I Have a Sword

Chapter 751: Daogu City

Erya's words made Ye Guan's expression darken. Little White clearly wasn't trying to say that. Rather, Erya was just spouting nonsense. However, he didn't dare inquire further, fearing that she might say something even more outrageous.

Qing Zhi shook her head and smiled at Ye Guan. "Let's go."

Ye Guan nodded. The group then left the underground palace.

Naturally, Ye Guan was happy. He had obtained a powerful divine artifact without much effort. When it came to archaeological expeditions, he certainly had to bring these two little ones along.

They continued deeper into the mountain range. Along the way, Qing Zhi tried several times to approach Little White, but Little White remained indifferent to her, which made her feel somewhat helpless and envious of Ye Guan. Little White was very close to Ye Guan, often flying to his shoulder and patting his head.

"Erya, can your physical body still be enhanced?" Ye Guan asked out of the blue.

Erya nodded. "It can, but it's very difficult. It requires very stringent conditions."

"What conditions?"

Erya licked her candied hawthorn and said, "One way is through external means, but now, there are very few external things that can have an impact on me. The second is through hard cultivation, but I'm quite lazy and don't want to cultivate diligently."

Ye Guan and Qing Zhi were speechless.

Soon, Ye Guan smiled. "Just go with the flow, then! You are already invincible anyway."

Erya glanced at Ye Guan. "You can be quite smooth with your words, Grandson."

Ye Guan simply shook his head and smiled.

"Little White and I have a dream," Erya revealed.

"What would that be?"

"We want to collect the best treasures in the universe."

Little White nodded quickly, waving her small paws in a very excited manner.

"You have my undying support, then," Ye Guan answered.

Little White grinned and patted Ye Guan's head. Erya, remaining calm, added, "You shouldn't rely too much on external objects. Got it?"

Ye Guan was once again dumbfounded.

Before he knew it, the group had reached a valley. At the center of it was an eerie and massive blood-red altar.

Ye Guan glanced at Qing Zhi, who shook her head slightly.

"I don't know what that is either," she said.

"I see. Let's go check it out, then."

With Erya and Little White with him, he felt confident enough to explore anything.

As they got closer to the altar, Ye Guan's brow furrowed. He felt his bloodline reacting. Shocked and curious, he carefully examined the altar.

"Erya, can you see anything unusual?"

Erya looked at Little White, who waved her small paw energetically. At that moment, the altar suddenly trembled, and a terrifying blood-red face emerged from it, launching itself at Little White.

Ye Guan's expression darkened. He was about to intervene when Little White pulled out a flaming hammer and struck the blood-red face with it.


With a single hit, the blood-red face was slammed to the ground. It writhed in agony as faint flames flickered on its surface. Ye Guan looked at the hammer in Little White's hand. It wasn't very large—merely the size of a child's arm—but it looked very dazzling and faintly emitted a blood-red flame.

What is that treasure?

Ye Guan's expression filled with curiosity. He found himself wanting to borrow the hammer to have a look.

At that moment, Qing Zhi pointed at the face."What is that?"

Ye Guan looked at the face. It was still wailing in pain, the faint flames clinging to it like maggots to rotting flesh.

"It's the spirit of this altar," Erya commented.

"Why did it attack Little White?" Ye Guan asked.

"It wanted to devour Little White."

Ye Guan was stunned.

Erya shook her head. "What a fool."

Devour the Spirit Progenitor? Ye Guan shook his head and smiled.

Everything else aside, Little White's unique constitution made it almost impossible for anyone or anything to devour her. Ye Guan also believed that his grandfather must have given Little White some means of self-preservation.

To top it all off, Little White could summon several divine swords, which were not something ordinary beings could contend with.

"Erase its intelligence and replace it with a new one," Erya suggested.

Erasing a target's intelligence was a terrifying ability unique to Little White! More terrifyingly, she could also give them a new psyche.

Little White was about to erase the blood face's intelligence when it suddenly began to plead for mercy. Hence, she instead gave it another blow with her hammer. She was clearly still upset about the blood face's previous hostile actions.

Little White was generally very friendly to spiritual beings. She would never force them to follow her if they were unwilling, but they usually did because the benefits were truly significant and she could help them improve! Moreover, since she was the Spirit Progenitor, they were naturally very close to her.

It was rare for spiritual beings to attack her proactively.

