"Then, What is your plan after this?" asked Angus.

"I.. I am not sure. Besides, I am your prisoner. I don't have a choice, right?" replied Brigida.

Hearing this, Angus and Jayna frowned a little while Anna tilted her head in confusion.

"Really?? Are you not going to take revenge?" asked Angus.

"Huft… What for? Even if I can somehow kill my father in the future, it will never bring back my mother. I also know my mother will never want me to have this life." said Brigida in a self-mocking tone.

"Brigida." called Angus coldly.

"Yes?" replied Brigida.

"You better speak carefully. I don't know how you do it, but the three of us are not someone that could be lied to easily. One more lie and I will show you what true despair means." said Angus coldly.

At the same time, Angus releases massive pressure combined with his ridiculous killing intent. If the room is not heavily enchanted, the whole room will be destroyed long ago by Angus's mana.

*Glup* Brigida unconsciously gulped her saliva and had a cold sweat. Somehow she could see countless wailing souls behind Angus. It is as if Angus is the embodiment of hell.

"I.. I…" said Brigida.

Just as Brigida wants to reply to Angus, he suddenly moves and grabs Anna, who suddenly charges at her.

*BOOOOM* Despite this casual movement, Anna's enormous physical power still creates a strong shockwave. Few of the rune enchantments in the wall were even destroyed by the sudden shockwave.

"Anna, calm down. We are still not hearing what her real plan is." said Angus while patting the little troublemaker.

"Ummm." replied Anna before retracting her fist and taking a few steps back.

In the meantime, Brigida is shivering in a cold sweat. She knows if Anna's fist land at her, she will definitely die. Moreover, she didn't even catch Anna's sudden movement.

Even in her best state, she will receive serious injury from Anna's attack. She even can die on the spot.

As Angus said, the three of them know Brigida's answer is a lie or not the whole truth. Otherwise, Anna will not suddenly attack her. The little troublemaker may be mischievous and naughty, but she also has excellent insight.

Anna's ridiculous instinct and great insight make her a walking lie detector. She could see through everything, even the mysterious being like Mira.

While Jayna didn't have great insight like Anna, she still had the Fire Phoenix beastly instinct and was capable of sensing emotion. No one could hide their feelings in front of Jayna unless she deliberately tried not to read them.

In other words, lying or hiding something in front of Jayna is impossible. On the other hand, Angus' insight may not be as strong as Anna's, while he didn't have any extraordinary power related to mind or mental.

However, Angus has a sharp perception and can read the truth from someone's body reaction. Normally, this kind of reaction could be manipulated by someone with excellent control over their body.

Unfortunately, the body will still show its nature when they are in a certain condition, like being afraid. Angus's previous intimidation made Brigida lose control of her body and forced her to subconsciously react to Angus.

"Now, let's continue. What's your plan? and are you going to take revenge?" asked Angus again.

"Y-Yes. I want re-revenge. I want all of you to pay!! Hiii…" said Brigida as she immediately tried to hide from the three people in front of her.

Her instinct, mind, and body really fear the three people in front of her. It took her all her willpower just to answer Angus' question. If she is not restrained by the special chain, she may already be hiding in the corner, trying to get far away from them.

She didn't understand how they were capable of sensing that she was hiding something. Moreover, their reaction is too extreme, unlike the previous one. Unfortunately, Brigida didn't know that Angus, Jayna, and Anna were sensitive to someone who bore them evil thoughts.

The most extreme one is Anna. When Anna moved to the Royal Palace for the first time, there were a few low nobles and knights that suddenly went out of nowhere. They are actually not gone but killed by Anna's fist.

At first, Angus and Jayna want to lecture Anna. Still, after hearing what they are trying to do to Anna, they decide to erase them completely. Anna may be a cruel, monster-minded person. However, her great insight can judge someone with evil intent to her.

