I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 744: That Was A Fun Duel

The Shadow Duelist Titan took the initiative.

He first activated a Pot of Greed to draw two cards, then a Spell Books from the Pot to draw three cards. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed a lot of cards in his hand, and the cards he earned were almost flying.

Obviously, such a bunch of disharmonious things were temporarily stuffed in by Mr. Duel King. Titan activated a "Foolish Burial" and sent the monster card "Annihilator Archfiend" from the deck to the graveyard.

He then normal summoned the "Archfiend Cavalry", and when there was an "Archfiend" monster on the field, he special summoned the "Archfiend Commander" from his hand.

Then "Archfiend Commander" activated its betrayal effect. When it was special summoned by its own effect, it destroyed another "Archfiend" monster on the field. So he directly blew up the "Archfiend Cavalry" which was his stepping stone.

The development was similar to the previous one, but there was still a little difference here. His "Archfiend Cavalry" immediately activated its effect after being blown down, bringing the "Annihilator Archfiend" in the graveyard back to the field.

The Annihilator Archfiend's defense power iwa as high as three thousand, and its butt was so thich that even the legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon could not shake it.

No, all the friends of Judai were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

“A monster with an attack power of 2,500 and a monster with a defense power of 3,000!” Judai’s younger brother Sho exclaimed.

“This person is really strong!” Judai’s roommate, Hayato Maeda, said, “Isn’t he really a Shadow Duelist?”

Titan laughed loudly after hearing this.

“I have already said that your souls will be mine today! Wake up, little boys, this is your burial place!

Look! This is the proof of Shadow Game! "

He fumbled under his loose robe for a while and actually took out an inverted pyramid-shaped gold pendant. The thick chain was tied to the cone-shaped ornament, and the golden eyes engraved on its shell flashed.

Sho exclaimed hoarsely: "Millennium Puzzle!"

“Hahaha, this kid is quite knowledgeable!” Titan laughed, “Yes! This is the legendary artifact Millennium Puzzle, and it is proof of the Shadow Game!”

Judai was confused: "Your Millennium Puzzle seems to look a little different."

Although it has been a long time, Judai saw the Millennium Puzzle in the hands of Muto Yugi many years ago.

Comparing it with the Millennium Puzzle in his impression, what Titan holding in his hand felt like a product from an unscrupulous copycat manufacturer.

“And isn’t the Millennium Puzzle a prop in the Duel King Muto Yugi?” Hayato asked.

"Ignorance. Let me tell you!" Titan laughed, "There are seven Millennium Puzzles in the world! And what I have in my hand is one of those seven!"

Judai x Sho x Hayato: "…"

Yuei Vu, who was watching the battle in the dark, couldn't help but do a facepalm.

This idiot didn't know that "villains die because they talk too much". He said so much nonsense that his secret was exposed.

Judai reminded: "Are you talking about the seven Millennium Items? There are seven Millennium Items, not seven Millennium Puzzles."

Titan was confused: "Is that so?"

"Yes, yes." Marufuji Sho nodded, "This is common sense, right? How come you, a Shadow Duelist, don't even understand this?"

"And there are actually eight Millennium Items." Judai gave the big man some popular science, "The eighth one is now in the hands of the Kaiba Group."

Titan was silent for a moment.

Then he waved his hand: "Hey! Anyway, this is a Shadow Game! The soul of the little girl over there has been devoured in the duel!"

He was pointing to Asuka, whom he "held as a hostage".

“Alright, draw cards quickly! If you can’t defeat me in the duel, your souls will also be devoured!”

No matter whether his acting was acceptable or not, Titan could only bite the bullet now.

Because Yuei Vu said that only if he won this duel could he forget the past and let him go. This was his only chance.

Thinking of this, Titan glanced at him and realized that his opponent Judai didn't look very smart, and couldn't help but sneer.

Heh, isn’t it easy to defeat this jellyfish-headed brat?

Sho and Hayato were also worried.

“The opponent summoned two such powerful demons on the field in the first turn, so Aniki can’t break through easily, right?” Sho said.

"Yes." Hayato said, "In this case, we may have to defend passively first."

Obviously, Titan felt the same way. His face under the mask was full of confidence as if he had a chance to win.

Judai drew a card and first used the Spell Card "Take Over Five" and threw five cards from the top of the deck. This card was originally Judai's card in the animation, but Judai at this stage did not realize it yet. The usefulness of this thing was also something Yuei Vu helped him realize in advance.

