I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 876: I Want To Enroll In Duel Academy

"Brother Yuei Vu!"

Aster Phoenix walked as fast as he could, nimbly approaching from among the collapsed rocks that were scattered all over the place.

"Brother Yuei Vu, are you okay?"

But before Yuei Vu could reply, he smiled to himself: "What am I talking about? Of course, there is nothing wrong that can happen to you."

After all, Brother Yuei Vu is number one in the world.

He had always believed so firmly.

The young man seemed to take off his mask as a professional duelist in an instant. He was elegant, calm, and unfazed by the world, and instantly transformed back into the young and shy boy he was before.

"What about you? Are you okay?" Yuei Vu asked.

"No injuries." Aster smiled, "Thanks to Brother Yuei Vu for coming in time."

"I came here early because I wanted to celebrate your victory. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. It's really lucky to think about it."

Aster glanced at the unconscious DD: "Who is this guy?"

"An ordinary duelist," Yuei Vu said, "but we have to find out how he got the card in his hand. This guy is just a minor character and doesn't have the ability to make such a big fuss."

Aster looked at the man carefully for a moment, then held his chin and said seriously, "He doesn't look like a good person."

However, in the original world timeline, you recognized him as your father.

Of course, this must not be said.

"Okay, just leave the rest to me." Yuei Vu patted Aster on the shoulder, "You don't have to think too much."


Entrusting the matter to Brother Yuei Vu, Aide was naturally relieved. But he didn't just leave. He hesitated and said, "By the way, Brother Yuei Vu, I will be fifteen years old soon."

"Oh? That's good."

At this moment, Yuei Vu was leaning over and taking out the card deck from the unconscious DD, unfolding the deck, and replying casually while browsing.

"So your birthday is coming soon. Why don't you come to the academy with your dad to celebrate your birthday?"

"Actually, Yuei Vu-sensei, I have already made a decision." Aster looked serious.

Yuei Vu glanced at him sideways and found that his face was serious.

"What to decide?"

"I'm going to enroll in Duel Academy tomorrow!"

Yuei Vu stared at him for a while before making sure he was not joking.


What is Aster's status now?

The rising star in the professional circle, the annual world champion!

So many students from Duel Academy have worked very hard to study for three years. What are they trying to achieve? Isn't it just to have a better start in the professional world?

For example, Ryo Marufuji-san in the original work.

But this one did the opposite. He has already won the world championship and is at the top of the professional circle. Now he actually wants to go back to school?

Do you want to come here to study or to teach?

However, Aster didn't do it on a whim. He had already decided to go to Duel Academy.

When he announced this decision, everyone around him, including his father and his agent, was surprised. His agent and some friends in the professional world also tried to dissuade him, saying it was a waste of time.

However, Aster was determined to go to the academy to study, and no one could persuade him to not do so.

According to the regulations, you can register for the Duel Academy entrance exam when you are fifteen years old. No regulation stated that world champions cannot participate!

Why don't you let me go?

Yuei Vu glanced at Aster and asked, "You are so determined to enroll in school. Is it because you miss Judai?"

Ed's face suddenly changed: "Brother Yuei Vu, what are you talking about? Who would miss an idiot like that?"

The reason why he wanted to go to the academy was just to spend more time with Brother Yuei Vu and have the opportunity to learn from him.

It definitely has nothing to do with that rough-and-tumble card-playing idiot!

"It's so dishonest." Yuei Vu said helplessly, "When you were young, you two ate the same bowl of rice and slept in the same bed. There's nothing awkward about it."

"Then that was all in my childhood." Aster looked strange and muttered something vaguely.

For a while back then, Judai and Aster had an almost inseparable relationship. No matter what they did, the two children would stick together and it would be difficult for them to separate.

As a child, Judai was probably a typical naughty child, active, energetic, and often noisy. Aster, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of him. He was the kind of quiet and shy young lady who would lower his head and dare not say hello to strangers.

In the past, their group was basically led by Judai. When Judai said what he wanted to do and where he wanted to go, Aster followed him obediently, rarely expressing his own subjective opinions and rarely raising objections.

However, unlike Yuki Judai whose scores in various subjects were always hovering on the edge of the passing line, Aster has been a standard academic since he was a child. He has an excellent memory and can pass every subject in any subject.

If he only scored first in the class, it would be called a step back. He has been the unbeatable number one in the school since elementary school.

Yuei Vu had caught Judai secretly copying Aster's homework more than once, or when he was more arrogant, he even asked Aster to write it for him.

Of course, if Yuei Vu caught him doing something like this, he wouldn't let it go easily. A penalty would definitely be inevitable, and sometimes both were punished.

Yuei Vu not only gave them extra homework but also required each of them to write an examination of no less than 5,000 words.

Five thousand words was not a small number.

Yuei Vu once had a friend who was a web novel writer on the Internet. He once said that 1000 words per day is the limit of the human body, two thousand was called explosive growth, and three thousand was called cheating.

If it's four thousand a day, darling, that's no longer a human being, it's a tentacle monster.

Of course, the friend who said this seemed to have never written a serious and completed book in his memory.

Although Yuei Vu did not agree to accept Aster as his student, to be fair, he taught him a lot, including most of Aster's current card-playing ideas and deck-construction routines, etc., were taught by Yuei Vu.

However, Mr. Phoenix still needed to live in the United States due to work needs, and Aster had to follow him. As they grew older, their relationship with each other also changed.

For example……

Aster: Idiot.

Judai: Those who say others are idiots are idiots themselves!

Aster: Hey, let’s duel!

Judai: Okay, just what I want!


Soon after.

Judai: Ha! Gotcha! That was a fun Duel!

Aster: Damn it, you're lucky this time.

Judai: You lose, then you are an idiot today! Hahaha!

Aster: We didn't say beforehand that the loser would be an idiot, right?

Judai: Huh? (After thinking about it carefully, I think this is the truth)


Thinking about the silver-haired young shota who followed Judai inseparably back then, and then looking at Aster now, Yuei Vu couldn't help but sigh.

Such a Kawai shota, how did you grow into the shape of President Kaiba?

Besides, it’s not like the president doesn’t have other advantages! Why do you want to learn his tsundere?

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