I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 332: Beginning of the Era of the Gods

Chapter 332: Beginning of the Era of the Gods

Forest of the Moon, Silver Moon Kingdom—

In the Moon Pool that reflected the light of the silver moon, the Silver Moon Goddess Selune was walking slowly with her bare feet.

She wore a silver-white traditional elven costume. It trails on the ground like a long dress and fluttered as her delicate legs moved forward.

The Silver Moon Goddess came to the Moon Pool, where no elven guards existed. Her perfectly charming body had a flaw. Her abdomen bulged like a human in the tenth month of pregnancy. The Goddess’ finger gently landed on her abdomen and she gently caressed it with a soft maternal smile.

Suddenly, the Silver Moon Goddess frowned. She looked up sharply and gazed into the sky. What she was not looking at was the moon but the sun that was hiding behind the curtain of darkness. It passed her information.

“How could it be so soon? The world is almost finished changing, and the Era of the Gods is going to begin once more.”

The Silver Moon Goddess’ delicate body trembled slightly as she exclaimed with a surprised tone.

Although the Silver Moon Goddess Selune had fallen to a low-tier divine power, as one of the first born Goddesses, she still had a divine connection with the sun and light. Thus, she was able to perceive the trajectory of the world from these forces.

“I have to hurry up, but I have to give birth to this child first.”

The Silver Moon Goddess took a deep breath and secretly made a decision.


In the east of San Soliel, the Seven Nations Alliance, the capital of Agoron, a meeting of the kings of the seven nations was being held. Agoron was the capital of history and knowledge, making it a suitable place for them to meet.

In the hall of the conference center of the capital of Agoron, a quarrel was going on. Several kings argued with reddened faces, causing the place to be as noisy as a vegetable market. The whole atmosphere of the meeting was very heavy.

The return of the gods greatly influenced the kings of the nations. These demigods who had been in hiding were also attracted to the changes of the era. In the past, it was difficult to encounter these demigods even when the countries were at war. But now, each one of them was challenging the power of these kings.

Demigods could not become gods in the previous era, making it the highest level that all beings in the world could reach. The power of mortals could not attract demigods, which kept them away from the vortex of power, but as time changed and ascending was once again possible, these demigods would walk into this huge vortex to try and gain faith for the sake of reaching an immortal life.

Faced with these powerful demigods, the kings of various countries were simply helpless. Although they could use a large number of troops to waste the divine power of the demigods thus killing them, the price was too high. As a result, the kings had no choice but to work together with ancient awakened gods or rely on the church of the gods to counter the other demigods. The price that these countries had to pay was to allow the church to perform missionary work.

But even now, the church of the ancient gods was unable to face a demigod. They could only slightly take advantage in battle.

Now, the scene playing in the entire continent from north to south was the same as long as there were intelligent creatures around. With the awakening of the gods as the lead and supplemented by the demigods who survived the Era of Disaster, all those who were expected to become gods started plundering believers from each other in hopes of obtaining immortality and power.

This was the best era for those who wished to become gods, but it was also the worst of times. Dark currents flowed everywhere as the shadow of war loomed. The revival of hell and the abyss made every mortal face death at any time.

“King Selar, King Danbusil! Are you really going to wage war against Dragon City? That dragon is about to become a god. It is not wise to wage war against him. Now that huge changes are happening, the first thing we have to do is maintain the Seven Kingdom Alliance, not to wage war with a dragon who is about to become a god. I hope you will withdraw your orders!

One of the Kings, the King of Kios, questioned the two kings loudly at the meeting.

He looked around, trying to find an ally who could support his arguments, but he was left disappointed.

The lady of the capital of wealth was smiling as her eyes lit up hearing about the war. She was on the precipice of making a fortune, after all. The Barbarian King of Tumibia remained wary as if the mention of war was enough to make his blood boil. The King of Agoron just stroked his white beard without saying a word. He was also a demigod trying to spread his faith in his own territory. The elegant elder of Evermere did not say anything either, but he had an anxious frown as he worried about the internal situation of his territory.

