I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 304: Divine Right of Kings

Chapter 304: Divine Right of Kings

Unfortunately, no matter how much they struggled, mortals could never truly stand up against the Gods when they chose to be serious.

Even in the heat of WWII, when Great Britain had to face the Nazi’s air raids, they had not been entirely helpless. Indeed it was through their dogged efforts and help from their allies that they managed to turn the situation around and eventually win the war.

Buckingham Palace was now aflame.

The constant din of firing machine guns, loaded shells, explosions, and screams poured out from the palace grounds and into the surrounding streets. Though the British infantry did their best at restraining him, the Celt, unfortunately, could not be stopped. Step by step he neared the grounds.

Even if he turned around and left at that very moment, the carnage and desecration he had created so far meant that the palace’s walls were almost all riddled with holes of various sizes. And the costs of repairing the grounds would be astronomical.

But more pressingly, it wasn’t clear that the royal family even had a future.

With such a huge event, it was impossible for the world to not know what was happening. A few reckless newscasters had even approached Buckingham Palace or hidden in buildings close by. They used various methods to transmit information to their respective stations.

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After France, America, Russia, and various superpowers watched this, they did not ridicule England at all and instead watched on with a heavy heart, worrying for the future.

Today a god broke into Buckingham Palace. If one of these days supernatural beings broke into the White House, into the Kremlin, into the Elysee Palace, what would they do? England was unlucky to be the first, but it looked like the country at least would survive. But that was only because the Celt only seemed interested in the royal family. Other countries still had no ideas of how to counter this kind of threat.

These supernatural beings were troublesomely strong. Normal weapons could not damage them at all. If the government were to use weapons of mass destruction, then extreme collateral damage would be unavoidable.

Gradually, the military’s resistance became weaker and weaker. It was not that they had no will to fight, but the enemy they were facing was beyond common sense. These land forces were elites. Even in difficult situations they would push through and accomplish their missions, but nothing they did at the current moment helped.

This was not a battle at all, but a one-sided slaughter. And since their efforts were meaningless, many wondered as to the utility of the battle at all.

Some of the soldiers broke down and cried. Some threw down their guns and raised their hands in prayer. Gradually, the soldiers found that as long as they did not resist, the Celtic god would only look at them in disdain and not attack them. As a result, the soldiers began to surrender and only the sounds of crying and wailing echoed.

“I beg you. Please don’t kill me!”

“I surrender. We surrender. We won’t resist so please don’t kill us. Please.”

“Oh god, please forgive us.”

“For the love of God, no for the sake of our nation now, please let us go.”


Connacht Rhys looked at the surrendered soldiers and loudly roared, “Group up, cowards!”

Although he cursed, he did not bother to strike these soldiers and instead walked straight into the palace building.


At this moment, there was a cry filled with bloodlust. From the corner of his eye, Connacht saw someone slash at him with an army knife. He casually pinched at the incoming blade with his fingers, stopping it dead in its tracks.

He locked eyes with the assailant. To his surprise, the individual wasn’t of European descent but of Asian descent.

The attacker was a member of the legendary English foreign legion hailing from the mountains of Nepal – the Gurkha. These warriors were often called the shadow vanguard of the modern British army and had been in the government’s employ for several hundred years.

In the soldier’s struggling grip was his unit’s trademark weapon, the Khukuri. Despite seeing the uselessness of modern weaponry, the soldier had not given up and chose to attack directly with his melee weapon. He chose to challenge a god in the ancient way of war.

“You might be brave and commendable, but you are too weak. Hahaha!”

Connacht Rhys beamed as if he was happy to meet the soldier. His mouth praised but his hands did not slow down as he cut the soldier and half and proceeded to eliminate the rest of his approaching unit.

“As warriors, the battlefield is the best grave!”

The Celt roared with a hearty vigor. At that moment, he seemed like a matchless hero who commanded the respect of thousands. An exemplary individual who inspired admiration in both friends and enemies.

He turned his eyes to the next batch of Gurkhas and raised his spear once more.


At that moment, an old but graceful voice echoed. Hearing this, the Gurkha soldiers hesitated for a moment. They put down their weapons and stood down. The Queen walked forwards slowly and appeared with the rest of the core royal family.

“Stop this senseless killing, Sir Connacht Rhys. We are only a group of mortals who do not wish to contend with deities.”

The Queen’s voice was filled with passion despite her age. This was the most critical moment in her life as well as Great Britain’s existence. Even the Fuhrer was not able to force England to such a point.

“Powerful heroes are even able to cut down the gods. As mortals, you should not underestimate yourselves.”

The Celt had a fierce gleam in his eyes. Like a beast, he looked at the elderly lady.

“But now, there are no more heroes that you speak of, Sir Connacht.”

The Queen felt his powerful gaze rake across her being. Despite feeling a deep fear, she pulled herself together and met his eyes.

“You are the king of this country?” Connacht asked,

“I am Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Head of the Commonwealth, and the Defender of the Faith and supreme governor of the Church of England!”

The queen felt that she could not let the momentum weaken. She directly recited the long title she had never used before. Since she knew it was useless to beg for mercy, she tried to maintain an aura of majesty that befitted someone who ruled Great Britain for more than 60 years.

Since there was no way back, it was necessary to make a stand.

However, the queen grieved endlessly in her heart. She decided to be fearless because she was already old and did not have long to live. After knowing that Christ was real, she believed that she could go to heaven after death. However, she had a son and grandchildren. If possible she would not want her families and relatives to be slaughtered here by a barbaric god.

But there was no way out. She knew that the world was watching her at this time. For the glory of the British Empire, she could not retreat.

“We don’t discriminate against women, we only discriminate against cowards. As a Tuatha De Dannan, I will acknowledge that you are the queen!”

The Celtic god of war laughed out loud. His voice was fierce and loud. His laughter sent waves in the air that could be heard in the distance. It contained a wildness and ferocity that incited other people’s bloodlust.

What was even more moving was that the god of war had recognized Queen Elizabeth as a ruler under the title of Tuatha De Dannan. Although it was not Christ, it was still enough to make people feel shocked.

This was the ancient divine right of kings!

Editor disappeared for a while. We back on track now 🙂

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