Great God Odin!!!

There was no mistaking it. As people witnessed the sacred and majestic figure, with his iconic singular eye, the name of the King of the Norse gods rose in their hearts.

Odin was one of the rare deities in many mythologies who had a very iconic appearance. He has appeared in numerous games and literary works as well.

"That palace is the legendary Valhalla, Odin's residence!"

"That throne should be the 'Hlidskjalf’ from Norse mythology."

"The gold ring on his hand is Draupnir, a mythical item that self-replicates every nine days, symbolizing the great god's wealth. Of course, gods are not concerned with gold, and as for the true nature of this gold ring, we cannot know. But since it represents the great god's wealth, it must certainly be extraordinary!"

"The two wolves at his feet are Geri and Freki. They protect the great god's well-being at all times."

"The raven on his shoulder is Huginn and Muninn. According to legend, these two ravens fly through the nine great worlds and bring back news to the great god! Perhaps these two ravens can traverse the cosmos or even fly to other worlds, knowing everything about the nine great worlds that no human could fathom."

"Great God Odin, this is the King of the Aesir, the Lord of Asgard!"

Many experts in the United Nations General Assembly chanted, describing every ornament and feature of Odin in great detail. The world's leaders, amazed, looked at the great god sitting in the far distance, in another world, on the 'High Throne.' His gaze seemed to penetrate the nine great worlds, and everyone felt as though the King of the Gods was observing them. Without reason, a sense of awe washed over them, and they displayed humility in his presence.

While many people might not know the names of most of the Norse Gods, Odin was so renowned that nobody did not know him. Everyone on Earth with even a basic understanding of literature knows the name of Odin.

Odin's name is just as famous as Zeus in Greek mythology.

In various stories, Odin's position is comparable to Zeus of the Olympian gods in Greek mythology, or Lugus and Nodens, the gods of light in Celtic mythology. He is the true King of the Gods, the leader of a pantheon.

Many experts and scholars, even those not studying Norse mythology, are very knowledgeable about Odin. They shared detailed information about Odin, making it known to the many world leaders present.

Among the many mythological figures that have appeared thus far, Odin, while not necessarily the most exalted, maybe even more profound than Christ or the shadow of Taiyi, who appeared at Mt.Tai.

Whether it's Odin or Zeus, they are ultimately the god-kings of their respective pantheons. However, within these mythologies, there are even older beings. Christ is the Holy Trinity, referred to as the one and only God. Taiyi is an ancient deity with the highest position in Chinese history and is the source of the Chinese mythology system.

But among all the gods that have appeared thus far, none have more majesty than Odin!

Seeing him seated on the 'Hlidskjalf’, overlooking the nine great worlds, people have come to truly understand what it means to be the King of the Gods, the difference in rank between gods and mortals!

Simultaneously, whether it was in the Eastern or Western Hemisphere, the Southern or Northern Hemisphere, during the day or night, people witnessed this divine and majestic figure. The global internet shook as if it were exploding. Weibo, Twitter, Facebook, WeChat moments, and countless other social media platforms were flooded with photos taken by people.

Every person taking photos thought that only those in their region could see the figure of the great god Odin. It wasn't until the whole world erupted in excitement that they realized it wasn't just them; it was the entire world that had seen Odin's noble presence.

He appeared as if he resided in a more mysterious realm, existing in a higher dimension in a form that mortals couldn't comprehend.

"Odin has appeared!"

"Why the surprise? We've seen Christ; Odin appearing is nothing special."

"But that great god is incredibly majestic. The way he gazes from his throne over the nine great worlds... I can't help but feel like he's watching me."

"Heh, you've probably had too many dreams of being a prodigy, thinking that the great god sees your exceptional talent and wants to invite you to Valhalla, teach you the runes, and maybe even marry you off to the Valkyries, hoping you can save the Aesir at Ragnarok."

"I choose Brunnhilde as my Valkyrie!"

"Stop cursing people to death; only the dead can go to Valhalla!"

"I need to take a leak; who should I bless first?"


Perhaps too many gods have appeared recently that humanity had become numb to it. They’ve long passed the initial shock of seeing gods and have started to consider them part of their everyday lives. Faith in a god, and belief in a religion, have almost become part of daily life for people on Earth.

While there are many experts, there are even more amateur scholars. Shortly after Odin's appearance in the sky, countless amateur scholars delved into various sources, analyzing Odin's past and present, and began educating people.

Some people started fervently discussing the reasons behind the appearance of the great god Odin. If a King of the Gods like him showed up, it had to be because something significant had happened on Earth. Yet, it seemed that there were no reports of major events anywhere.

People's attention then turned to the recent mysterious incident involving the Antarctic continent. Photos taken by people in South America showed the Antarctic continent with clouds that appeared to be on fire. Internet users began brainstorming, analyzing the details of the appearance of the great god, and correctly deduced the presence of the legendary King of Muspelheim Surtur on the Antarctic continent.

Following this analysis, people suddenly realized that the reason for the recent abrupt rise in sea levels was the melting of the Antarctic glaciers. The entire human civilization was now on the brink of catastrophe.

"We know nothing, and we almost all died?!”

As internet users engaged in frantic discussions, the great god seated on 'Hlidskjalf’ stood up slowly.

This King of the Gods, brimming with fearless valor, raised his magnificent body, took a step forward, and an ash-gray warhorse with eight legs appeared. Odin mounted the horse, shouted like a charging warrior, and set foot on the rainbow bridge, crossing dimensions, crossing the cosmos, and crossing worlds to descend.

The warhorse galloped on the rainbow bridge, with two giant wolves running alongside the horse, and two ravens circled in the sky, emitting deathly cries. However, at this moment, people were not only focused on the charge of the great god Odin, but also filled with astonishment, disbelief, or excitement as they watched numerous female warriors appearing beside the great god.

These female warriors, like Odin, wore eagle helmets, rode flying horses, held spears and shields, and shouted with valor as they followed the great god and crossed the rainbow bridge.

These were the Valkyries, the great god's handmaidens, the legendary female warriors!

In the myths, each of these Valkyries was either the daughters of earthly kings or the daughters of Odin, or they had sworn to forever serve the gods and been chosen by the gods to ascend to the heavens as virgin warriors.

These Valkyries were the embodiment of bravery, fearlessness, and purity. Most of them had noble backgrounds and were either princesses of the gods or earthly princesses!

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