"Sounds like too much trouble." replied Angus casually.

"Still, this Seven Faces group is quite intriguing. Although that old baldy will not intrude in this matter, the Nirvas still have the seventh grade. No matter how weak seventh grade is, it is not easy to evade their search." commented Darren.

"Master Darren is right. It means the other party has some unique ability to hide or has the power to rival seventh grade. Either way, it is quite dangerous to get involved with them." said Angus.

During this time, a group of Altras is approaching Angus' group. This group gathers everyone's attention as it is led by one of the elders of the Nirvas' council.

"Hey, is that Elder Tedar?" commented a passerby.

"The old way Tedar?! What is he doing here?" commented another passerby.

"It seems he is approaching those outsiders." said another person.

Arriving at Angus' group, "Good morning, everyone. My name is Tedar Massvein. You could call me Master Tedar or just Tedar. My team and I will guide you during your stay in Nirvas since Elder Kelraz… seems to meet some unfortunate accident." said Elder Tedar respectfully.

Unfortunately, Tedar's introduction fell on deaf ears to everyone except Duchess Amberblaze. The silver-haired girl is still reading her book on the top of a flying pillow while Anna is busy munching the mountainous food in front of her.

Jayna is busy taking care of the little gluttony like a mother. At the same time, Angus is back reading various newspapers from the Nirvas. Only Duchess Amberblaze pays attention to the Tedar.

She could feel Tedar is strong like her, which means he should be categorized as a pseudo-seventh-grade. Compared to Kelraz, Tedar is many times stronger.

"Hello, you may have already known. My name is Duchess Extalia Amberblaze from the Heart Kingdom. We will tag along with Master Mira and Master Darren during our stay. I hope it is not a hassle." replied the Duchess.

Sensing the crimson-haired woman' strength, 'She is strong!!' thought Tedar in surprise.

As a magician, Tedar has good discerning eyes and a sharp mind. He could judge someone's strength when they talk to him.

After carefully looking at everyone in the group, 'Also, Is this the Vampire we fought a few weeks ago? H-He is so much stronger than his projection. His presence alone makes me want to run away from him. This group is full of monsters.' thought Tedar.

Except for Anna and Mira, he could feel some sort of danger from everyone in the group.

"Sure. Let's get along. Anyway, do you have another place you want to visit?" asked Tedar, trying to remain calm.

"Yes. We planned to go to Redmore, the capital city. My Nephew currently has a diplomacy task there." replied Duchess Amberblaze.

"Capital city? S-Sure. We will lead the way. When will you plan to go?" asked Tedar in surprise.

Hearing Elder Tedar's question, "I think it is better to go now. Anna, stop eating too much or you will get fat." said Angus.

"Myoo.. Haannaa Wiss Wott Vatt. (No… Anna is not fat.)." replied Anna while her mouth was still full.

After everyone gets ready, they continue their journey to the Redmore using a high-class carriage. At this moment, Angus somehow feels something weird in the carriage and decides to use [Analyze] for precaution.

He knows the carriage is safe but somehow feels something from it. The carriage is enchanted with a complex space extension rune, making the interior as big as a small apartment with many small compartments.

It is incomparable to the carriage Angus' group used during their travel to Nirvas. Nirvas is famous for its space-related products. Throughout history, Nirvas also produced many strong space elemental users.

This is not surprising since Nirvas has Craghost Town with massive space disturbance. The Altras have more chance to awaken space elemental affinity than others.

The carriage travels fast through the stony path. They could see the surrounding area moving fast, as if they were inside a train.

"This is quite a good carriage. Where did you buy this?" asked Angus after frowning.

"Angus!! I am sorry, Master Tedar. This young man could be quite rude sometimes." said Duchess Amberblaze.

"Nahh.. I don't mind. Youngsters always have too much energy. Besides, this carriage is something that couldn't be bought with money. It is one of the best carriages created by our brightest mind." said Tedar.

"Really?? Such a shame. Can you introduce me to the crafter?" asked Angus.

"That's… I am sorry. It is not possible, young man." replied Tedar.

"Well, it's not surprising. Since it seems the crafter quite hates whoever forced him or her to make it." said Angus.

"Angus!! That's enough!!" rebuked the Duchess sternly.

