I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 875: Let Me Foretell!

This guy was Saio Takuma, the second BOSS of "Yu-Gi-Oh GX" after Kagemaru.

But to be more precise, he was actually just a victim. He was the host chosen by The Light of Destruction, and his life was a tragedy.

Saio Takuma himself was a fortune teller, a person who was born with the ability to predict the future.

In the original anime, he saw his future fate of corruption through tarot card divination many years ago. He saw the light that distorted everything descending from the sky, and only destruction awaited him in the future.

Saio was actually a very contradictory character. On the one hand, he believed in fate and felt that the established future was difficult to reverse, but on the other hand, he still tried his best to resist.

Under the guidance of tarot cards, he found the young Aster at the time, hoping that one day in the future Aster would be able to help him when he fell. In the original work, he was also Aster's closest friend after the boy lost his father.

He could see destiny but rarely changed it. He knew very well that sometimes fate was a bitch, a ruthless and stubborn bitch.

Yuei Vu destroyed The Light of Destruction that resided in the Plasma card and greatly rewrote the future. But the ruined future that Saio foresaw did not waver.

Or rather, it got worse.

The destruction of the fragment of The Light of Destruction on Earth six years ago seemed to have attracted the attention of its main body deep in the universe. A wave of light was released, and it accurately found this place by following the coordinates where its companions were defeated.

After that, the fortune teller Saio Takuma was picked by The Light of Destruction that descended on the Earth.

The world line has changed and history has shifted, but Saio failed to escape from the fate he predicted.

Gradually, Saio's own consciousness was pushed to the edge, and what controlled this body became a new personality born from Saio's own consciousness under the influence of cosmic fluctuations.

If the personality born from the Millenium Items was called a dark personality, then the Saio born from the power of The Light of Destruction should perhaps be called a "light personality."

Since his birth, this light personality of Saio has never been as shocked as he is now.

He inherited the host's own ability to "predict the future" and even derived new powers based on this. Under the influence of The Light of Destruction, he could even influence the gears of destiny to a certain extent, making the future develop in a direction that was beneficial to him.

He believed that fate was the only absolute thing in the world, a behemoth that could not be shaken, and was also an ally on his side.

What was shown in the animation in the duel was that all effects related to "rolling dice" and "tossing coins" would definitely be in his favor.

When he needed to throw a Head, he would never throw a Tail, and when he needed to throw a Tail, he would never throw a Head.

This was the only character in the entire series of animations whose actual combat performance in this aspect could overshadow even God of Gamblers. If Jonouchi was still at the super lucky level, then this guy could no longer be explained by luck, it was just cheating.

Saio firmly believed that fate was on his side, which was the main reason why he was so confident. He believed in this more than his duel strength.

Even destiny belongs to me, so how can I lose?

But his absolute confidence had just been shaken.

As mentioned before, Saio had the ability to make the future develop in his own favor. Sometimes this happened naturally, and other times it required a gentle push from him.

Through his own eyes, he could see everyone's destiny. He knows who was useful to him and who must be eliminated.

He knew where and when everyone must be, and where every decision would lead to.

He felt that he was a chess player and everyone was his pawn. He laid out a winning chess game on the chessboard called Destiny and pushed this torrent with his own hands.

For example, this down-and-out DD got "Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju", this was part of his destiny. This was just the beginning, a choice of fate, and the prelude to a series of epic ruins that would follow.

The turtle monster's rampage should have caused an even greater disaster. What Saio saw was that half of the city was instantly destroyed by the power of the Kaiju, leaving a deep scar on the entire world.

Yes, the Sea Turtle Kaiju would be subdued in the end, and this DD who was so proud of getting a little strength would eventually be subdued. This was all part of Saio's calculations.

…The problem is that this is too fast, right?

The Kaiju just took a walk along the street. He was neatly pressed down before he could do anything.

This chapter is not in the script, right!?

Of course, Yuei Bu who defeated the Sea Turtle Kaiju attracted Saio's attention.

As a fortune teller, he naturally relied on his best ability, divination.

Tarot cards were flying all over the sky like life, crisscrossing and overlapping in mid-air. Saio sat back in his chair, clasped his hands, and stared intently at the afterimages of cards in the sky.

The washed spleen would automatically fall back in front of him. The divination card array would reveal everything, and no one could escape the light of destiny.

And what happened next was a scene that stunned Saio.

His tarot cards flying all over the sky, charting the trajectory of destiny, then…

…they exploded.

With a loud "snap", each card was freed from its control as if colluded and scattered all over the place like snowflakes.

Saio was shaken all over.

Exploded? What does it mean?

Could it be that fate is preventing me from seeing the future of this Duel King?

No, that's impossible!

Saio's expression quickly turned cold.

Destiny is on my side, I can see anyone's future, anyone's ending, anyone!

He had to confirm this again.

Saio took out the crystal ball and looked through this prop. He could see almost any corner, anywhere, and anyone on the earth.

Through the crystal ball, he clearly saw the city area after the duel, and saw DD, who was unconscious and collapsed on the ground.

He also saw Duel King Yuei Vu, who was…

…removing the deck.

While pulling it out, he muttered: "As the manager of the Duel Monsters Department of the Kaiba Corp and the chairman of the Duelist Alliance, I have every reason to suspect that your deck has an unknown origin and is very evil, so I will temporarily keep it for further investigation."

Saio: "…"

Oh, that's all, this DD and the "Kaiju" deck in his hand were just cannon fodder anyway. They have already played their due role. If the Duel King wanted it, just let him take it.

Saio then noticed Aster Phoenix, the hot new guy who just won the world championship tonight, appearing in the crystal ball. From the looks of it, he seemed to have a good relationship with this duel king.

The tarot cards scattered all over the place began to fly again under the pull of invisible forces. They flew intertwined in mid-air, weaving the trajectory of fate in this unique way.

The tarot cards fell back in front of him.

Saio turned over the top card.

The Tower.

A high tower was struck by lightning, and two people fell from the tower.

Destiny revealed to him its future influence through this card.

Aster Phoenix's LP returned to zero and he lay helpless on the ground. The heroes he trusted flew out of the Duel Disk and slowly covered his body.

This was his ending, a fate that could not be avoided and symbolized "destruction".

Saio was very satisfied.

His power has not failed, the wheel of fate continued to rotate, and he could still see the trajectory clearly.

This led him to believe that the failure just now was just an accidental mistake.

Then let us discuss the fate of this duel king…


The tarot cards flying in the sky exploded again.

Saio almost exploded, and he was so angry that he threw the table away.

It’s unnatural!

Why don't you let me foretell??

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