"Emm… Anna, have an idea. But…." replied Anna.

"But??" asked Angus while looking at Anna, who was getting played by Jayna.

"Anna needs to use that meanie stick. Anna still has not forgiven it after hurting Angus and Jayna last time." said Anna while pouting.

"Meanie stick? Hurting us? I don't remember ever getting hurt by a stick. Wait, did you mean that black scepter you took from Plargos' cardinal?" asked Angus.

"Plargos? Cardinal? Who is it?" asked Anna back.

"Err…" replied Angus as he was getting speechless.

"Anna, it's the meat bubble that you ate last time at Sunset City." said Jayna as she patted her little head.

"Sunset City? Is it the one with the large blue water?" asked Anna again.

"Yup." replied Angus, as he knows Anna refers to the sea.

"Ahh… Anna remembers now. Yup, Anna got the meanie stick there." said Anna.

"Then, can you use it to… well secure her?" asked Angus.

"Anna can. But…" said Anna.

"Anna, it's okay. If you don't want to do it, we can just burst her now." said Angus casually.

In the meantime, Brigida who heard the strange conversation between them, could only stay silent and confused. She knows they plan to do something to her and her life will be decided by the mysterious monster-minded girl in Jayna's arms.

At this moment, she didn't know if she should be happy or not since her life and future would be decided by an immature monstrous girl. She knows Anna is not an ordinary monster-minded girl. But she also knows this girl is the last thing she wants to get in contact with.

The mysterious presence that forced her to kneel and bow yesterday is not just a simple pressure. It is like her body moves independently and cannot be controlled. To her, Anna is something that she should never mess with.

Even King Andvari gives a direct command not to disturb her anymore. Initially, Brigida's brother Arnet plans to use Anna to incite the other kingdoms. They planned to spread information that the Heart Kingdom was harboring monster-minded people and close to their royalties.

They even want to try to spread rumors that the Heart Kingdom is controlled by a monster-minded person. However, this plan was immediately abolished and refused by King Andvari himself.

This sudden change confuses her and Crown Prince Arnet, but she knows her despicable father must notice something from Anna. Like any other seventh-grade leader, no one could predict the mind of these Godly figures. Depending on their mood, they could be serious in one moment or do something on a whim.

"Alright, Anna will give it a try." said Anna as she took a black scepter out of nowhere.

Then, Anna goes near Brigida. Before anyone could respond, Anna slowly hit Brigida's head with the black scepter. *Tak* The hit is weak and couldn't even kill a mosquito.

"Done. This bubble will not be a problem." said Anna.

"Just that?" asked Angus in confusion.

Angus and Jayna are surprised at such an anti-climatic performance. They thought Anna would use such big spells or the scepter's ability to do something like an unknown strict contract.

"Ahh.. Yeah, Anna forgot." said Anna as she hit Angus and Jayna within their body with the scepter.

"Err… Anna, what did you do?" asked Angus while still in confusion.

Even after getting touched by the scepter, he still didn't feel anything or change. It is just like getting touched by an ordinary scepter. At this moment, Angus even suspects Anna is pranking them.

"Um… Burping!!" said Anna to Brigida.

*Burp* Suddenly, Brigida released a burping sound out of nowhere. Brigida is surprised and embarrassed at her rude action but also confused.

"Hahaha…" laughed Anna.

"Angus, Big sis, try to make her do something." said Anna.

"Err.. Stand up." said Angus while still in confusion.

Brigida's body immediately moves on her own and she tries to stand up despite worsening her wound. At the same time, Brigida could only grimace at the pain from her sudden body movement.

"Ahh.. Dance." said Anna with a mischievous smile.

Then, Brigida begins to do a silly dance despite getting restricted by the chain. The couple could see Brigida in pain every time she moved, but her body kept dancing as if ignoring the pain. They finally know what Anna did to Brigida.

It is clear that Anna somehow forced her to obey all their commands. Still, Angus finds this is not just as simple as that.

