'This brat is dangerous.' thought Queen Dahlia.

"Alright, that's enough. All of you could go back to your work." said Queen Dahlia as she tried to end this useless banter.

"I am sorry, Your Highness. I can't allow that. We still need to check Madam Malkin if she is truly a spy or not." said Angus.

"Young Master Angus, that's some serious accusation. Madam Malkin is someone I personally invited not too long ago. There is no way she is a spy." said Queen Dahlia.

"Then, there will be no problem if we do a simple potion test, right? Just to be sure." said Angus with a cold smile.

"That's it. I am the Queen of the Heart Kingdom and I can vouch for Madam Malkin's identity." said Queen Dahlia as she got angry at Angus' stubbornness.

Not only did Angus not want to back down, but he kept provoking her. If Angus is not the son of the current most prominent Victory family, she will order the guard to execute him on the spot for his rudeness and insubordination. However, Angus also didn't back down easily.

"That's one of the reasons we can't let Madam Malkin go with you, Your Highness." replied Angus expressionlessly.

"What do you mean?!" asked Queen Dahlia.

"If Madam Malkin is somehow a spy, she could injure or kill Her Highness. At that time, everyone here will be held accountable for not noticing such a spy." said Angus.

"Furthermore, the lowest of their punishment will be a long harsh training or a few years of imprisonment. The heaviest punishment is executed on the spot." added Angus in a loud voice.

Hearing this, the nearby staff and guards immediately stare at Madam Malkin like a beast. None of them want to get punished or even executed. Although they couldn't offend the high noble too much, they still didn't want to get killed for such an unjust reason.

Most of the reason they work here is for the high payment. As for the political and others, they could turn a blind eye to that.

Seeing the fervent looks from everyone, Madam Malkin became more nervous. By using his sharp discerning eyes and [Analyze], Angus knows that Madam Malkin is using beautifying potions daily to look younger.

However, most of these beautifying potions have the same ingredient and effect as appearance-changing potions that spies often use. Hence, Angus deliberately accused Madam Malkin as a spy and forced her to do a potion test.

He knows Madam Malkin is the old hag who taught and humiliated Jayna when she was young. Angus may not be able to do anything to Queen Dahlia for now, but he could still get his sweet revenge on Madam Malkin.

"That's enough!! There is no spy here. Stop spreading such a baseless rumor." said Queen Dahlia while trying to calm herself down.

"It is not a baseless rumor, Her Highness. As an alchemist and researcher, I couldn't help but notice a few signs of appearance-changing potion on Madam Malkin." said Angus while taking the Research Center medallion with his name on the back to add his credibility.

"Moreover, I am also intrigued with Her Highness' previous remark. How could her highness be sure there is no spy here? Did her highness have some unique ability or way to determine the spy? This will significantly help us in our war." added Angus loudly.

"Enough!! Stop using my words against me!! This matter is over. Everyone get back to your place!!" yelled Queen Dahlia.

If Queen Dahlia agreed to the potion test, it would definitely create a lot of nasty rumors and hit her prestige as Queen. No matter the result of the test, it will definitely hit Queen Dahlia's reputation. Hence, she needs to prevent Madam Malkin from getting tested.

On the contrary, Angus didn't care about his reputation. He never interacts with the other noble family besides Millie and Mia. Even during the official gathering, he avoids the others and only looks at Jayna.

"No, can't do, Your Highness. This is concerned about your safety. Don't worry, the potion test is simple and fast. It didn't even take ten minutes. Even an ordinary healer inside the royal palace could do it. Can someone call the healer?" asked Angus.

"There is no need for that, young master Angus." said old butler Darius who appeared out of nowhere.

Angus looks at the old butler Darius expressionlessly. However, his gaze silently warns the old butler not to get in his way.

"Although this old man is not young, I am still quite proficient in alchemy. I could do the test here and now. No need for trouble to go to the medical ward." added old butler Darius.

"Sure, then I leave it to you, Uncle Darius." said Angus.

