I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 426 Aerial Combat Training

Angus and Jayna know this is the first time Anna meets Madam Malkin and the Queen. So, they are confused at Anna's aggressive reaction.

Even when meeting King Leon, Jade, or other strong monsters, she never shows this kind of aggressive behavior. At most, she will only stay silent, trying to hide her presence as much as possible.

"They didn't deserve to be bursted. The disgusting old bubble even looks more monster than monster. Anna can't believe there is such a bubble in this world. The other red-haired old bubble is still bearable but not too much different." replied Anna while still pouting.

"Hmm... What happens when you kill them and not burst them?" asked Angus.

"They will die." replied Anna like it was an obvious answer.

"I know that. I mean, what's the difference between bursting them?" asked Angus again while scratching his head from Anna's answer.

"It's different. If Anna bursts them, they will burst. If Anna kills them, they will die." explained Anna.

'Aren't that same?' thought Angus.

"Then, how do you plan to kill them?" asked Angus.

"Ahh... I will use this!!" said Anna as a pitch-black scepter suddenly appeared in her hand.

Suddenly, Anna's whole presence becomes more dreadful while she waves the scepter around with a smile. A moment later, Angus immediately cast a mana barrier around them before casting a few other more potent barrier spells.

"Fiuuhh... Anna, you need to be careful when you take out that scepter." said Angus.

"Magical Wand!!" rebuked Anna.

"Huh??" asked Angus confusedly.

​ "This is Anna's magical wand. It is called Anna super magical cyclone Anna wand." said Anna. (A/N: The name is correct with two Anna on it.)

As soon as Anna said that, the scepter or magical wand shone brightly and released a massive wave towards the surroundings. Angus and Jayna, who are still hugging Anna from behind, couldn't help but be thrown away from Anna.

Fortunately, this energy shockwave is not too strong and harmless to the couple. Still, they are quite surprised at the sudden shockwave before running back toward Anna.

"Anna, are you okay?" called Angus and Jayna worriedly as Anna seemed a little bit absentminded after the release of the energy shockwave.

Suddenly, Anna hit the scepter to the ground harshly. *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"Bad Magic Wand!! Bad!! Baddie!! How dare you hurt Angus and Big sis Jayna. Anna will not play with you anymore!!" said Anna as she recalled the artifact scepter.

Seeing this, Angus and Jayna didn't know how to react. After ensuring Anna is completely fine, Angus asks a few more questions before releasing his barrier and decides to rest for the day.

He decides to test Anna's 'kill' power later on since it is still very hard to understand it just from her rough description. However, Angus and Jayna know Anna's 'kill' power is related to her new magical wand and is different from the usual way of killing.

In the meantime, someone inside the royal palace had already noticed Anna's dreadful aura despite Angus' fast reaction. Fortunately, this person is too busy making love to his lover in a hidden secret room.

He also notices Angus is near the source and lets this matter be since Angus suddenly casts a barrier to prevent the dreadful aura from leaking.

"Leon, Is there something wrong?" asked Extalia while looking at Leon.

"Nah.. It seems those kids are causing more trouble." said Leon before caressing Extalia's body.

"Mmm.. " moaned Extalia before they had another round.

A few days later, a massive invitation spread across the Heart kingdom for Angus' official award ceremony. This ceremony is important for Angus and all the retired soldiers from the frontline.

During these two months, Heart kingdom already had four massive battles and countless skirmishes all over its border. Although the Heart Kingdom's military strength has increased many times, all these battles still produce many deaths and wounded soldiers.

Some wounded soldiers are forced to retire and will be awarded special honorary titles along with their pension for their service. Moreover, they will also hold a memorial ceremony for the fallen soldiers.

Therefore, this is a big event for the whole Heart Kingdom resident to remember the fallen and award the retired ones.

Currently, Angus, Jayna and Anna are inside an open space training area. All of them seem to be playing tag but in the air. In the air, Jayna is flying with the help of a big fire wing on her back while Angus uses a flying spell to move around.

