I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 303: Pray to the Lord. That Is the Only Thing We Can Do

Chapter 303: Pray to the Lord. That Is the Only Thing We Can Do

Buckingham Palace was in a state of panic. The sound of the British Army running and the terrified screams of soldiers and officers could be heard. In the distance rang constant explosions and ear-splitting gunfire – sounds not heard in the UK since World War II.

Now, however, the British were in even more desperate straits. When Germans blitzed the cities of Liverpool, Swansea, and Cardiff, they had done so at a significant cost. But the rampaging Celt had barely taken on any damage before decimating their forces now.

The royal family and its retainers were collectively crouched on the floor, shivering in panic and desperation.

In truth, several members of the family felt their current situation to be quite unfair. They weren’t after all, even the true rulers of Britain. Rather they simply served ceremonial and traditional functions. Asides from a social status that granted them no constitutional advantages, they simply had more money than most. They certainly weren’t even billionaires.

Some venomous members even thought to scapegoat members of the core family, No one wanted to die inexplicably.

In contrast to the majority of the cowering adults, however –

“Your Majesty, the palace should have a secret passage, right? Why don’t you hurry up and leave now? Our army will hold the place.”

A colonel came to Elizabeth II, saluted, and spoke tersely. As a soldier of Britain, the success of the Celt’s assault marked him and his subordinates with great shame. It wouldn’t be strange if the whole world laughed at them. At this point, they were no longer fighting to protect the royal family, but the honor of entire Great Britain. Even if they knew of the outcome of the battle, they still needed to come forward.

Hearing these words, the other members of the royal family looked toward the Queen in hope. It was highly unlikely that there were no secret passages in the palace. And if anyone knew anything about them, it would be the Queen.

Her Majesty, who had always given a graceful and luxurious appearance sighed. She braced her tired body and reluctantly squatted down and picked up a painting while uttering desperate words, “There is indeed a secret passage, but it has fallen into disrepair and can not be used. The royal family is short on funds, so the money is first used on other palaces rather than the secret passage.”

Her Majesty’s words made the entire royal family and the nearby soldiers feel embarrassed, but thinking about it, this was normal. It was simply not easy to repair the royal palace with its current status. Even if they had more money, they would never have thought of repairing the secret passage. For Britain, they never thought that Buckingham Palace would lose so single-handedly in this era!

Buckingham Palace had existed for more than three hundred years. With the current remodeling of the palace, it would be hard to enter it.

At this moment, the crowd could hear the sounds of helicopters. The colonel covered his ears to listen to orders. A few seconds later, he said, “Your Majesty, the helicopter has arrived. You and other members of the royal family should first take the helicopter and leave.”

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As his words fell, many members of the royal family beamed with happiness. They could just take the helicopter and leave here.

However, their happiness was short-lived.


In front of the crowd’s gaze, the Celt leaped high in the air and used his hands to grab the helicopter’s propeller. The blades screeched to a halt right before the Celt kicked the helicopter down to the earth. The chopper crashed into the earth, turning into burning wreckage.

Then the Celt swung his spear a few more times, slicing other nearby choppers into exploding fireworks.

At the sight of this, the inhabitants of Buckingham Palace went silent. Their last means of escape had been killed off.

“I don’t want to die. Mom, I don’t want to die.”

The children cried, trying to seek comfort from their mother, but their mothers were even more distraught.

“Wuuuuu, Why is that bastard of a god looking for us? We’ve been separated from the Anglo-Saxons for so many generations already. He should be going to the Prime Minister instead of us.”

There were cries and sobs of dismay. Buckingham Palace was now like a sieged fort where they were only awaiting their deaths.

The colonel did not despise these people. If possible he would also like to cry out and resented the general who sent him out there.

If the other side was human, he would have been able to hold his ground and defend until reinforcements arrived.

However, their enemy was no human, but a god of war. Even if reinforcements arrived, what use were they? Modern human weapons simply could not injure them. And if they resorted to using weapons of mass destruction, they would also kill their own people.

“Baby, daddy doesn’t know if he can still go back.”

The colonel pulled out a necklace from his pocket with a photo of his wife and daughter. He held back his tears and kissed it.

Seeing this, the Queen sighed softly and said, “All branch families should wait in the palace, and the direct line members should go out with me together. We have no escape. As the royal family of Great Britain, even if we have to die, we should maintain our dignity to the very end.”

The queen named the people one by one. All of them were her direct descendants and everyone she named had a pale face, while those from the branch families were relieved to hear that they didn’t have to face the Celt.

“Your Majesty, please let Charlotte stay here.”

The son pleaded. His daughter was only five years old. And although she was a member of the direct line and even the fourth in line of succession, how could he bear to let his child die?

The Queen looked at her granddaughter. She could not endure and wiped a tear from the corner of her eyes and agreed.

The prince sighed with relief and hurriedly handed his daughter to a member of the branch family. Princess Charlotte cried, but the prince and the crown princess steeled their hearts and followed the queen outside.

The colonel also followed the queen and whispered, “Your Majesty, my duty is to keep you safe. Let me go with you.”

The Queen looked at him and saw the soldier’s resolute face. The Queen had seen him kiss the photo of his family, but after a bit of hesitation, she allowed him to follow.

This was his pride as a soldier.

“Mother, what else can we do now?”

The crown prince asked in a low voice as his palms trembled.

“Pray, pray to the lord. That is the only thing we could do.”

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