
From humanity’s perspective, these obvious embodiments of evil, although possessing human intelligence and physical structure, also exhibit stark differences from humans.

Namely, they were a species that grew and evolved based on desire.

The stronger their desires, the more powerful they become, and their appearance and innate abilities change based on the nature of their desires and their environments.

“Hahaha. Can we handle this?”

“If we fight barehanded, we don’t stand a chance.”

Facing these uniquely evolved demons, the survivors showed a level of tension incomparable to when they were facing mere monsters.

A massive monster with a pig-like appearance stood in the front; next to it was a creature with sharply carved bones protruding from its flesh, and in the distance, a gaunt figure seemed to swell with a sinister, flaming aura.

Each one appeared as formidable as the next, making it difficult to gauge their strength at a glance.

In a situation where even their numbers were overwhelming, it would be strange not to feel fear and despair.

“…Should we be relieved that their leader appears to be an orc?”

Compared to the Demon King’s army, the orc, which we had some experience fighting, might be the safer option.

“No, that orc is the most dangerous.”

I firmly explained what I knew to those who were under that misconception.

“Orcs are dangerous? No matter if he seems like the leader, an orc is still just an orc, right?”

“We’ve defeated so many orcs before; no matter how strong he is, if we come up with a strategy…”

“I assert that…”

With a swish, I removed the mask from my face, revealing my identity to them.

“To defeat that single orc, even five heroes would have to be prepared for total annihilation.”

Upon recognizing my face, some of them showed even greater shock than when they had faced the demons.

Indeed, even though it was a misunderstanding, I had acquired the nickname ‘Hero Killer,’ so it wouldn’t be easy to disregard my words about a hero.

“Five heroes facing annihilation… is that really true?”

“Yes, so I only ask one thing of you all right now.”

Of course, I didn’t know how that orc could awaken such power to become an officer in the Demon King’s army, but the opportunity to resolve such questions was only given to those with the luxury of strength.

What’s important now is to somehow save as many people as possible, including myself, from this situation.

“Until the other demons act, don’t move, and no matter what happens, never… charge at that orc.”

To achieve that, we must absolutely avoid provoking that orc.


“…So, are we just giving up and waiting to die?”

“No, just wait for now.”

Then I read the contents of the note tucked in my pocket.

Inside were sentences about the future that Airi had foreseen, succinctly written on the paper.

[During your journey to the destination, you will be attacked by monsters, and a cliff will collapse while you are escaping. [At that moment, expel the accompanying minstrel from the rockfall area.]

[If you then encounter the Demon King’s army, remove your mask, persuade the others, and request direct negotiations with an officer of the Demon King’s army. And…]

…Though the information was scant, since she predicted the cliff’s collapse, her prophecy could be seen as almost absolute.

Knowing this, I threw Merilyn outside of the carriage I was in and took off my mask, not just to watch but to persuade the group.

To negotiate directly with the officer with a face, as per Airi’s prophecy.

“Resisting is still an option even after I fail to negotiate.”

If I didn’t step up and only watch from behind, everyone here would surely perish…

“So, you’ve come to duel with me… Hm?”

I stepped forward confidently in front of the Demon King’s army officer to avoid that future.

I faced him with a firm attitude, not showing the fear that was making my heart pound.

“…A memorable face indeed.”

“Haha, glad you remember.”

“Yes, strangely, I’ve retained memories of you, despite you being nothing more than a non-warrior species…”


The heavy head of the mace he was holding hit the ground.

That meant he wasn’t going to attack immediately, but his hand gripping the handle was exerting so much force that veins were bulging.

“Nice to see you again. I thought you would bow your head in recognition of your own powerlessness, human.”

His face clearly showed a quiet honing of the arrogance he had been harboring until now.

“Did you appear here confident that you could defeat me in a one-on-one duel?”

Orc Helkry.

An unusual being focused on the abstract concept of honor, despite being an orc living solely for reproduction.

His ideals were no different from what those called warriors advocate.

Respecting his opponent, punished those who didn’t respect him, and mercifully ended the lives of those he defeated without humiliation or prolonged suffering.

He chose to join the Demon King’s army to quench his thirst for battle through such a process.

“…That’s not the case.”

And as he said, I was very aware of my limitations.

No matter how hard I fought, I knew that I couldn’t satisfy his craving for battle.

A mithril Ego Weapon?

I might be able to scratch him with it, but how could I possibly make a move when the next blow from his mace would turn my body to dust?

“Then why did you boldly step forward to represent your group?”

“For the same reason as before.”

Quietly, I lowered the spear in my hand to the ground and bowed before him, saying,

“Please, would you grant us a chance to survive?”

“…Are you speaking sincerely?”

“I am speaking sincerely.”

A battle with no chance of winning, even if the whole unscattered group attacked.

I had no choice but to beg for our lives, knowing that.

“After all, it’s impossible for us to win against you right now in a fight.”

As soon as I honestly uttered those words, a ‘crack!’ sound echoed.

Though I couldn’t see well because my head was bowed, that was probably the sound of him grinding his teeth as he looked down at me.

“Yes, humbling one’s pride and boldly kneeling before the strong can also be called courage.”

His low voice, unlike before, proved that he was not entirely proud of me now.

“But human, doesn’t that also depend on the situation, or don’t you know?”

Of course.

Back then, I was merely a porter, carrying nothing but luggage and unarmed.

For someone who valued honor, killing a non-combatant who didn’t run away but boldly begged for life was considered dishonorable.

“Your arrival here, armed, implies that, unlike before, you are part of the army now.”

In contrast, I am now a mercenary adventurer hired for the mission of reinforcing the garrison, not just a porter.

As a combatant who had stepped onto this land, I was considered a warrior with the duty to fight in battle in his eyes.