Now, the blood face lay on the ground, ceaselessly begging for mercy.

"Little Guan, that is a relic from the Forest Civilization era. You can ask it some questions," Erya said.

Ye Guan nodded slightly and looked at the blood face. "What's your name?"

The blood face glanced at Ye Guan. "Wangu Altar."

"Wangu Altar?"

The blood face now looked displeased. "You haven't heard of it?"

"Not really, no."

The blood face gave him a scornful gaze, rendering Ye Guan speechless.

How can this creature not recognize the situation it's in?

At that moment, Little White hit the blood face with her hammer again.


The blood face wailed once more. Little White waved her small paw at the blood face and occasionally pointed at Ye Guan, making her intentions very clear.

In response, the blood face looked at Ye Guan and stammered, "S-Sorry... I didn't know you were together..."

What are your eyes for?

Instead of dwelling on it, though, Ye Guan asked, "Are you a divine artifact from the Forest Civilization era?"

The blood face nodded. "Yes."

"Why didn't the Forest Civilization take you with them?"

The blood face hesitated. However, when Little White raised her hammer again, it quickly answered, "Because I wasn't qualified to go with them back then."

"You weren't qualified?"

The blood face nodded weakly.

Ye Guan scrutinized the blood face.

This creature isn't weak, yet the Forest Civilization considers it as average?

"Back then, the weaker ones weren't taken along," the blood face explained. With excitement, it added, "Recently, though, I received news that they're coming back."

Ye Guan narrowed his eyes. "The Forest Civilization is returning?"



The blood face shook its head. "I don't know."

"How do you know?"

"It's being talked about in Daogu City."

"Daogu City?"

Qing Zhi, who was standing nearby, interjected, "According to our ancestors, it was the main city of the Forest Civilization."

"We need to visit it, then," Ye Guan said softly.

"You won't be able to enter," the blood face revealed.

"Why not?"

"To enter Daogu City, you need the permission of the City Governor, and the City Governor has strictly forbidden outsiders from entering."

"It has a City Governor?"

Fear appeared in the blood face's eyes. "Yes. A very powerful once."

Ye Guan turned to Qing Zhi. "We need to go to Daogu City."

The Forest Civilization was returning! His instincts told him that this would pose a significant crisis for the current Guanxuan Universe. After all, the Forest Civilization's overall strength was likely greater than the Guanxuan Civilization's, not including a few top figures like his father. The return of the Forest Civilization would inevitably lead to conflict between the two civilizations.

Coming to the same realization, Qing Zhi said, "Whether they're really coming back or not, we need to prepare for the worst."

Now, she completely stood on the side of the Guanxuan Universe.

Ye Guan nodded slightly. "Let's go and visit it first."

Qing Zhi looked at the blood face. "What about this?"

Ye Guan looked at Little White, who shook her head, indicating she didn't want it. He then turned to Qing Zhi. "Do you want it?"

Qing Zhi also shook her head. Although the blood face seemed good, its lack of brains would likely bring trouble if kept around. Besides, she didn't really need more divine objects.

"Then let's just go," Ye Guan said.

The group turned and left, much to the blood face's confusion. Were they really just going to abandon it?

When Ye Guan and the others disappeared from view, the blood face's expression turned ugly. The outsiders really didn't take it seriously.

Coming up with a new idea, it turned into a streak of blood light and disappeared into the distance.


Within the mountains, Ye Guan and his group headed deeper into the range.

"If the Forest Civilization really returns..." Qing Zhi trailed off.

"If two civilizations reside in the same universe, they will inevitably clash," Ye Guan said.

"What's your plan?"

Ye Guan smiled. "Let's take a look at the city first."

Qing Zhi nodded, but there was a hint of worry in her eyes. The Forest Civilization seemed very strong—even more so than the Shen Zhi Civilization at its peak.

After crossing a mountain peak, an ancient city finally came into view. It stood majestically on a plain.

Daogu City!

The entire city was incredibly grand. The city gate towered a thousand meters high, and the city walls were made of thousand-meter stone pillars that reached the clouds. Standing before it would inevitably make one feel insignificant.

"Over the years, countless people have come here seeking opportunities," Qing Zhi said. "The rapid development of the Primordial Spirit Clan was partly due to this place..."

Ye Guan was about to reply when he suddenly heard footsteps behind him.

He frowned and turned around. Upon identifying the person, he couldn't help but be stunned.


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