I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 331: Becoming a God

Chapter 331: Becoming a God

Both Louie and the Goddess of Night reached a satisfactory agreement. As for Louie’s insult to Shae, it did not matter at the moment. Whether Shae was angry or if she wanted revenge, that would be a matter of three thousand years later.

For now, they were united by their deep connections with the alien civilization in the other dimension and formed a united front as part of one system — Louie’s Dragon God system.

“Then, let us swear an oath to the River Styx, Your Highness Shae! But before making the oath, I hope you can promise me something. I hope that you would not plot against Her Highness Selune within the timeline. I also have a RIver Styx Oath with her and I hope that you will not make things difficult for me.”

Louie said with a slight frown. He felt that this was the most difficult matter. He now stood between the Silver Moon Goddess and the Goddess of the Night. He wanted to enjoy the benefits that both sides brought, but it was difficult, especially with the mutual hatred between the two. Even if they jumped into the River Styx, it might not even wash away. At the moment, Louie’s greatest problem was temporarily easing their relationship.

For the time being, all Louie could think of was not to tell anything to the Silver Moon Goddess, otherwise, their alliance would have problems.

“You really have a lot of requests, Your Highness Louie.”

Shae’s tone was mixed with slight complaints, but she nodded and said, “I know what I’m asking for, and I won’t plot or make a move against Selune until I reach mid-tier divine power. But don’t get ahead of yourself, my Lord God!”

Shae’s tone was delicate, but her eyes were as tranquil as the void.

‘Mid-tier divine power? That should be enough.’

Louie thought so and smiled. “I have not presumed to want to intervene in the war between the both of you. Those are your true natures since the beginning of the world. How could I be so arrogant to let make you let go of this prejudice.”

Louie knew that he was not some tiger who could bring the Goddess of the Night and the Goddess Silver Moon into his harem and have them live in harmony.

With their natures, perhaps they would never make up even if the world was destroyed. They were twin sisters that were also each other’s greatest enemies.

But because the two goddesses had an innate hatred, Louie gained the chance to use them. If they were truly good sisters, then how could Louie take advantage of them? They would have just helped each other.

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“Then Your Highness Shae, let’s make a vow so as to establish our position, commitment, and relationship for the next three thousand years.”

Louie took a deep breath and said with a solemn voice, “I swear by my divine fire to the River Styx —”

The Goddess of Night also curbed her smile and said with the same seriousness, “… I swear by my divine fire to the River Styx —”

The gods directly manifested the contents of the covenant between the two in the form of divine words. The detailed agreements between the gods did not need to fall into words. The language of the gods could compress profound meaning into a few words, and so the covenant was set in stone.

A magnificent scroll emerged from the void, and the two of them looked at the contents of the scroll. After carefully confirming the contents and sensing that none of them had tampered with them, they both extracted a piece of divine fire and burned it on the scroll.

Immediately, the scroll floating in the midair automatically burned up. The flames split into two halves and entered into Shae and Louie’s bodies. They could both feel that their own divine fires and divinity were connected to the waters of River Styx. The oath was also engraved in their divine fires. If any of them broke the covenant, they would immediately be pulled into the River Styx and suffer the pain of divine wasting.

Even if Shae was just an incarnation, the oath would immediately connect to her true body.

With this, the alliance had been formed. The two gods smiled as the atmosphere immediately eased. They both smiled with enthusiasm.

If Louie and Shae both rated each other at nine points of distrust before, then this distrust became five points after the covenant.

Making two gods trust each other was estimated to be impossible. The River Styx oath also had loopholes, so the two would still remain wary of each other.

“So, my Lord, is it possible to put me down now? I am not a God of Abuse and I don’t really fancy this treatment.”

Shae was still tied to the wall at this moment. The chains made from the spell were still strangling her. Her clothes were also torn making her look very erotic.

“Sorry, Your Highness Shae! I will put you down right now.”

Louie was apologetic. He waved his hand to release the spell, freeing Shae.

Shae fell to the ground and stumbled on her feet. A pool of dried blood had gathered under her feet when she had been hung on the wall. If she wasn’t an incarnation, she would have already died.

“I’m truly apologetic, Your Highness Shae! Your power and wisdom made me fearful, so I had to do this. I have no desire to insult you.”

Louie sincerely apologized.

“I understand the position you were in just now, Lord God, and the reason why you would do so, for which I will not hold a grudge against you.

The Goddess of Night Shae nodded and smiled as if she had genuinely forgiven Louie.

As for whether these were her true thoughts, Louie was not convinced as he understood that this goddess was somewhat petty.

Fortunately, with the River Styx Oath, he didn’t have to be too worried about her for three thousand years.

Louie sat back on his chair and invited Shae to sit down as well. Their relationship now was between the main god and a subordinate god. It was natural for them to be much closer. Of course, Louie did not really treat Shae as a servant. For the gods, it was important to maintain basic mutual respect as long as they were not mortal enemies.

However, Shae did not sit on the chair prepared for her by Louie. Instead, she picked up a glass of red wine and sat sideways on Louie’s lap. Her enchanting posture coupled with her dancer-like dress made her more seductive.

The Goddess of the Night’s soft body leaned on Louie’s chest as her waist gently twisted. Through her torn-up clothes, her ink jade skin was clearly visible. It emitted a light fragrance that could make a person feel at peace. This Goddess might be seductive and evil, but she was also quiet and gentle.

But in actual fact, Louie felt that Shae’s movements were stiff and seemed to have no experience. She wasn’t even as proactive as his elven maids.

Thinking about it, that should be the case. The proud goddess had mortals serve her in the past. Although she had seen a variety of obscene things, this might be her first actually trying them herself.

Louie was not moved. He was more concerned with the secrets that she knew, “Your Highness Shae, can you now tell me the god that you want me to kill?”

“Hush! Your Highness Louie now is not the time to tell you. If I tell you now, the plan is likely to fail in the first place.”

Shae raised her finger and blinked.

Louie raised his eyebrows unhappily. Just as he pondered whether this was the truth or just Shae’s perfunctory words, the Goddess of the Night continued, “However, there is one secret that I have to tell you earlier. You also need to make preparations in advance.”

“That is, the Era of the Gods is coming. You have to make final preparations to ascend and become a god!”

As the words fell, Louie was shocked. He did not expect Shae to know the specific time when the gods would return once more. Could this be Shae’s true ability or did every sleeping powerful god know about it?

Without waiting for Louie to think deeply, Shae ambiguously smiled and said, “Now, it’s time to give the things I promised you, about the ‘secret’ of the Goddess of the Night.”

Shae smiled delicately and boldly.

Louie had no more time to ponder and just closed his eyes.

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