I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 341: O Daughter, You Are So Beautiful!

Chapter 341: O Daughter, You Are So Beautiful!

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The Elf Dragon, also known as the Moonlight Dragon, is a legendary dragon species born of the God of Dragons and the Goddess of the Silver Moon. It was born with great power and a force of the gods.

Mortals should not try to pestle against it. If you reason with it, you may have a chance to live.

(Note 1: There is only one Moonlight Dragon in the world, and it is the famous Queen of Life on the main continent.)

(Note 2: The Dragon God has created many legendary dragon species, some even weak gods are unwilling to face. The vast majority of legendary dragon species are cruel by nature, legendary rank powerhouses should not try to resist when seen.)

(Note 3: The legendary dragon species of the Abyss and Hell are the most ruthless and cruel ones, do not be tempted by their beauty.)

——《Record of Legendary Dragon Species》


“Crack— Crack—”

The giant silver-white egg cracked. Louie and Selune looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

The Silver Moon Goddess rose from the pool. Her divine power surged and shrouded her naked body in a mist. The Goddess had returned to her true form, no longer the form of the ‘queen’ that she had shown her people. Behind her was the light of the silver moon that seemed to be connected to the real silver moon. There was even a bright halo behind her.

Without her veil, Selune’s soft face that was as gentle as the moonlight was revealed. Divine power filled every inch of her skin. Even if mortals saw her now, they could only admire and worship her.

“Woo— woo—”

A slightly childish dragon roar came from the egg shell. With a dragon claw poking out, a young dragon crawled out of the egg.

This dragon’s body seemed to shine with the moonlight, which was different from the color of a silver dragon or a white dragon. Her whole body seemed condensed by the moonlight as if it was transparent. People would even doubt whether this dragon had any organs and bowels as it seemed to only be a combination of flesh and energy.

The dragon’s head, horns, wings, body, and tail slowly revealed themselves as the dragon crawled out of the egg. The moonlight caressed her body as if whispering in her heart. The sounds coming from the dragon felt childish, almost like a puppy, but the body of the dragon was stunning. Even if humans could not understand the beauty of a dragon, they would still be captivated when they see its cold but gentle appearance.

Immediately, this dragon that had just been born began to eat the egg shell that it came out of. This gave it the nutrition it needed to glow at a speed visible to the naked eyes. Fine moon-colored scales grew from her body which seemed lither than ordinary dragons. But upon each scale were engraved countless runes.

It didn’t take long for the dragon that looked like a puppy to grow after swallowing the eggshell. This dragon continued to grow until it was a bit short of ten meters.

The Unicorn Queen Lara, who was also inside the palace, witnessed the birth of this legendary dragon species. Her eyes flashed with surprise as she took two steps back. She did not dare resist excessively, for fear of hurting the Elf Dragon, but she was forced back by the juvenile dragon’s uncontrollable dragon and divine power.

Generally, dragons that had just been born had no combat power. Let alone powerhouses, even ordinary beasts would be able to defeat them. This was why young dragons grew up by their parents’ side until they reached the juvenile stage.

But the Elf Dragon in front was different. She was born with demi-god level power that broke past a dragon’s growth limit. It did not need to rely on years of growth to gain power because it wasn’t just a dragon, but a child of god!

This novel is available on Hosted Novel.

Louie and the Silver Moon Goddess not only contributed a huge amount of divine power and divinity but also blessed her with the power of divine authority. Because the daughter’s divinity belonged to the parents, she could borrow their divinity to display the divine authorities of ‘moon’ and ‘life’.

As one of the oldest goddesses, the Silver Moon Goddess gave a bit more. As a result, their daughter looked like another round moon that bloomed with cool moonlight. If she did not have the shape of a dragon, people would not believe that she was a dragon.

On the other hand, Louie gave her the perfected genes of a dragon that he had obtained from the Terran Civilization. It was just that she would have to grow more to display a dragon’s full power. The Elf Dragon that had just been born wasn’t very strong, only when she reached the stage of an ancient dragon could she completely display a dragon’s full power. At that time, even weaker gods would not be willing to fight her.

She had powerful physical ability and had been bestowed with divine ability. Gods that were not focused on combat would have a headache when facing her.

The Silver Moon Goddess gave her daughter the present, while Louie gave her the future.

Gradually, their daughter opened her eyes. The only part of her body that did not match the moon-color of her body was her dragon pupils which possessed the same inverted pair of dark gold pupils that Louie had.

“Father God… Mother God…”

After crossing the initial period, the dragon opened its mouth, from which came out a childish voice that had the softness of the moon and the majesty of a dragon.

