TL/Editor: looloo

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“Promise me you'll help when I need it.”

-I hope when that time comes, I'll be by your side.


She said it with a calm demeanor.

I could only nod, stunned by her words.

It was a confession that warmed my face instantly. I felt her emotions coming closer without any barriers.

It was as if her feelings were colliding directly with mine, resonating with each other.

'Feeling this resonance isn't always a good thing.'

It's riskier than I thought.

If I'm not careful, my emotions could get entangled with hers.

And given my detached nature, I could end up hurting her.



Seo Gayeon nodded.

"By the way, have you decided where you're doing your internship, Seoha?"

"Not yet."

Korea Hero Academy has an internship system during the vacations.

It's used to let the students of the academy gain 'societal' experiences in various parts of the world.

Usually, the guilds, who pour in a significant amount of funds, have the first priority, followed by the associations.

"How about you, Gayeon?"

"I'm not sure. I don't think many guilds will call me."

"Didn't your rank jump up last time? And it's probably going to do so again, right? Then you'll receive many offers. Potential is a crucial factor for evaluation."

"Is that so?"

While current abilities matter, potential is evaluated, especially for those in their teens.

If Seo Gayeon grows properly, she might even surpass Park Woonhyuk.

Seo Gayeon smiled, seemingly reassured by my words.

-I wish we could go to the same place.

...This is truly risky.

I almost unknowingly asked, "Should we go to the same place?"

I tried to maintain my composure.

I invoked my talent, Calm.


My flushed face cooled in an instant.

I forced my heightened spirits to settle, trying to keep my composure.

The excitement faded.

"How's your magic these days?"

"It's going well. Maybe it's different from other magics."

Seo Gayeon said with a slight smile.

The magic created from the power of starlight is formed based on her mental imagery rather than rituals.

That's why, unlike other mages, her mental strength is of utmost importance.

"That reminds me, last time..."

We continued our conversation for a while.


Raei Translations


"Agh! Who touched the settings?"

"Wait! Can't we just call it a draw?"

Dozens of monitors flicker, with the clear sounds of the players echoing through.

'It's been a while.'

I watch the screens, seeing the children in distress.

Not just me, but Park Woonhyuk, Kim Seohyun, Hong Yuhwa, Ersil, and Kim Ara are all here.

"The hamster sure has grown."


"That's what Kim Ara started calling Seo Gayeon."

But hearing it now makes it sound fresh.

'Is this the butterfly effect or something?'

I look over at Seo Gayeon. When she uses her star magic, her appearance changes significantly, but with her black hair and eyes right now, she does bear a resemblance to a hamster.

'Is it because she's wearing a beige cardigan?'

"That guy, when did he get so skilled?"

"Is it because he's teamed up with Seoha? His skills have improved tremendously."

Park Woonhyuk and Kim Seohyun took notice of Seo Gayeon.

Seo Gayeon was casting neutral magic as she fought.

-Spear of Judgment.

A translucent spear appears before her on the screen, and with a 'whoosh' sound, it hits a student in the chest.

-575th Han Jaeyeon, eliminated.

As the Spear of Judgment strikes the chest, a shield surrounds the student, and various devices emerge to ensure their safety.

A cushion appears on the ground, followed by a magical circle underneath, activating a teleportation spell.


A light beams in a corner, and the student is summoned.

"We've confirmed Han Jaeyeon's arrival."

"…She already took down the 575th ranked student?"

"She's rising rapidly. With that rate, she might challenge those in the top 400."

Everyone's gaze is fixed on Seo Gayeon on the screen.

The Spear of Judgment is powerful, but perhaps due to its intense mana consumption, she seems to be breathing heavily.

"Student Lee Seoha."


A professor with neatly pulled back white hair and glasses approached me, "The principal would like to see you."

"The principal?"

I was puzzled.

While I did contribute significantly to defeating the Minotaur, she had mentioned praising me during the closing ceremony.

Well, the professor before me doesn’t seem like he'd lie.

'He's like a villain from Chapter 5.'

To be precise, he's someone who, out of immense admiration for the principal, becomes envious of Kim Seohyun for capturing her attention and resorts to underhanded tactics.