The two kings of Selar and Danbusil, in their twenties and in their respective primes, looked at each other. The king of Selar stood up as a representative and retorted loudly, “O king of Kios, this is an internal affair between Selar and Danbusil that is outside of the alliance’s control. A thousand years ago, our kingdoms were invaded by the Queen of Calamity where countless innocent civilians died under the breath of the evil dragon. Since then, every king of Selar and Danbusil has to swear that if any traces of the Queen of Calamity is found, they must raise the country’s banner to crush the dragon!"

“That evil dragon is now sheltered by the Dragon God. For the glory of the previous kings and for our oath, this is a task that we must go through!”

The king of Selar first gave a righteous speech to give himself the advantage in the meeting. Then he coldly snorted at the other kings, “Moreover, the different churches in your countries are also encouraging you to wage war against Dragon City, right? The gods are coveting the riches of the dragon. They want you to obtain the dragon’s wealth for themselves. As believers of the gods, shouldn’t you fight for the sake of your Gods?!”

The speech made all the kings angry. The gods’ awakening and the development of the church robbed most of their powers as rulers. In the end, they were forced to believe in a particular god.

Even the Subila Empire was in a precarious position. Under the joint power of many churches, the country was split into pieces. Each country in the Seven Kingdom Alliance was in no better position than the Subila Empire. How could they fight against the gods?

However, these people never imagined that the King of Selar would bow down to the gods and raise his whole country to wage war against Dragon City. They wondered what benefits the gods had promised him.


The lady of the capital of wealth was the first to stand up and brush her sleeves away. The beautiful woman dressed in gold and silver let out an ugly expression as if her pride had been wounded

Although she was known as the embodiment of wealth on the continent, she could only resign herself to the power and greatness of the gods.

All other kings also left their seats with ugly faces except for the old man of Agoron who was smiling. He was the only demigod among the kings, allowing him to hold on to the power of the kingdom of Agoron tightly. This also made him the only person who was least affected by the gods.

“I have waited for this moment for three thousand years. Finally, it’s time to reap the harvest.”

The old man stroked his beard and whispered contentedly.


After leaving Agoron, King Selar returned to his kingdom. Once he arrived at his palace, he immediately had someone summon two bishops of different churches.

“Sir bishops, will you really help me with all your might to wage a war on Dragon City?”

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The main reason why King Selar had the courage to wage a war was that he had two churches promising him assistance.

“Please rest assured, O King Selar. We, the church of the Goddess of Magic, will definitely help you with all our might to wage a war of salvation against the kingdom of that evil god. The Goddess has promised that if you are able to do so, the goddess will grant a reward that will satisfy you.”

“The same goes for our Church of the Earth Goddess. Goddess has told us to do our best to help you, and the Mother Goddess will reward you as well.”

The two bishops assured the King of Selar without any haste.

King Selar nodded heartily and looked at the other person present.

It was a witch with a long hat. This witch slightly raised her head and said with a mature voice, “The Feminist Witch Council has also received instructions from the head witch to help you invade the kingdom of the dragon!”


On the other hand, after returning to his kingdom, the King of Danbusil rushed to his palace. At the top of the palace where the throne was located, a woman was already sitting there.

Seeing his throne occupied by another person, King Danbusil was not annoyed, but instead let out an infatuated look, as if he had lost his will and self, “Lady, I have launched a war against Dragon City together with Selar as you requested.”

The woman sitting on the throne let out a teasing smile. Her demonic and voluptuous posture seemed to gather the beauty of the endless realms. Even the gods and goddesses would be charmed by her beauty.

“Well done, my slave. Go and test that dragon. I am very interested in him. His appearance is very unbelievable. It really makes me curious, giggle giggle~~~”

The woman laughed and trembled. Her body swayed while letting out a burst of seductive laughter. After hearing that laughter, King Danbusil stifled a grunt. His body trembled and fell to his knees.

The queen sitting on the throne gave him a disgusted look and cursed, “Go away you dog!”

King Danbusil was cursed, but he was not angry at all. Instead, he showed a look of enjoyment and crawled out of the palace with excitement.

“O dragon, I hope you can give me a different feeling…”

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