I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 342: My Little Princess

Chapter 342: My Little Princess

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Alexia took on a humanoid elven form. Unlike normal dragons, Alexia’s dragon form and elf forms were her base forms. A true transformation would require her to switch to another race.

But whether it was elves or dragons, they were extremely prideful. As a child of gods, Alexia would also feel disdain for other races from the bottom of her heart.

She looked like a young elf of about ten years old. Her skin was pale like her mother’s, and at night it would turn translucent under the light of the moon.

She had a pair of long elf ears. Her silver-white hair seemed like a waterfall that reached her ankles. There was a small and lovely dragon horn poking out from her hair. Her body was as delicate as jade and her skin had no hair.

She thus stood naked in front of Louie and Selune. Although she was young, she was already a stunning beauty that did not match her age.

However, in terms of human age, Alexia was only ten years old, so she still looked like a child.

Louie knew that Alexia would look like this for a long time. She had the power of a demigod, but her growth rate was the same as that of elves and dragons. She would still need time to grow as this was the rule of nature and gods were not able to completely go against it.

Alexia’s youthful and beautiful face showed a troubled look as she became distressed about what to wear.

This was the most inconveniencing side effect of being born with knowledge. Because she knew too many things without much life experience, her ability to decide was lacking.

Louie did not continue to watch his daughter in distress. He pointed at her and conjured up a beautiful dress with divine power that covered her naked body.

The dress was colored in silver and gold with tassels dangling at the hem, precise and detailed lace trims at the cuff, and arcane runes and elven floral patterns. This made Alexia as cute as a doll.

Not only did the dress look cute, but because of the deep colors in the details, it added a touch of majesty to her. Louie and Selune did not need a cute daughter to pamper, but a queen who could unite the forces of the main continent.

“Father God, Mother God, what do you think of this outfit? Does it look good?”

Alexia twirled in her bare feet. The hem of her skirt soared up exposing her white calves. She was still young but already had a beautiful face especially when she smiled.

She was like her mother, even when smiling, she had a slightly reserved look.

Alexia did not know how to make decisions yet and did not have her own aesthetics. She naturally felt that the clothes her father chose for her were what he liked.

“Of course, Alexia, you are my daughter, the favorite of the moon. The only thing that can rival you in this world is the bright moon overhead.”

Who knew if the Silver Moon Goddess was praising her daughter or boasting. First of all, the mother and daughter pair were absolute beauties under the heaven. The Goddess was not his wife but a lover, and Alexia was his first daughter. Naturally, he would feel that they were the most beautiful mother and daughter in the world.

However, this wasn’t a completely false statement. In the Crystal Wall System, there were only a few females that were comparable to the Silver Moon Goddess.

The Silver Moon Goddess extended her hand forward. She turned her divine power into the moonlight that surrounded Alexia, brightening her path with cold pale light wherever she walked. The mist-like moonlight hid Alexia in another layer, making her appear like a hazy beauty.

Then the Silver Moon Goddess waved her hand upwards. The palace immediately grew emerald branches and leaves and elegant flowers. They turned into ornaments that embellished Alexia’s dress. Small flower essences were also summoned, hovering and dancing around her, making it look like a group of stars dancing around the moon.

Louie chuckled as he looked at the Silver Moon Goddess dressing her daughter with interest. He felt that every mother had the same instinct, they wanted to treat their children as dolls and make them beautiful.

Louie then thought of Sisna who was also raised by the Goddess. However, Sisna never received the same favor Alexia received. According to Sisna, she had undergone the most rigorous training to become a powerful ranger general. This might have been the difference between biological and non-biological children.

Search Hosted Novel for the original.

Louie looked at his daughter with his inverted pupils. The more he looked at her, the more he loved her. He and Alexia had an extremely close connection. For mortals, this was a bloodline connection, but for the gods, the connection was in the form of divinity.

His daughter’s body was also the best instrument to descend on the mortal world for Louie as well as the Silver Moon Goddess once they became gods.

