"No matter which version of this story comes out, there will be no change in the ending!" The High Priest of Darkness shouted, "Your remaining soul will disappear too, Mahad!"

Doomking Balerdroch once again raised the ruby ​​on his wand, and a boundless red light blasted out. However, Mahad, who had transformed into the Dark Magician, did not dodge. He only raised his staff with one hand and pointed forward.

The magic circle flew out in a circle, like a shield surrounded by rings. A violent impact hit the shield, and the overflowing magic storm caused the robe behind the magician to fly up and down.


The Dark Magician's staff swept away, and the overbearing magic power wave involuntarily bounced Doomking Balerdroch's energy away in all directions. Several magic circles erupted at the same time, and the dark black magic power hit Doomking Balerdroch like a heavy hammer, knocking the huge undead king back.


The Dark Magician turned around and waved his wand and the magic power soaked into Yami Yugi's body like a refreshing stream of water. In an instant, he felt that the chaotic atmosphere in his body was calmed down, the restriction on soul power was broken, and the surging magic power rushed into his limbs and bones.

Yami Yugi took a deep breath, calmed his breathing, and then looked at the High Priest of Darkness coldly: "Aknadine!"

The High Priest of Darkness was shocked: "This seal of soul power is the highest level of restriction. No matter how powerful the magician is, it is impossible for him to…"

"I am a fusion of Ka and human soul, the most powerful mage ever." The Dark Magician stepped forward, raised his staff, and said coldly, "Are you ready to die, Akhnadin? I will eliminate the traitors with my own hands! "

"No, Mahad." Yugi stepped forward, "I owe you so much, you are my best partner in this life… no, maybe even in the next life.

But this time, only this time… this guy must be solved by me! "


Yugi patted him on the shoulder, stepped forward, and said sternly: "Aknadin! I don't know what your opinion is of me, or what happened between you and my father in the past.

But now, even for all the subordinates who work hard for me, and for the partners who help me fight in this world, I must defeat you here! Bring it on! "

He swept back his cloak and opened the Duel Disk.

"The Pharaoh's trial of the priests will be carried out by a sacred battle ceremony… This is a rule that I personally set at the beginning. I didn't expect that this rule would be implemented on me in the end. Ironic, is it?"

The High Priest of Darkness stood up with a calm voice.

"Okay then."

He also opened the alchemy Duel Disk on his arm, raised his arm, and the five stone slabs obeyed his call and fell down with weight.

"You, who have been deprived of your Millenium Puzzle, are no longer protected by the gods." The High Priest of Darkness said coldly, "Then let me personally put an end to the failed king!"


The Dark Magician stepped forward, bowed respectfully, and then stretched out his hand to press the card deck on the game duel disk.

"The price of the ultimate forbidden art of merging with Ka is the destruction of my body. But even so, my soul will be with you." He said, "No matter how long it takes, no matter what form it is, you will always have my loyalty.

I would like to become an eternal soul, to be the sharpest sword in your hand, and to accompany you as your servant forever. "

Solid words without any false emotion. He lowered his head, and his figure was gradually shrouded in a lavender halo, gradually turning into a phantom and dissipating, blending into Yami Yugi's deck.

Yugi closed his eyes lightly.

He has completely remembered it.

Why did he choose "Dark Magician" at a glance from thousands of cards? Why could he give unconditional trust to this card at any time? Why did he always feel that he and this card were inseparable? There was an indescribably complicated bond between him and this spirit, and occasionally even felt inexplicably sad when facing this card…

"Thank you, Mahad, always."

He opened his eyes, and the king's aura burst out invisible, and his eyes were filled with fighting spirit again.

"Then let me rely on your strength again."


【Yami Yugi, LP 4000】

[High Priest of Darkness, LP 4000]

The stone slab fell dully and landed in front of the High Priest of Darkness. He glanced at the six stone slabs through his cold and stern Millennium Eye, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Let's start with me. Meet the Pharaoh, the power I got from the great evil god!"

He clicked on a slate and chanted the spell at the same time, and the slate was flipped synchronously.

"The spell ‘Pot of Greed', according to its effect, calls for two new stone slabs."

Two more stone slabs came down, he glanced at them and immediately clicked on one of them.

"The spell ‘Cost Down'," He said, "Abandoning a stone slab in my hand will reduce the sacrifice required to summon high-level monsters!"

Cost Down (Spell Card): Discard 1 card; for the rest of this turn, reduce the Levels of all monsters in your hand by 2.

"According to the power of this spell, I can directly call the demon god of the underworld without sacrifice—

——Dark Ruler Ha Des! "

Abstract lines emerged from the churning darkness, gradually condensing the blood-red armor. There seems to be a crying face in the center of the armor, and a smiling skeleton below.

The blue-faced demon walked out slowly, with horns on his head, holding a transparent wine glass in his hand, and what seemed to be swaying in the glass was bright red blood.

[Dark Ruler Ha Des, ATK 2450]

"Dark Ruler Ha Des?" Yami Yugi thought, "It is indeed a card that Bakura used."

"Set another slab to end this round of operations." The High Priest of Darkness said in a hoarse voice.

Priest Shada in the rear showed a worried look: "Sure enough, the power that is completely different from the past Priest Aknadine. Is it the power given to him by the Bandit King?"

"If the Millennium Puzzle is not in hand, the pharaoh can't call the god. If this continues…"

"It doesn't matter."

Priest Isis interrupted their conversation.

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said firmly: "Pharaoh and Mahad…they won't lose."

Yami Yugi lowered his head and looked at the deck of cards in his hand for a while without saying a word.

He already felt the strength that Mahad gave him that was stirring in his deck.

With this power, he would be invincible!

"My turn!" Yami Yugi drew out a card, and directly revealed the drawn card, "Summon the ‘Magician's Rod'!"

It was a transparent blue phantom, with the vague outline of the Dark Magician, only the green staff in his hand was real.

[Magician's Rod, ATK 1600]

"The effect of Magician's Rod – When this card is Normal Summoned: I can add 1 Spell/Trap that mentions ‘Dark Magician' from the deck to my hand.

The card I want to add to my hand is… ‘Dark Magical Circle'! "

As soon as this remark came out, the players who were still in a group with the priests were immediately blown up.

"What did the Pharaoh just say?"

"Did I just hear something like ‘Dark Magical Circle'!?"


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