In the meantime, Queen Dahlia could only stay silent since she couldn't command Darius. Darius may serve the royalties, but unlike other employees in the royal palace, he could only obey King Leon.

No other royalties could command him as he had the right to refuse them. This is an unwritten law and usual custom in the royal palace. Hence, Queen Dahlia couldn't control and command Darius.

If she tries to command and gets refused, her prestige as Queen will receive a massive blow. As someone heavily relying on connection and fame, she will not gamble her prestige just for Madam Malkin.

Seeing the Queen also didn't comment on this, "Madam Malkin, could I have a drop of your blood?" asked old butler Darius.

"E-Ehh… This…" said Madam Malkin as she didn't know what to do while looking at Queen Dahlia for help.

Seeing the silent Queen Dahlia, Madam Malkin feels like being abandoned and reluctantly gives her a hand while shaking nervously. Without wasting any moment, Darius makes a simple cut on her finger using a small knife while ignoring her shake movement.

Then, the old butler takes out a small vial tube of glass and collects a few drops of blood in it before the cutting wound on the finger miraculously heals. Taking the glass tube, Darius takes another small vial with clear liquid.

"This is the Truth Solution. If it makes contact with an appearance-changing potion, the solution will turn into black." explained the old butler.

After getting confirmation from Angus and Queen Dahlia, the butler poured a little bit of Truth Solution into the glass tube with Madam Malkin's blood. As soon as the clear solution touches the blood, it begins to turn black.

"Guard, send this vile spy and her guards to the Extermination Squad!!" said Angus without wasting more time.

"NOO!! This is not true!! I am not a spy! My Queen, please don't send me to the Extermination Squad!!" pleaded Madam Malkin while resisting the guards.

Most nobles know how cruel the Extermination Squad could be towards spies. Not only are they heartless in torturing the spy, but they could also even get any kind of information from the spy.

Some rumors even said they could get irrelevant information like the spy's private life and how they live in their original country. They could even extract their family secrets that their original country didn't even know.

Therefore, other kingdom's spies can hardly gather intel inside the Heart kingdom. The Extermination Squad could easily track the other spies through the captured spy.

As one of the high-rank researchers, Angus knows a few methods the Extermination Squad used to get information. Most of the captured spies will never be able to live normally and turn crazy after being sent to the Extermination Squad.

Knowing this, "Wait… We don't know for sure if she is a true spy or not. Just throw her into the prison." said Queen Dahlia as she still didn't want to lose her important ally.

Queen Dahlia may not know the effect of a beautifying potion, but she is sure Madam Malkin in front of her is real. Therefore, she could only buy more time for Madam Malkin until this matter was cleared.

"Are you sure, Her Highness? There is a possibility the other spies will try to silence her. It is better to send her to the Extermination Squad as soon as possible to extract any information from her." said Angus.

"Enough!! This is my final decision. Madam Malkin will be prisoned until further notice. Also, you should worry about yourself. If it turns out Madam Malkin is innocent, you need to take some responsibility." threatened Queen Dahlia.

"Sure. But, I am certain she is a spy." said Angus nonchalantly while taking Jayna and Anna away, ignoring the others.

The Queen and the other guard couldn't help looking at Angus weirdly as he suddenly didn't care anymore about this matter after fervently fighting the Queen.

After leaving the location, "Can I kill those disgusting bubbles?" asked Anna.

"Kill?!" asked Angus back.

"Yeah. Anna hates that disgusting old bubble and that red-haired old bubble too. So, can I kill them?" replied Anna.

Hearing this, Angus frowned deeply. For the first time, Anna uses the word kill for someone rather than the usual burst bubble or something else.

"Why did you use the word kill on them?" asked Angus while Anna was getting head pat by Jayna to calm her down.

There are some occasions when Anna gets angry. However, Angus and Jayna had never seen Anna this mad for a long time against someone. It is like she has a deep grudge against Madam Malkin and Queen Dahlia.

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