Judai drew a card and shouted: "Okay! I'll use this card to attack!"

Titan chuckled: "Come here, boy! Do you have any means to break through my demons?"

"Then I won't be polite!"

“Come on, let me see how much you weigh!”

"I tribute ‘Annihilator Archfiend' and ‘Archfiend Commander' you have on the field, and special summon this card on your field.

A powerful Level 8 monster, the Lava Golem! ! ! "

Titan: "…"

He watched his two powerful demons disappear from the field one after another, and a ferocious and ugly lava giant emerged from the ground with steaming white gas around him. It made a "hissing" sound when its huge rough palms were slapped on the ground. .

[Lava Golem, ATK 3000]

Titan's facial muscles twitched briefly, and he chuckled: "Hey, you kid is just a kid, and you actually gave me a monster with an attack power equivalent to the legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon. Next turn I will use the monster you gave me to finish you."

Judai didn't bother to care, and directly played a from his hand!

It's still the model worker couple, Avian and Burstinatrix, who were directly fused together to summon the "Elemental HERO Flame Wingman"!

Although Yuei Vu also mentioned this to Judai, saying that the three-for-one behavior of hand fusion was actually very disadvantageous, since Judai insisted on him, he could only forget it.

He could modify the deck of Judai, allowing him to add more things of unknown meaning to strengthen his combat power. But if Judai were to change the deck itself and not even use the his signature monster Flame Wingman, then Yuki Judai would no longer be Yuki Judai.

That may be detrimental to his growth.

Anyway, there were enough violent card-earning things in Judai's deck now, and he could always draw the card he needed anyway, so Yuei Vu just leave him alone.

Then here Judai directly summoned his favorite hero – Flame Wingman!

[Elemental HERO Flame Wingman, ATK 2100]

Titan's mouth curled up: "Oh, are you kidding me? This kind of hero can't beat the ‘Lava Golem' you gave me."

"Field Spell – Skyscraper! When an ‘Elemental HERO' monster I control battles an opponent's monster whose ATK is higher, it gains 1000 ATK during damage calculation only!"

Skyscrapers rose from the ground, with their spires pointing straight into the moonlight. The green hero stands on the top of the skyscrapers, surrounded by a whirlwind!

Titan's expression changed slightly: "Oh no!"

The hero dived down from the top of the tower with the moonlight on his back! His cannonball that turned into flames penetrated the body of the Lava Golem, and the burning giant fell to the ground!

A powerful impact penetrated from the back of the Lava Golem, and the flames hit Titan's head and face!

“The effect of the Flame Wingman is that he can inflict damage equal to the attack power of the monster he destroyed in battle. So the total is 3100 points of damage!” Judai said.

【Titan, LP 4000 →LP 900】

Titan gritted his teeth: "I didn't expect that you could go to this extent…"

“One of the cards I sent to the graveyard through the Spell Card ‘Take Over Five' this turn is ‘Makyura the Destructor'. During the turn this card is sent to the Graveyard, I can activate trap cards from my hand.”

Judai draws a card from his hand.

"Trap Card ‘Time Machine'! When a monster is destroyed by battle and sent to the GY : Special Summon that monster to the same field it was on, in the same battle position it was in when destroyed!"

The shadow of the time machine flashed past, and the Lava Golem rose from the ground again and returned to Titan's field.

Titan: "?"

Why is this kid so kind? Resurrecting such a powerful monster on the opponent's field?

Are you overconfident in your own strength and think it's okay to send a Level 8 monster to the opponent?

“I end my turn.” Judai smiled.

Titan sneered.

Hmph, he is just a kid after all, and he actually does such an operation with unclear meaning. This kind of brat will eventually be defeated because of his arrogance…

“My turn, draw!”

"At this moment, the effect of the Lava Golem is activated." Judai smiled, "The Lava Golem will cause 1000 points of effect damage to its controller in each Standby Phase."

Titan's expression froze instantly.


He looked up in horror at the monster on his field and saw that the lava monster was also looking down at him.

The master and the servant stared at each other, and froze in embarrassment.

Until the Lava Golem began to emit hot bubbles all over its body, the hot lava dripped from it and fell towards the Titan.

Ah ah ah ah don’t come over! ! !

Titan screamed in his heart.

But it was no longer possible.

Victory or defeat was a foregone conclusion.

【Titan, LP 900 →LP 0】

"Gotcha!" Judai happily gestured to Titan with his classic pose, "That was a fun Duel!"

Titan lay on his back helplessly.

"Fun Duel" my ass!

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