"It is like I just know this part of me and it's a normal process." said Jayna.

"This feeling of not feeling anything despite slowly turning into darkness somehow made me fear a little bit." added Jayna.

Angus immediately gives Jayna a comforting hug to calm her down. He is unsure about Jayna's feelings as he has never encountered something like this. But he knows few things about her Fire Phoenix ability. Fire Phoenix is the embodiment of emotion.

Hence, her emotions will be enhanced many times more than others. There is nothing good if she keeps thinking about this negative stuff.

Hearing Jayna's explanation, Angus begins to remember Jayna's heat moment and aggressive nature when drunk.

Recalling the scene, Angus feels his private part slowly hardening. It is something that Jayna could easily pick up.

"Pervert!!" said Jayna while blushing, completely forgetting about her worry.

Angus only gives him a smirking smile while slowly tracing her body. This slow yet inducing touch made Jayna blush and moan a little bit.

"Angus!!" said Jayna as she tried to resist her lustful desire.

Knowing her worry, "It's okay. She is sleeping like a log. Besides, we both know you want this." said Angus while his hand slowly reached her private part.

"N-Not here. A-Anna may wake up anytime." replied Jayna while blushing like a tomato.

"Then, we just need to make sure to not wake her while doing it." said Angus as he gave Jayna a deep passionate kiss.

Unable to contain her desire, Jayna follows Angus' lead and lets her body be taken by Angus. Still, she is trying hard not to make too much noise as Anna sleeps nearby them. Unfortunately, this effort is futile as she moans like crazy whenever Angus reaches her deepest part.

In fact, this is entirely normal since their body has too much compatibility and is boosted by [Allegiance]. This makes their sexual activity more intense and satisfying. Having their sexual organ connected is enough to cause them to lose their mind and surrender themself to their primal lust.

Soon, they completely forget about the sleeping Anna beside them and continue their lascivious, indecent act. Fortunately, Anna is famous for being a heavy sleeper and wholly immersed in her dreamland.

However, the couple doesn't realize two hidden beasts are disrupted by their activity. Onyx and Magen, hiding beneath Anna's clothes, are getting annoyed by their movement and moaning voices.

Although they are different species and have different sexual orientations, they still didn't enjoy seeing or hearing two human matings. It is like a human seeing two dogs mating while barking around.

*Knock* *Knock* a Few hours later, they hear someone knocking on their door compartment while they just finish another session. At this moment, the couple finally realizes their current situation and immediately checks Anna.

"Huft… Fortunately, she didn't wake up." said Angus in relief.

"And who's fault is that?! I told you to slow down a little bit. Hmph!!" grumbled Jayna.

"But, didn't you like it? If I am not wrong, you are the one that screams harder and faster." said Angus.

"S-Shut up!! We need to hurry. It may be Aunt Extalia." said Jayna as she was wearing her clothes in a hurry when they heard another knock.

A moment later, Angus opens their door compartment and finds Aunt Extalia in front of their room.

"Um.. Is something wrong, Aunt?" asked Angus.

"Tch… What the hell are you two doing there? I already knocked on the door and called you a few minutes ago. Wait, you two… Seriously?!" said Aunt Extalia as she noticed Jayna's afterglow complexion, which she could barely hide.

"*Cough* *Cough* Anyway, is there a problem?" asked Angus, in a hurry to change the topic.

Aunt Extalia glances at their messy bedroom while Anna sleeps like a log on the bed. She realizes that the young couple is having hard sex while Anna is sleeping nearby. In the end, Aunt Extalia could only shake her head while releasing a sigh at the couple.

"Alright, prepare yourself. We will arrive in the next few hours." said Aunt Extalia.

"That's fast. I thought it would take at least a few days." said Angus.

"Yeah. I also didn't expect it. But, they have a good road and this carriage is fast. Come to think of it, what happened to you last time?" asked Aunt Extalia.

"Oh.. that. Aunt Extalia, what are your thoughts about the seventh grade?" asked Angus.

"Seventh grade? A powerful figure, capable of leveling an entire city, a massive threat that needs to be treated carefully, and a jerk who likes to look smart ass or mysterious." replied Aunt Extalia casually.