Even when ordinary dragons were born, they would receive the dragon’s heritage to gain knowledge. As the daughter of two gods, the Elf Dragon was born with a lot of knowledge. Louie and Sleune gave all the necessary knowledge to their daughter. Although she was given this information, it was impossible for her to automatically comprehend all of it. As time passed, she would be able to gradually turn this knowledge into her own use.

From birth, the Elf Dragon had mastered all languages from the divine to the abyssal. It knew the mystery of life and the silver moon. With Louie’s indoctrination, he had passed on knowledge that a good king should learn about such as politics, economics, and the military.

“Your Highness Louie, it occurred to me that we have not named our daughter yet.”

A ten-meter-long body was small for a giant dragon, but for humanoid creatures, it was already a behemoth. The newly-born elf dragon had moistened eyes as it lightly probed into the arms of the Silver Moon Goddess. The Silver Moon Goddess with her slender hands gently caressed her daughter’s head with eyes full of warmth.

Although she was a goddess, she was also a mother. With her maternal instincts, she infused all her heart and her feelings towards her first and possibly only child in this life.

Louie was a little pensive and slowly voiced, “Alexia. My daughter, your name shall be Alexia. You will become the ruler of dragons and elves!”

Being born without a surname was inevitable for a child of the gods.

The name Galakrond that Louie had given himself had already become the true name of the Dragon God. Even if she was his child, she could not bear the name of a god. It would be blasphemy and she would not be able to bear the meaning that the name brought.

‘Selune’ was also the same. It was the only name of the Goddess of the Silver Moon, but also represented the essence of the world. Unlike the children of nobles, the child of two gods could only have a simple name.

“Come to me, my dear Alexia.”

Louie smiled tenderly at his daughter. The Elf Dragon’s head came to him. As she was sandwiched between her father and mother, her large pupils narrowed, revealing a childlike dependence.

The two gods warmed up to their daughter. After a long while, Louie said, “……Your Highness Selune, I will bring Alexia back to Dragon City and teach her how to become a qualified ruler. Sisna is also there at the moment, so as her sister, it should be logical for her to teach her sister.”

Although Alexia was born with knowledge, she only knew things but did not know how to apply them. She would still need to learn, but unlike mortals, she did not need to memorize knowledge. It was enough to just learn how to apply it.

The world was truly unfair in this way. Mortals had to spend more than ten lifetimes if they wanted to learn so much knowledge, but the newly born Alexia was already rich in it. Mortals had to bet on their courage and persistence to pursue everything, but Alexia already had it all at birth.

As long as Louie and the Silver Moon Goddess did not fall, Alexia, their daughter, was born immortal!

If Louie did not know that Alexia’s soul was just born and didn’t have any past lives, Louie would probably think that her soul had saved a galaxy to be able to get such a good birth in this one.

This was a true offspring of a god. It was extremely rare for gods to have offspring because, in the entire history of San Soliel, the number of children born by the gods was probably less than ten. The vast majority were just species born with gods and other creatures.

The Silver Moon Goddess was slightly reluctant. She was like a mother who was about to be separated from the child she had just given birth to, but ultimately, a goddess and mortal women were different. Selune just revealed a touch of reluctance before coldly speaking.

“This is what we initially discussed, Your Highness Louie! Alexia will be left to you to teach. Compared to the Silver Moon Kingdom, Dragon City is in a more important location. She must be able to grasp the authority that you have given her. After this, I will send an oracle in the name of the Silver Moon, so that she can become the new ruler of the elves. With the help of Sisna, she should not encounter too much trouble.”

As the Silver Moon Goddess’ adopted daughter, Sisna could be considered Alexia’s sister. With the loyal and steadfast character of that ranger general, the church of the Goddess of the Silver Moon would definitely support the two of them. Even if Alexia was not a purebred elf, but a hybrid of an elf and a dragon, she would not have a hard time taking over as the king of elves.

With military power and divine power in her hands, Louie and Selune would be disappointed if their daughter could not grasp the Silver Moon Kingdom.

Although this might seem cruel, the child of gods enjoys great power and receive less parental love. Even her existence was a compromise between the interests of the gods.

What Louie could do was to give his daughter as much fatherly love as possible.

“Alexia, take on the form of an elf, and you will join me and your mother to meet your future citizens.”

Alexia’ hung her head low as if searching for the dragon’s [Ultimate Transformation] spell from her innate knowledge. With her ability, she easily changed from a dragon into a young elf who appeared to only be ten years old, without clothes.

“My daughter, your beauty will surely make all the dragons and elves fall in love with you!”

Louie let out an exclamation.

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Part 2 of 2 Mass Release

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