The professor looked at me sternly.

I got up from my seat and followed him.

"May I know the reason the principal has called for me?"

"Respect is due. She is transcendent."

He replied curtly.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. While he greatly admires Seo Yebin, he’s a rather pitiable figure.

‘When Seo Yebin was asked what she wanted as a reward, she said she wanted to become a star. But he was denied, citing a lack of talent.’

That very rejection was what led him down the path of becoming a villain.

And the dialogue was truly the highlight.

I had thought that if I became a Mine, Seo Yebin would favor me, but Seo Yebin looked at him with cold eyes, and the scene of his despair was oddly amusing.

Right in front of the principal’s office was a massive door. As I approached it, the door opened with a creak.

Seo Yebin was seated inside.

There was Seo Yebin, smiling.


The professor hesitated for a moment.

"Come in."

"You seem to be in a good mood?"

"Yes, you've brought me some amusement."

Seo Yebin greeted me with a smile.

Stealing a glance at the professor, his expression was priceless, as if he'd just been told the world was ending tomorrow.

"You may go."


The professor bowed his head and left the principal’s office with a disheartened look. With a creak, the door closed automatically after he exited.

"That professor made quite the blunder."

"You heard?"

"The academy is within my domain. There's no reason I wouldn't."

Saying so, Seo Yebin smirked briefly.

"But why did you call me here?"

"Because of The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision."

As Seo Yebin said this, a long black shadow stretched out beside her. It soon took the form of a man.

"Pleased to meet you."

"Yes, pleased to meet you too."

"Well, the reason I called you, Lee Seoha, here is quite simple."

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision reached out his hand.

"That is..."

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision stopped mid-sentence.

At the same time, Seo Yebin wore a look of disbelief.

"Why is the guy who was stuck at the boundary here?"

"Heard some rumors, did he?"

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision and Seo Yebin exchanged words, their gazes locked.

A sudden cracking noise.

"...That ignorant guy?"

"That guy has always been clueless, but why now...?"

As a shattering sound echoed,

Both Seo Yebin and The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision looked taken aback. Them, of all people? I followed their gaze.


There was a noise as if something in the boundary had activated. My eyes, which could see the dawn clearly, captured everything.

I saw it.

The massive barrier surrounding the academy had cracked.

And then...

With a thunderous crash, something broke, accompanied by a massive sound. The barrier shattered like glass, and an entity crash-landed onto the ground.

"Ugh, we have an uninvited guest."

"This is ridiculous. Do you know how valuable that barrier was?"

The scene was beyond belief.

The 'mana' seemed to be suppressed by something, screaming in anguish. The landscape changed, distorted as if being pressed by some force.

I understood the meaning of this spectacle.

'That's insane.'

From the smoke, the silhouette of a man appeared to rise.

"Do you even know what it means to intrude?"

-Do I seem like the type to care about such things?

A deep voice echoed.


A man rose from within the smoke.

He was a tall man, towering over most.

Standing at 2 meters and 20 centimeters, his height made others seem diminutive beside him.

Yet, thanks to his perfect proportions, he appeared handsome, especially from a distance.

He was dressed in a suit.

A black jacket paired with black trousers. He adjusted his tie roughly as he approached.

With one stride, he covered a distance of over 1 kilometer, drawing close enough to be easily recognizable to anyone watching.

His imposing presence was enough to send shivers down one's spine.

His violet eyes fixed on me.

With every step, the weight in the air grew denser. He approached confidently, as if nothing could stand in his way.


The atmosphere felt compressed. Even though he merely gazed at me without asserting his presence, cold sweat formed on my brow.

‘...Of course.’

Because he is a monster, rivaled only by the Emperor and the Sorceress of The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision.

A being who confronts evil alone, refusing aid from anyone.

Yet, he never succumbs to anyone.

He watches over the borders, lifting mountains single-handedly.

Regarded as the strongest among all transcendent beings.

The Suzerain.

And also, Kim Ara's father.

"Are you the one who's taken a liking to my daughter?"

...Our first meeting was far from pleasant.

enjoy! :)

seems like a very extreme version of a dad making sure he's a good fit for her daughter 💀

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