"Anna, will she follow all of our commands?" asked Angus.

"Yup. Angus and Big sis just need to speak and this bubble will do anything you want." said Anna.

Angus thought something before looking at Brigida and asking her to stop dancing in his mind. Suddenly, Brigida stops dancing and breathes in a rough breath. Her body is shivering, not from fear but pain.

"I didn't expect that." said Angus.

Angus didn't even speak, yet Brigida still followed the command in his mind. Then, they begin to try many things to understand the power of command over Brigida. To their surprise, this command power is too absurd. They find their command over Brigida is absolute.

Brigida will do anything she commands, even if it almost kills her. The couple didn't expect that just getting touched by the scepter could make someone obey them like this.

Unbeknown to them, the scepter suppresses the ritual's shockwave and aftereffects. Otherwise, the whole area will get destroyed by such a large amount of energy it produces.

The scepter was learning from its previous mistake and didn't want to get destroyed by Anna for pushing Angus and Jayna with its massive energy.

After testing for another hour of their command power, Angus and the others decide to leave Brigida alone and go to their room to rest. By coincidence, they also find that Anna is no longer sneezing or has a high fever.

It is like she is completely healed after whatever she did to Brigida.

Still, they decide to keep observing her if her condition suddenly worsens. The next day, they wake up early in the morning and begin to pack up for their trip to Nirvas.

Since Nirvas kingdom is located in another dimension and can sustain themself, they didn't need to worry about daily necessities. They even hear the economic situation in Nirvas is many times better than the small kingdom in the nearby area.

They only need to bring monster cores to exchange Nirvas' currency to buy things there. After packing, they have breakfast with their aunt, Mira, and Darren. During breakfast, they told their aunt about Brigida's condition and their command power over her.

Hearing the information about Brigida, Aunt Extalia glances at Anna, who is munching the mountain food in front of her. After thinking for a while, she shakes her head.

She wants to ask Anna to also give her command power over Brigida. But, she decides it is better for fewer people to have absolute command over her. With her vast experience, she knows the worst danger is not from an invincible enemy but from one's greed for power.

Having too much power and authority could lead someone to their downfall. Besides, she thought leaving Brigida to Angus' group was better. Since Angus didn't want to get deeply involved in the government, no one also had a chance to use her.

Although Brigida wants revenge on the Heart and Nergal kingdom, she is still a valuable combatant. It is undeniable that she is a talented combatant who can reach at least the pseudo-seventh-grade level.

If there is no monstrous being like Angus, she may be hailed the most prodigious human in this age. Even Jayna may not reach her level if Jayna is not taught by Angus. Having someone like that under someone's command could change the government's inner circle.

The last thing they want to have now is an unstable government, especially those sitting in high positions. Suppose the other high nobles or politicians find they could have absolute command over Brigida. They will try to use any necessary means to get her.

This is entirely different when they try to use Jayna, Angus, or Anna. Brigida will have absolute obedience to them, while Angus and the others still have their own will and could revolt back.

Angus and Jayna also noticed this problem, but they didn't care much about it. They know the one that could give absolute command power is Anna and it is absolutely impossible to force her.

Anyone who tried to force her or do bad things to Angus and Jayna will end up dead under her little fist. Besides, Brigida is just another playmate for Anna when she gets bored. Since Anna's power is developing rapidly lately, Ilgor alone is not enough to become her playmate.

Someone like Brigida should become her playmate or sandbag. As for Angus and Jayna themself, they find Anna always refusing to attack them whenever they spar lately. After finishing their chaotic breakfast because of the little gluttony, they pick up the bandaged Eric and go towards Plaza.

Most of Eric's wound is internal. It could be healed by potion and plenty of rest. Unfortunately, they couldn't waste too much time either. Not only did they need to ensure Nirvas didn't interfere with their war, but they also didn't want to stay too long in a foreign kingdom.

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