I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 743: Macho Man's Lucky Card

"Yuki Judai?" Yuei Vu frowned, "Are you sure that's the name?"

“If I pronounce it correctly, it should be.” Titan pointed at the scrapped device that Yuei Vu had just put away, “That’s what the message from the machine said.”

This matter began to attract Yuei Vu’s attention.

Who dares to aim at my lovely student?

Suddenly it became personal.

But who is that? What's the purpose?

The plot of GX has just begun. It stood to reason that the current Judai was just an inconspicuous student who has just entered school, and there was nothing worthy of attention. In the anime, as more and more things happened in the academy and the plot continued to advance, Yuki Judai began to enter the field of vision of people.

At this point in time, who else has the idea of ​​​​Judai?

Is it because of the Supreme King?

Yuei Vu also had a special chat with Yubel about the Supreme King. Although Yubel was not very happy at the time, after being helplessly cornered by Yuei Vu, Sister Yu glared at him with a bit of resentment in her eyes and reluctantly confessed what she knew.

She assured Yuei Vu that the only time the Supreme King's power got out of control was when Diva tried to send them to another dimension.

Maybe it was the power of the Quantum Cube that triggered a switch deep in Judai's consciousness, which caused the Supreme King personality in a deep sleep to briefly wake up.

But it was only a brief awakening.

The Supreme King's soul was sleeping very deeply, and even when he woke up that time, he was just dueling based on instinct. Rather than waking up, it was closer to a state of sleepwalking.

Hmm, that’s right, the sleepwalking Supreme King at that time beat up Diva so much that he couldn’t find his way to the north.

There were no other accidents.

So was the mysterious employer of Titan the Diva?

Although he thought it was unlikely, Yuei Vu decided to ask Diva if he had time.

It just so happened that he had not had much contact with Diva and his Prana friends for a while. After all, they all played cards back then and were considered card friends. Not seeing a friend for such a long time, Diva must miss him very much. He would definitely be very surprised when he heard the familiar voice of mine…

“That’s all I know.” Titan said cautiously, “Can I leave?”

“Leave?” Yuei Vu glanced sideways at him, “Wouldn’t it be too easy for you to just leave like this?”

When Titan saw this reaction, he suddenly felt a chill in his body, and couldn't help but grimace: "Master Yuei Vu, I'm just hired to do things, and I don't even know what I am here to do until now! Please spare me…"

It seems that this thing is just expendable cannon fodder, and no matter how much I ask, I can't find anything else.

Out of the corner of his eye, Yuei Vu caught sight of Asuka, who was still unconscious. He had already confirmed that she was just asleep and nothing serious. Following Yuei Vu's thought, he opened the Duel Disk's projection screen, activated the map, and took a look.

He saw a green light point starting from the direction of the "Osiris Red" dormitory, moving towards this direction at an unhurried speed.

Obviously, that was his lovely student Yuki Judai.

Because Judai, as the protagonist, had a physique that attracted trouble, thus in order to prevent this student from getting involved in some troubles that his current strength could not handle, Yuei Vu specially installed a transmitter in Judai's duel disk, which could check his location at any time.

No, the trouble-making spirit of Judai has struck again.

Perhaps it was the stubborn of time, the history was repeating the plot of the animation. Judai and his roommates here listened to Daitokuji-sensei in their dormitory telling them the ghost story of the missing students back then. They suddenly became interested and decided to explore the restricted area of ​​the school in the middle of the night.

At this rate, Judai and his friends may be here in three minutes.

Yuei Vu thought for a while, then picked up the deck handed over by Titan and checked it briefly.

After flipping through the cards, he couldn't help but complain: "What kind of meaningless things have you stuffed into the deck? Okay, you have duelist's force, so you can bring some hard-to-use gadgets, but what these Normies are for?"

Titan: "I…"

But before he could defend himself, Yuei Vu interrupted him again: "Forget these Normies, what the hell is your ‘Injection Fairy Lily'? Didn't you use the Archfiend deck? This thing is also Archfiend?"

Injection Fairy Lily, a Spellcaster with an attack power of 400. But she had the effect of paying 2000 LP during battle to increase her attack power by 3000 points.

This card was quite useful in the early Yu-Gi-Oh environment. It was even a monster that was gloriously imprisoned in the first banned card list in history.

But looking at her angelic appearance with a slender waist, long legs, and pink skin, it didn’t fit the style of this demon deck, right?

The macho Titan was a little embarrassed for a moment: "This is… a lucky card! Yes, it is a lucky card."

Yuei Vu stared blankly.

Good guy, I didn’t realize that you, a man with a burly body and thick muscle, could have such a fetish.