This was also why Louie and Sleune chose to give birth to a child. They were preparing for the future. Once all the gods had fully appeared, they would not be able to appear on the main continent anymore at will. Even if they could act casually with their incarnations, they would be forbidden to intervene in mortal affairs with the power of a god.

However, Alexia was different. She was born with a divine body, but she wasn’t a god. She could stay in the main continent for a long period of time. As long as she needed it, she could borrow Louie and Selune’s power easily and she could become unparalleled in the main continent.

Alexia was Louie and Selune’s cheat weapon!

Many gods also understood this point, and there had been many gods who also attempted this in order to influence the main continent, but unfortunately, the majority of those born were abominations as the chances of success were low.

“Alexia, you should also hide the dragon horns on your head. This is not what an elf should look like and will easily upset the nation.”

The Goddess of the Silver Moon fazed at Alexia’s dragon horns and spoke softly in exhortation.

This was important for the elves and the dragons. With their proud nature, they would not allow their own bloodlines to appear tainted. Even if Alexia was the child of the Dragon God and the Silver Moon Goddess, they would instinctively feel rejection.

Only elves could rule the elves, and only dragons could rule the dragons. This was the ideology that both races had.

“Mother God, this dragon horn is a gift from father god. Even you, should not make a dragon hide their pride symbol.”

Alexia refuted her mother with a resounding voice. Her pair of gold inverted pupils stared without backing down against the Silver Moon Goddess. That stubborn look seemed to be telling Selune that no matter how she asked, she would not put away her dragon horns, the same as how she would never hide her pointed ears.

“A dragon’s stubbornness…”

The Silver Moon Goddess was stunned for a moment before letting out a light laugh.

Seeing Alexia insist, Selune did not say anything. She understood what the pride of the elves and the stubbornness of a dragon were like.

Even if Selune was not a true elf in essence, Louie was also not a pure dragon in essence. However, their child definitely had the characteristics of an elf and a dragon.

“It’s okay, Your Highness Selune, we should trust Alexia. She is our crystallization, so she would not let us down.”

Louie interrupted the mother-daughter pair and looked at his daughter with an admiring and gratifying look.

“Yes, Father god! I will not let you and Mother God down. Whether it be dragons or elves, I will definitely make them kneel and submit to you.”

Alexia’s tone was very much like her mother’s, always cool and easygoing without much enthusiasm or emotional ups and downs. This was the nature of the moon that Alexia was born with.

“Go out Alexia, let the citizens of the Silver Moon Kingdom witness their future queen, witness the child of gods, and at the same time, let them rejoice and marvel at your beauty.

“No, father god! My beauty only blooms for you and mother god. Only you and mother god will have all my love.”

Alexia held up her skirt and elegantly performed the ancient elven salute. The flower essences continued flying around her. The coolness of the moonlight and the hundred flowers around her emitted a cold and sweet fragrance that made her look like a little fairy.

“Really a well-behaved and lovely child…”

Louie smiled lovingly and opened his arms to Alexia. The little elf girl gave a cheerful cry and jumped into Louie’s arms. Her face flushed as she excitedly hugged Louie’s neck and rubbed his face with hers. This time Alexia looked like she had a hint of a little girl’s childishness.

Louie carried Alexia’s legs and said to the Unicorn Queen behind him, “Lara, I’m sorry for troubling you.”

“It will be my pleasure, Your Highness Louie.”

The Unicorn Queen walked up to Louie with an elegant stride and hung her head slightly.

Louie carefully placed Alexia on Lara’s back. Although Alexia had the power of a demigod, and there was nothing to worry about, as even a legendary spell would not hurt her, Louie, who was a new father, was still afraid that his beautiful little fairy would get a little bump.

“Aunt Lara.”

Alexia sat on the Unicorn Queen’s back and hugged her neck affectionately. Lara was also included in the knowledge that she possessed.”

“Let us go, my little princess.”

The enthusiastic and lively Lara sounded delighted as she carried Alexia outside the palace.

“Let us go out as well, Your Highness Selune. Let your believers and citizens share the joy.”

Louie said to Selune, who seemed to be as quiet as the moon. She nodded her head and advanced cloaked in the moonlight.

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Part 3 of 2 Mass Release

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