"That's… kinda accurate. Anyway, people like you must know how hard it is to reach that level, right?" asked Angus while ignoring her last remark.

"Yeah… But, what is the relation with this?" asked Aunt Extalia.

"The one that created this carriage is not an ordinary person. She is a seventh-grade figure and a genius crafter. Any crafter at her level could create something while channeling our intention, emotion, or even feeling to it." explained Angus.

"From the first time I see the carriage, I know it is made of many rare precious resources. If I were the crafter, I could do much more with these resources rather than just making a luxury high-speed carriage."

"But, the work itself is splendid and perfect. It is clear that the carriage is made by an expert, yet lacking something. It lacks the 'true heart' of the crafter. There is a lot of reluctance in this work." explained Angus while touching the wall.

"I notice there is a sort of reluctance in the crafter to give her all. It is like she is forced to make this. No, she may want to make this in the first place but is reluctant to give it to others."

"This leads me to conclude that the crafter is forced. Something that could become her masterpiece, her pride, her achievement, reduced to this thing. Aunt Extalia, I know how hard it is to reach seventh grade and I know how hard to reach this level of craftsmanship."

"If the crafter is forced by a stronger person than her, I will not fuss at this. But, I felt the reluctant intent is completely different for other reasons. It is like the crafter wants to make this carriage as an unwilling tribute and gets nothing in return." said Angus.

"If I were her, I would find a way to destroy whoever forced me in this way since it is clear they are not stronger than me." added Angus.

"I see… But aren't you thinking too much and too fast to conclude? Maybe this crafter has another important reason. I know it is a matter of pride, but I don't think it worth this much fuss." asked Aunt Extalia.

"Aunt, seventh grade is what we call a pinnacle of strength. Based on my understanding, they pride themselves as someone that reaches the pinnacle. No matter how weak or eccentric that person is."

"The moment they reach seventh grade, they will naturally maintain their pride as the apex. If the crafter is bowing to other people like this, it means there is something wrong with her or something wrong with the other person."

"Since Master Tedar said it was created by their smartest people, Nirvas somehow forced the crafter using a very despicable method. Not anyone could force the seventh grade while being weaker. I doubt these ignorant people know about this and just use this carriage." snarked Angus.

"Huff… This is why I hate handling crafters like you. You are too prideful and stubborn. I know pride is a good thing. But, having too much pride will only lead to unnecessary trouble. Aren't you supposed to hate unnecessary trouble?" said Aunt Extalia.

"Aunt, take a man their pride and they will leave nothing but a meatbag full of shit." complained Angus.

Hearing Angus' harsh sentence, Aunt Extalia only shakes her head and releases another sigh. She is too familiar with Angus' thoughts as her lover King Leon also like that.

"Alright… Alright… Just mind your sentence when you speak with other Nirvas' residents. We can't have conflicts with them. At least not at this time." replied Aunt Extalia before leaving the room.

"Sure.. Sure…" replied Angus easily.

"Haa… This is going to be a long week. Anna, wake up. It's already lunchtime." grumbled Angus.

"Nyam.. Nyam.. Pork meat.. Ermm.. *Yawn* Huh?? Lunch?!! No, my lunch??" said Anna while still half sleeping.

"I really wonder how she could hear the word lunch and not our loud scream before." said Angus.

"Angus!! She is still a child!!" said Jayna sternly after hitting his arm softly.

"*Yawn* Umm… Morning Angus, Big sis. Ahh… Angus is inside Big Sis again." said Anna innocently while hugging Jayna's lower stomach.

"Nahh.. She is fine." said Angus.

"Anna, that's bad words!! You should not say that." lectured Jayna.

"Ehh.. But wasn't Angus inside Jayna a moment ago? Did Anna do it wrong?" asked Anna innocently.

"No. Anna is right. But you should not say something like that." said Jayna.

"Then, how should Anna say it? Angus mating with Big sis?" asked Anna again with a mischievous smile.

Knowing the little troublemaker played her, "Anna, you naughty girl!!"

said Jayna while hugging Anna tighter and tickling her.

"Hahaha… Stop.. Hahaha.. It tickles…" laughed Anna.

Seeing this, Angus joins the play and bullies the naughty little girl.

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