As for Anna, she is already entering her monster form and flying with a bat-like wing on her back. Currently, Angus is desperately trying to catch the girls. After seeing Jayna's fight with Cardinal, he notices they lack experience in aerial fighting and decides to train in it.

In the end, he realized many things about aerial fighting. He finds when it comes to aerial combat, it is almost impossible to predict his opponent's maneuver, especially if they have wings.

Unlike magicians who use flying spells, people with wings could suddenly change their movement trajectory easily in the air.

On the other hand, people that use flying spells are quite rigid in aerial movement. They couldn't maneuver or change their movement easily, especially at high speed.

'Now, I know why most magicians only move moderately to keep their maneuverability in the air.' thought Angus as he looked at the magician training them.

Then, Angus looks at Anna who is flying while starting to leave her afterimage in the air.

"Angus, look!! Anna has become many."  said Anna while moving faster.

Then, everyone finds Anna flying around at incredible speed, leaving an afterimage everywhere like they are a real person.

"Err... Can you also do that?" asked Angus to Jayna.

"Nope... Even the Fire Phoenix herself couldn't do such a thing in this limited space." said Jayna.

During their flying training, they notice their acceleration speed is much worse than on land when they rely on their feet. Acceleration speed is a crucial point in the battle. With the sudden speed increase, they could dodge unexpected attacks or increase their attack power.

However, sudden acceleration in the air is hard to achieve. Angus and Jayna need large open space to accelerate themself and that is still not as fast as when they are on the ground. This makes their fighting way and option more limited than on the ground despite the air advantage.

On the contrary, Anna seems like a fish in the water. Her speed isn't any different than when she was on the ground. Moreover, her maneuverability also didn't drop, making her almost invincible in the sky.

'Unfortunately, she couldn't fly in the sky without being transformed.' thought Angus as he noticed the frightening look of their trainer.

For others, Anna's aura is dreadful and evil as she practically leaks a bit of miasma when transformed into a monster form. If Angus didn't cover the whole area with a strong barrier, he believed all the high-grade combatants in the capital would feel her presence.

However, Angus and Jayna didn't mind Anna's monster form. They already too often see it and even quite like it. When Anna is in monster form, they find her skin turns into gray colors and her hand turns into five strong claws.

She also has a small protruding horn around her head that looks like a crown. At first, this small horn is barely noticeable. After she reached second grade, it became more apparent. Combined with her bat-like wing, Angus and Jayna think Anna looks cool.

'If it is not because of Anna's childish smiling face, she will truly look noble and cooler.' thought Anna and Jayna at the same time.

At this moment, they feel someone entering their outermost camouflage barrier.

"What the hell are all of you doing?!!" shouted Duchess Amberblaze as she found dozens of dreadful transformed Anna in the air.

Hearing this, everyone decides to end their training and dismiss the poor pale magician trainer before talking to the Duchess.

"So, you are saying you are training for aerial combat?" asked the Duchess while massaging her forehead.

"Yep. There is nothing dangerous here." said Angus.

"Like hell, there is nothing dangerous here!! That girl is practically radiating a dangerous aura!!" said Duchess Amberblaze while pointing with a long spear in her hand.

Angus and Jayna feel the long spear in her hand is familiar but choose to ignore it for now.

"Aunt Extalia, that was very rude!! Anna is a good girl, right?" rebuked Jayna while hugging Anna lovingly.

"Yup, Anna is a good girl." replied Anna while snuggling and giving a mocking smile to the Duchess.

'That girl!! She did that on purpose.' thought Duchess Amberblaze.

"Ehem.. Anyway, what business did Aunt bring here? I don't think Aunt Extalia is too free just to chat with us." said Angus.

"Huhh?? Did you say I just can't meet my dear niece? Also, didn't I tell you I am not your Aunt yet!!" said Duchess Amberblaze as she threw the spear at Angus.

*BAM* Fortunately, Angus had already predicted this before and dodged it in time. As the spear passes through his side, he finds familiar energy from it and can't help but look at it after it is embedded on the ground not far from it.

'That spear?!! No way!! How could it be here!!' thought Angus as he kept looking at the spear.

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