"Akhenaden!" Mahad stepped forward, "What do you want to do?"

"Mahad, a ridiculously stupid guy." Akhenaden snorted coldly, "You are also one of the biggest obstacles in my plan. It just so happens that you die here with your failed master! "

He raised his hand, and the sea snake temporarily left behind the frantic screwballs, turned around, and stabbed toward Mahad like a bolt of scarlet lightning!

"Magician of Dark Illusion!"

Mahad stopped shouting, and the mage in the black robe behind him dodged forward, waving his staff and flying toward the ferocious snake. The mage dexterously dodged in the air to avoid the attack of the sea snake. The sea snake quickly turned its direction and showed its fangs and turned to chase after it. However, the magician shot a magic shell backhand, which exploded on the sea snake's forehead.

The sea snake let out a mournful cry, its red scales dragging black smoke, and its body fell to the ground cumbersomely.

The spirit "Duos" released by Seto, a black warrior holding a sword, circled around from the flanks and tried to slash at Magician of Dark Illusion, but was hit by a fireball from the flanks. out.

The fireball came from the "Curse of Dragon", a spirit summoned by Priest Karim.

"Are you crazy, Priest Akhenaden?" Priest Shada shouted, "Do you want to betray Pharaoh?"

"Pharaoh? Soon he will no longer be one!"

Akhenaden yelled. His voice was out of tune, sounding like a wounded beast.

The darkness erupted, and a powerful force seemed to be pulled out from the depths of his body. That was the power he obtained from the depths of the underworld by selling his soul to the evil god, a true deal with the devil.

But in order to maintain this powerful force, he must burn his own soul!

Akhenaden's physical body also changed. The black cyclone smashed his white robe like a flying blade, and his face was covered by a white mask, only revealing the mechanically cold millennium eyes.

His body was wrapped in a wide and pitch-black cloak, and the purple-black armor had golden eyes on his chest that were unique to a thousand-year-old artifact, just like the eyes of a demon in hell, looking coldly at the world through his body.

Akhenaden was no more.

Now he was named "High Priest of Darkness"!


The great High Priest of Darkness roared in a deep voice, his cloak rolled, and the powerful dark power erupted like an endless river. The painting style of the whole secret room changed suddenly, and the solid floor turned into soft soil. Every step one took made one feel that there might be monsters coming out of the ground at any time.

The air became damp and cold, and vines and shrubs sprung up. The dark wind carried ghosts through the forest, and the cold and pungent air was as heavy as lead.

This was… Zombie World!

The ground in front of the High Priest of Darkness broke apart, and a burly body rose from the ground! The white skeleton is covered like armor, the demonic skull head has a ferocious face, and the red gemstone inlaid on the staff in his hand scans viciously like a bloodthirsty eye, like the master of this undead domain.

Doomking Balerdroch!

Transformed into the High Priest of Darkness, Akhenaden's combat power instantly surpassed that of other priests, and the combination of Zombie World and Doomking Balerdroch was even more palpitating.

The priests worked together, and each summoned spirits to fly up from all around. But with a whirling of Balerdroch's body and a sweep of the wand, a burst of red waves blasted a row of elves into the air.

The priests' Kas were bombarded to pieces, only Mahad swayed back half a step, but barely stopped. Magician of Dark Illusion reluctantly opened the transparent magic circle, and the magic shield was like a tenacious stone separating the torrent, resisting the impact of the Balerdroch.

A transparent cyclone exploded behind Magician of Dark Illusion, and the flying body pierced through the fog of undead like an arrow. He flexibly flew around the Balerdroch, and the magic light bullets exploded on the undead king continuously, and the torrent of spells dragged the black electric snake and bombarded the bone armor of the undead king.

Mahad's normal strength was already outstanding, and when he used his strength to the fullest, the other priests except Seto were not his opponents even if they worked together.

But still not enough.

"Just a mere magician after all!" The great High Priest of Darkness stretched out his right palm, retracted his five fingers, and made a fist gesture.

"Go to hell!"

The power of the Undead King erupted, and it was as if some kind of absolute order had been sent down in the deep darkness, suddenly restricting the magician's actions. The Magician of Black Illusion, who was flying around, was grabbed violently and couldn't move for a moment.