On the surface, some people are playing a deck of scary demons with skulls, but secretly they are secretly stuffing cute angel girls with big breasts into their decks.

"This card is useless," Yuei Vu handily put this "Injection Fairy Lily" into his pocket as he spoke.

Titan didn't dare to say "no", he just nodded and bowed, and kept saying "Mr. Duel King is right…"

After a bunch of miscellaneous and useless things were kicked out from the deck, the thickness of Titan's deck was immediately reduced by half. Yuei Vu thought for a moment, then took out some more useful staple cards and filter cards to add to the deck, and then reinserted the adjusted deck into the Duel Disk on Titan's chest.

“Okay, so the combat effectiveness of your deck should be pretty good. It must be much better than before.” Yuei Vu nodded, seeming to be satisfied with his masterpiece.

At this time, the strong man was confused and completely confused.

After I provoked this Duel King and was beaten up, the opponent not only did not confiscate my deck as rumored, but he was also enthusiastic about helping me adjust and strengthen it?!

Hum, are all the rumors really false?

In fact, Duel King Yuei Vu is not a duel disk hunter at all. On the contrary, he is even a good person who doesn't care about personal grudges, is open-minded and is willing to help others?!

Just when Titan was ready to say thanks, he heard Yuei Vu say: "Don't get me wrong, your deck is already mine, and your Duel Disk is mine too, even though I don't really like this style.

I'm just lending it to you temporarily because you still have a task to complete. "

Titan: "?"

“The person you are looking for, Yuki Judai, is a student on this island.” Yuei Vu said calmly, “He will be here in about a minute.

I ask you to do it again just like you did when you met me, and duel with Judai like we just did. "

Titan: "???"

He was a little confused: "You mean…"

"I mean, I haven't been here tonight, and you haven't seen me." Yuei Vu pointed at the unconscious Asuka, then pointed at Titan, and said, "You came here secretly and hypnotized this girl, and then happened to be caught by Yuki Judai and his classmates.

Then you challenge him to a duel. However, this time it's not a real Shadow Game, but the kind of deception trick you used before, understand? "

Titan was stunned for a while.

“Shall I duel him again? Will I use this deck that you enhanced?”

"That's right." Yuei Vu nodded, expressing relief.

Look, you’re not as stupid as you look. You’ll understand after saying it once.

“Then shall I win against him?” Titan asked cautiously.

He was still a little unclear about the role he was going to play. Could it be that this student usually talked back the Duel King, so he deliberately took this opportunity to punish him?

Yuei Vu was happy: "If you can. How about this? If you win, I will pretend that what happened tonight never happened."

You can take away the enhanced cards I give you in the deck. I just pretend I haven’t seen you today, okay? "

Titan’s eyes lit up.

Is there such a good deal?

Titan, who was already heartbroken and ready to surrender, suddenly became active again.

In other words, as long as I win against this Yuki Judai, I'll be saved?!

Ha! Isn’t that easy?

Maybe I can't beat the Duel King, but how am I unable to beat a mere student?

"Okay, don't worry, leave it to me, sir!" Titan straightened his back, "My reputation in the industry is top-notch, and I promise to complete the task!"

“Then it depends on your performance.”

Yuei Vu waved his hand and retreated into the jungle and disappeared from Titan's sight.

In just a moment, the voices of Yuki Judai and his friends were heard.

"Asuka!" That was Marufuji Sho's voice.

“What happened to your kidney?” This was another roommate of Judai and Sho, Hayato Maeda. This Osisris Red student was chubby, like a big walking koala.

"Who are you!?" Judai noticed Titan, "Get away from Asuka!"

“Hahahahaha! My name is Titan, the famous Shadow Duelist in the underground world! Yuki Judai, I want to hunt your soul!”

Titan laughed wildly, made an ugly villain face, and winked in the direction where Yuei Vu disappeared as if asking "How did I look like in the role?"

Yuei Vu, who was standing in the dark and watching, sighed leisurely.

This was a question he had thought about for a long time.

Under his guidance during this period, the current Judai was already a bit too strong compared to the original work at the same time point.

He was so strong that the opponents he encountered and the tests he underwent in the original animation are now like drizzle in comparison. They were not difficult and had no role in training at all.

So he, as a teacher, had to think of ways to design top-notch questions for students.

Otherwise, Yuei Vu estimated that with the current strength of Judai, Titan was not strong enough.

“Judai, you have to be grateful from now on.” Yuei Vu said to himself as he watched the two people preparing to fight outside, “There is no teacher in the world who is as considerate as me in arranging for students.”

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