would be considered superhuman, would find themselves diminished, to the point where their abilities would feel one tier lower. Legends on Earth are beings nearly invulnerable, except perhaps to the central point of a nuclear explosion, and they are virtually immune to modern weapons. But in the face of divine presence, they would be powerless, let alone ordinary humans.

Even the Terran civilization, when they invaded the world of San Soliel, chose to engage the gods using remote or unmanned means, mainly because the Terrans, as mortal beings, were dimensionally different from these godly entities. If they had sent armies to confront the gods head-on, they might as well have kneeled before the gods the moment they came into sight.

Louis, with his mid-tier divine power, about to become a high-rank god, has now shown the people of Earth what a true god is!

At the United Nations summit, after those ten seconds had passed, everyone was overwhelmed with fear. They looked around and saw that nearly everyone in the assembly was kneeling on the ground. Only a few, primarily the leaders of the Muslim faith, who were known for their fanaticism, remained standing. Even though this faith was considered fanatical, some of its members showed remarkable dedication, so much so that they would willingly give up their lives.

“What on earth… jsut happened…”

The newly elected Prime Minister of England clutched his chest and gasped.

“Is this… a god?”

Every national leader showed fear in their expressions. No one mocked them for kneeling because only those who had experienced divine presence understood the vast gap that separated them from the gods.

If this was really a god, then no matter how much Earth’s civilization progressed, they still wouldn’t be able to face off against a god!

The fundamental truth was that mortals could not directly confront gods.

People had seen gods before, such as the famous Christ who appeared in Kenya. According to Christian doctrine, he was essentially God. However, Christ had never exhibited such terrifying power, the kind that could bring the entire planet to a halt.

This wasn't an exaggeration; during those first ten seconds of Odin's appearance, Earth seemed to have genuinely paused. All life had frozen in place, everyone kneeling, worshiping. Though the planet continued to rotate, civilization and nature seemed to have come to a standstill.

In that moment, people recognized the gentle nature of Christ, the love for his followers, and his role as a shepherd. He had never displayed such dreadful divine might. On the other hand, Odin, worshiped by the Vikings who had once dominated half of Europe, showed a level of madness and ferocity that Christ could never match.

As for the appearances of Taiyi in Mt. Tai and Torch Dragon in Tokyo, perhaps due to their nature as avatars, they didn't exhibit such awe-inspiring divine presence.

It's possible that this god appearing on Earth was not just a shadow but indeed the true form of the mighty Odin. When you consider the raw power and the potential to casually obliterate the Earth or manipulate the entire solar system's mechanics, it aligns with the characteristics of the most supreme beings in the universe.

In the hierarchy of gods, Odin may not be considered the most formidable among them. Various mythologies contain entities symbolizing primordial chaos or the blind, foolish gods, such as those in the Cthulhu mythos. These beings should be the ones at the very top of the divine hierarchy, perhaps even representing the universe itself.

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