The ruby on the staff of the Necromancer flickered, and the scarlet light seemed like the demon was uncontrollably excited. The beam of light condensed, like a piercing spear, hitting the body of Magician of Dark Illusion head-on. The mage flew out uncontrollably, broke a load-bearing column in the room, bounced off the ground like a ball, and then slammed into the wall behind it.

Mahad's eyes froze, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his legs softened and he half knelt on the ground.

"Mahad!" Yami Yugi stood up and tried to help.

He felt anxious and a little annoyed—so many people were fighting desperately for him, but in this state, he couldn't even summon a spirit to help them.

"Pharaoh… I'm fine." Mahad stood up weakly.

His breathing was very disordered, and no matter his movements or voice, he felt that it would not be strange to fall down at any time. But his eyes were still firm, and he moved forward bravely, without fear or confusion.

Only the most determined would remain so unwavering.

Yami Yugi couldn't help but be moved by this.

He told himself more than once that this was just a game—an Ultimate Shadow Game, but still a virtual game.

The people here were just NPCs, characters that existed in his memory. Good guy or bad guy, companion or foe, that's all in the past.

Three thousand years were long enough to erode everything, and the people here have actually been gone long ago.

But no matter how many times he told himself in his heart, Yami Yugi still couldn't stop himself from submerging in this game.

Because there are things that will never fade.

300 years, 3000 years, or even 30,000 years, it doesn't matter, some things just won't change.

Mahad stood up and used his body to block in front of his king again.

"Lord Pharaoh, please… leave it to me."

Yugi noticed that his breathing seemed less rapid.

"Mahad, you…"

Mahad let out a long breath. Although facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy and being in a dangerous situation, he just felt that he had never been so clear-headed as he was now.

It's a decision he's been considering a long time ago.

He read a lot of magic books, and looked up taboo books at the price of blood and soul, just for such a day.

He held his head high, and his steps were without hesitation as if he was stepping into a new and hopeful future.

Many years ago, the sincere and enthusiastic voice of Yami Yugi, who was still a prince at that time, sounded in his ears again.

"We also bleed red, Mahad, we are no different."

"I will build a new world, a world where everyone has equal status and can laugh together."


"…I believe in you, Pharaoh," Mahad said to himself.

He wished he could be the cornerstone of that new world, the power of the Pharaoh. Even if it was just a small contribution, it would be full of glory.

"Stupid." The High Priest of Darkness twitched his lips and said with a smirk, "Doomking Balerdroch, solve him for me."

"Mahad!" Yugi and the priests exclaimed at the same time.

The scarlet light was fleeting, flooding Mahad's body. The roaring demon tore apart the body of the priest, the sling of the Millennium Ring was torn off, and the golden ring was flying in the air.

Yami Yugi stared blankly at this loyal priest disappearing before his eyes, and at the same time clearly felt the tingling in his head intensify to a new peak.

It felt like the brain had been thrown into a blender running at full speed.

More memories woke up from deep sleep, and countless pictures flashed before my eyes. He finally remembered the details of growing up and fighting side by side with Mahad, remembered his promise, and also understood how much Mahad had paid for his childish dream.

That's right, all this was just an illusion. What he experienced at this time was just a Shadow Game, and all the people around him were just NPCs, the reflections of his memory of people from three thousand years ago.

But at the same time, all this was not just an illusion.

Because it repeated the history that happened three thousand years ago.


The fluctuation of the magic power and the smoke screen dissipated, and when the High Priest of Darkness saw the tall and straight figure standing behind the smoke screen, he couldn't help but scream.

In the same robe as the "Magician of Dark Illusion" who just exited the stage, was the pitch-black magician with a green staff, who stood straight like a steel spear.

And at this time, the face under this robe… was the priest Mahad!

"You… Could it be that you have merged with your Ka!?" The High Priest of Darkness was stunned.

The fusion of the human soul and Ka?

Even he had never heard of such a thing!

Yami Yugi has been thoroughly recalled.

This was the moment when his most loyal servant "Dark Magician" was born three thousand years ago.

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