Basically, people like this will only harm her, be it in the present or in the future. The couple also knows Anna's insight and trusts her judgment. If she deems Brigida should be killed or burst, it means she plotted something dangerous for them.

"Alright. Let me guess, you want not only revenge at Nergal but also at the Heart Kingdom, right?" asked Angus as he got the gist of Brigida's mind.

Brigida didn't answer but only nodded silently and tried to hide from the three people. Each time passing by, she feels like she is being stared at by a powerful predator. Rather than get used to the stare, she feels more fearful of it.

Moreover, she also didn't dare to kill herself and run away. Her instinct screamed loudly that if she tried to do something like this, her end would not only die but something worse than it.

"I know it. A person capable of unlocking mind control related power should not be just a pure and bright woman like you have shown. You may not be able to choose your artifact. But, every artifact is always related to their master in some way." explained Angus.

"There is no way an honest and straightforward person could use this kind of artifact." added Angus.

Brigida didn't reply and kept trying to hide from them, shivering.

"That's enough. Jayna, burn her." said Angus.

"No… Please, don't kill me. I… I… still need to do something." said Brigida.

"And what is it?" asked Angus as he stopped Jayna.

"I.. I want revenge. Please…" pleaded Brigida with a struggle.

She knows her reason may kill her, but she also couldn't lie to Angus and the others again. Her fear is so intense that she unconsciously fears lying to them.

​ "Yeah.. good luck in your next life." said Angus casually.

"I will become yours. Your servant… or slaves… or anything. Just please don't kill me." said Brigida in a hurry.

Angus didn't reply anymore, while Jayna also didn't move to burn Brigida to death.

"You see… I don't even know if you are telling the truth or not. At one point, you didn't care about your life, but at the same time you also didn't want to die. Your fear of death is so great that it seems ingrained in your body." said Angus.

"An expert should know and always prepare to die anytime. Yet, you prefer to plead to us shamelessly to save your life. Your actions contradict everything you said in the past." added Angus.

"I.. I am sorry. But, I.. I really didn't lie to you. W-What I said before is the truth." said Brigida in a stutter and tried hard to bow to them.

"Really?!!" asked Angus in disbelief.

"Y-Yes. It.. I indeed think revenge is a foolish move. It will never get my mother back. *Sob* *Sob* B-But, I also want the one responsible for them to get hurt. I want them to feel the pain that I feel. This emptiness… *Sob* *Sob* I am sorry." said Brigida while sobbing.

"I.. I also don't really care about what happens to me anymore. But, I promise my mother to live on. I.. I vow to live on. *Sob* I know this is stupid and unbelievable, but I must live for my mother. *Sob* *Sob* Please…." said Brigida as tears poured from her.

Angus didn't reply and only glanced at Jayna as they communicated through their bond.

While Angus discusses with Jayna, "Angus, Big sis, can Onyx and Magen eat this bubble?" asked Anna out of nowhere.

"Did Onyx and Magen need to eat living beings?" asked Angus.

"Nope. But Anna thinks this bubble is good for Onyx and Magen when they are hungry and don't have food nearby." replied Anna as she patted Onyx, who came out from her clothes.

"So, she will be like a food reserve?" asked Angus.

"Yup. Look, Onyx also agrees." said Anna.

In the meantime, Onyx only hisses in a low voice while ignoring Brigida. It is clear that Onyx didn't have any interest in the weak woman. Seeing this, Angus and Jayna know Anna wants to keep Brigida for whatever reason.

"Alright, but she is still troublesome. Anna, did you have a method to keep her?" asked Angus.

Angus and Jayna may trust Anna, but they still can't let Brigida away like that since they know there is a huge chance for her to bite or betray them in the future.

Rather than experience bitter betrayal later, they should just finish her now. Anna didn't reply and touched her chin as if thinking.

Her thinking pose attracts Jayna and makes her pat her small head and hug her like a big plushie.

After a while, "Emm… Anna, have an idea. But…." replied Anna.

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