“Do you think it is honorable to abandon your role and responsibility and simply beg for your life, acknowledging the difference in strength?”


“Do you think I, who can earn honor by defeating more soldiers if no duel is established, have an obligation to acknowledge and spare the pleading life of an opponent on the battlefield?”

“I do not think so.”

But I didn’t falter.

The moment I would show any wavering, the ‘dignity’ he acknowledged in sparing my life would be shattered.

Whatever I say next, I must not lose my composure, in order to lead to the outcome written in the note.

“Knowing that, why do you still beg for your life from me?”

The result of maintaining that demeanor was that he, looking down at me and feeling displeasure, did not swing his mace but asked for my intent.

“…Honorable Orc.”

Yes, this was the crucial point.

With sweat dripping down, I still faced the ground and bravely expressed my thoughts towards the murderous intent directed at me.

“You may seek an honorable duel by standing before us, but ironically, the humans here are mere weaklings, not yet strong enough to be called warriors. They haven’t even had experiences that awaken the value of honor like you have.”

Those present here didn’t qualify to satisfy his desires.

I boldly confessed their weakness and instead told him that it was precisely because they were weak that they were worth his attention.

“You worship and live for honor, but even you weren’t born knowing honor, right?”


There was a slight tremor in his shadow on the ground at that moment.

Realizing I had hit the mark, a confident smile began to form on my lips.

“The grace period you had until understanding honor… The survival you had until realizing its value made you what you are now. Am I wrong?”

“…Then what will you do?”

“If you truly pursue honor, then please grant us, who are yet unqualified, an opportunity as well. Spare us, who are certain to die here, and allow us the chance to grow strong enough for a fight you desire in the future.”

Then, I slowly raised my head.

I showed a slightly softened expression compared to his initial anger.

He held respect for me, who was merely a weakling.

Expectation for a future, not the present, was blossoming in his eyes as they etched my image.

“…I think I understand a bit why you remained in my memory.”

My abilities might have influenced his recognition, but whatever the reason, if he was inclined to give me an opportunity, that was enough.

He then looked down at me, his eyes cleared of anger, and spoke in a stern voice.

“Human Woo Hyo-sung.”

He uttered my name, never forgotten since our first meeting.

“Can you prove that what you just said is not merely an excuse to survive?”

Addressing me with honorifics, he even showed respect towards me, just a weakling.

“…For that, I ask for a chance.”

I was sincerely grateful for his mercy.

Keeping that in mind, I tightly gripped the spear in my hand and pointed it towards the demons behind him.

Recalling the last words written in the note left by Airi.

[Through the ensuing negotiation, ask for a fight with one of his subordinates, not the chief. After that, fight your best.]

[Remember, no matter who your opponent is, it’s important not to doubt your victory.]

“Please grant me the opportunity to fight one of your subordinates. I will prove in that fight that my words are not mere bravado.”

Whatever would happen, I could survive as long as I didn’t give up.

When fighting a subordinate, not the chief of the demon army, there was certainly more than a 0% chance of victory.

“If you can prove your words with your life, I promise to spare you and those behind you here. But if you lose…”

“I’m prepared. That much is certain.”

If I lose, it’s the end.

“If someone else proposes a duel later, I might accept it, but if even that fails, what awaits is a merciless slaughter.”

“Things are unexpectedly going well, aren’t they?”

“…Can we really do this?”

“Let’s wait and see. If we fight, we’re all dead anyway.”

Fortunately, it seemed the adventurers also found hope in the conversation I led, so they decided not to panic and just observe for now.

Although it was a heavy burden to be responsible for the lives of everyone here, including myself, I was already resolved, as I was the only one who could bring about such a result in this situation.

Yes, it would be nice if things went smoothly like this…

“Kaaaak! Don’t be ridiculous!”

The demons behind Helkry didn’t seem to accept the current result, breaking the silence and causing a ruckus.

“Why are you continuing the conversation on your own?!”

“Even though he’s the chief, he’s just listening quietly? What’s going on?”

“We came here to play with these vermin, not to cater to your stubbornness!”

“What we want is a bloodbath! Do you think we’ll accept watching you tussle with one guy?”

…Of course, they were creatures driven and grown by desire from their very birth.

If they were part of the Demon King’s army, their aggressiveness must be such that they considered fighting an end in itself, so how could they accept an honorable duel?

“…You guys, even after seeing his courage, plan to dishonor the honorable duel that will take place here?”

“Screw honor and all that! Who do you think came here for such nonsense? I’m here just to kill more of those swine-like humans!”

Then, one of the demons, who didn’t accept the situation, boldly appeared before Helkry and spoke.

“I never liked it from the start when this orc, who’s not even a real demon, acted as the chief! If you’re going to do whatever you like, then just quit the Demon King’s army…”



Helkry smashed his mace into the head of the demon who was arguing with him.

As his body was crushed into the ground under the pressure, the atmosphere hardened instantly, not only among the humans but also on the demon army’s side.

“Kyaaak, he finally did it! That stupid orc just killed his own subordinate!!”

And a skinny demon began to freak out upon witnessing this.

“Killing a subordinate over such trivial matters is clear betrayal! Stupid orc! I knew from the start he didn’t deserve to be a chief…”



Helkry again swung his mace to silence that annoying mouth.

Afterward, he lifted his blood-soaked weapon, his eyes fiercely glowering.

“The hierarchy of the demon army is solely determined by power… If anyone finds my decision objectionable, they can prove it through strength.”

The moment when the flesh torn by his overwhelming force started dripping down from his mace.

In the now subdued atmosphere, he drove his mace into the ground and spoke in a quiet voice.

“Anyone who wishes to disrupt the honorable duel that will commence here, step forward. I will personally sort out the hierarchy right here…”


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