"I am sorry, Master Tedar. He is not usually like this." said Duchess Amberblaze.

"Don't worry about it. Though it intrigues me. How did you know the crafter is being forced or hates the owner?" asked Tedar.

"Seriously?!! I really wonder how your kind is still alive after angering this crafter. If I were the crafter, I might kill…" snarked Angus.

*Whoshh* "Stop it, Angus!!" said the Duchess as she glared at Angus and threw a punch at him.

Unfortunately, the Young Baron is ready and has already predicted her attack. The young baron could avoid the attack easily while glaring at his aunt.

Seeing the intense glare, "*Sigh* Angus, I don't know what makes you like this, but this is not appropriate." said the Duchess softly.

"Fine." replied Angus before going to one of the compartments in the carriage.

"Big sis, Angus is angry." said Anna while sitting on Jayna's lap.

Jayna didn't immediately answer and glared at Tedar for a moment.

"Anna, let's go and cheer Angus." said Jayna as she held Anna in her arms.

"Okay." said Anna shortly.

"Huft… I truly apologize for this, Master Tedar. He doesn't usually act like this." said the Duchess.

"Hmm… Truly, fascinating." commented Darren from the side.

"I am sorry?" asked Tedar in confusion.

"Young Baron Angus' ability and mind to inspect this whole carriage is amazing. It took me this long before I could notice the crafter's true intent. I am looking forward to his growth in the future." said Darren.

"Master Darren, what do you mean by true intent? Is there some fault in this carriage?" asked Tedar in a hurry.

"Hmm… Why should I tell you? Why don't you just ask the crafter? Besides, any 'decent' crafter with good space elemental affinity could easily notice this after some time." mocked Darren.

Before Tedar can ask for more, Darren leaves the area, following his master. The latter also goes into one of the empty compartments after knowing Anna is left.

In the meantime, Angus lies on the bed while Anna and Jayna cuddle beside him. They enjoy each other warmly in silence.

After a long silence, "Ignorance is truly bliss, huh?" muttered Angus in a low voice.

"Hmm… If I had the knowledge of craftsmanship like you, I would probably be upset. Still, I could clearly feel the emotion of this crafter from the whole carriage." replied Jayna from his side.

"You could?!" asked Angus in surprise.

"It's subtle. But I could somehow feel it. I guess the crafter really has a strong emotion when creating this. I could feel her emotion from everything in this carriage. The floor, window, ceiling, and others." said Jayna.

"Her?! I don't know if it is a female." said Angus.

"Fire Phoenix's power is phenomenal that could even differentiate the gender or sometimes a particular race. I could also somehow sense someone's alignment." said Jayna.

"Alignment?!" asked Angus as he started to not think anymore about the carriage crafter.

"Yeah… It is as if these people are dark or bright. Someone with intense negative feelings or crazy has a dark alignment, while happy innocent children are bright. Something like that." explained Jayna.

"That's quite prejudiced. But, it is not a bad ability as a precaution when meeting unknown people. Come to think of it, what is my alignment?" asked Angus curiously.

"Hmm… Did you really want to know?" asked Jayna.

"Yeah. What is it? Is it dark?" asked Angus back.

"Mhm.. it is and it's somehow getting darker each second. However, this dark is somehow never affecting you, which is weird." said Jayna.

"Really?? That's intriguing. How about Anna?" asked Angus while stroking the sleeping Anna.

"Dark like a void." replied Jayna directly.

"Guess so. How about you? Can you feel your own alignment?" asked Angus.

"Mine is… Bright when I get this power, but it slowly turns darker." said Jayna.

"Hmm.. Did you know the reason?" asked Angus.

"Yeah. It's Fire Phoenix's darkness. Alignment is not just someone's emotion or condition. It is something complex that is related to the soul. Even if Fire Phoenix seals her dark memories and moves on. She still could never leave the darkness in her soul." said Jayna.

"This darkness is too deep and will never revert to light. It is slowly affecting me as now I become one with her." added Jayna.

"Jayna, are you alright?" asked Angus in worry.

"I am not sure. Truthfully, I feel fine and it didn't affect me at all. But this also makes me worry. This darkness slowly spread in my soul, yet I didn't feel anything. I don't feel fear or any negative emotions. It is like I just know this part of me and it's a normal process." said Jayna.

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