To say I felt no guilt would be a lie.

What I shouted to the remaining group was essentially to use them as bait to fend off the monsters.

“Don’t stop, keep running!! The group of monsters has already noticed us!!”

But this world was a dark fantasy.

Even a momentary mistake required a heavy price; it was a cruel world that forced the loss of humanity at every moment.

Though my head told me it was wrong, being upset about making inhuman choices was excessive greed itself.


So, don’t worry about them now.

What we needed to deal with immediately was how to shake off the few monsters that were following us without falling for the bait.

If we stopped dealing with them, there was a risk of being caught by the ones following or additional monsters joining the fray after hearing the commotion in the forest.

“Damn! These annoying creatures!”

At the moment when the monsters, in the form of beasts, ambushed from between the trees.

The ranged attackers tried to fend off the monsters using magic and arrows, but they, even under attack, gnashed their pain into roars, fueling only their appetite for us.

If they couldn’t neutralize the mobility or inflict fatal wounds, it was inevitable that they would climb onto the carriages to attack the members or gnaw at the carriages.

“Merilyn! Get down!!”


The moment I swung my spear and cut down the monster that was targeting Merilyn.

Even though a few more invaded after that, it was not feasible to ask for help from the carriages on the other side.

The number of monsters following us kept increasing, and everyone had to put their effort into protecting their own carriages.

“We’re going to be caught at this rate! Can’t we increase the speed of the carriage!?”

“Sorry, but this is the maximum speed!”

“Damn, it’s because there’s too much cargo! If we drop some of it…!”

“I understand, but we can’t do that! These supplies are meant for the garrison we’re about to arrive at! Not knowing the situation there, we must conserve the supplies for later safety!”

I agree.

As important as it was to escape the immediate danger, knowing that future risks loomed, cutting off our tail to survive must be saved for the very last resort.

“…Damn, but those of us who have to carry it might all die.”

Despite understanding that, the adventurers felt impatient with the onslaught of monsters.

No fatalities had occurred yet, but minor injuries were depleting physical and mental strength, making it only a matter of time before the defense network was breached.


Merilyn, feeling powerless in the situation, tightly clutched the lute in her hands.

Certainly, her abilities could have powerful effects, such as boosting morale, but since the medium was sound, the problem was that the monsters could also be affected.

Humans with added zeal and monsters with added madness. Anyone could tell which side was stronger.

“…Don’t blame yourself for not being able to do anything.”

I encouraged Merilyn like that while rummaging through the items in the cargo area of the carriage I was in.

“A fight like this just doesn’t suit Merilyn’s role, that’s all.”

“Hyo-sung? What on earth…”

“Caravan Leader! If we can’t dump everything, is it okay to use just a little bit?”

At that moment, I lifted the items in my hand, seeking permission.

The leader at the front of the caravan line, snapping the reins more fiercely, shouted towards me.

“If we can shake them off with the least efficiency possible!”

Good, permission was granted.

I immediately threw the item in my hand at one of the approaching monsters.

A creature that looked like a beast but was clearly bleeding from arrows was still charging.


The glass bottle thrown at the monster hit its mark, and the liquid inside began to spread in all directions.

The monster, having received the liquid, twitched in its charge and then fell to the ground, opening its mouth.


With a terrible scream, it stumbled and fell due to its own speed.

Seeing this, Merilyn looked at me with a stunned expression.

“Wh-what did you just throw?”


It was the same item that had horrified adventurers when used for treating wounds before.

The fundamental principle of potions in this world was similar to Albothyl, treating inflammation through inducing burns.

They cause burns on wounds to forcibly burn away the wound and contaminated area, and the healing component in the potion quickly promotes new flesh growth on the burned area.

In other words, although helpful for recovery, the process involved ‘immense pain.’


Fortunately, the monsters following us, unlike the rock monsters we first encountered, clearly had flesh and bones.

They might withstand an arrow or two, but they couldn’t endure being burned alive.

“Did you all see that!? If the ranged attackers injure them, throw a bottle of potion! Amplify their pain, and we can shake them off somehow!”

“Good idea!”

“But potions are quite expensive; is it okay to use them like this!?”

“The leader has already given permission; just use it! Anyway, if they attack us, we have to use it!”

Cling! Cling!

The monsters, enveloped in madness and following us, started falling one by one due to my quick thinking.

Although there were still monsters swarming in, even overcoming those we had passed, there was a glimmer of hope in the voice of the caravan leader at the forefront.

“It’s okay! Once we cross that valley, we’ll be right in the garrison area!”

Yes, we were soon arriving at our destination.

What would happen next was uncertain, but at least the remaining personnel and supplies could be safely escorted to the intended destination.

“Great! We’ve made it!”

But can we really be at ease now?

Ironically, even after escaping the immediate crisis, I felt more anxious than ever before.

If a situation arose in this mission where I might die, the more we overcome crises like this, the closer that moment becomes.

“…Damn, if not now, then when?”

Surely, if something more serious happens later, it would mean we’re on the brink of death.

Unable to bear the impatience, I finally unfolded the note I had kept with me and took the time to read its contents.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long to read it all.

The content was compressed enough to fit on a single note.

“…What is this?”

But because of this, the lack of context made the story seem too abrupt…

No, Airi, who gave me this note, had already proven her abilities to me.

So, for now, I decided to believe what was written on this note. My gaze then started to shift towards the upper part of the valley we were about to pass.


Yes, just like the note said, something flew in from afar and crashed into the top of the cliff.

Noticing that I quickly embraced Merilyn and moved towards a nearby carriage.

“Hyo… Hyo-sung? Why…”

“Sorry, there’s no time to explain…!”

There was no time to explain the situation.

As the note said, to save ‘as many people as possible,’ including me, she needed to get out of here.

“Be sure to survive and meet again!”

“No, you can’t! Hyo-sung…!!”

Before she could respond, Merilyn fell into another carriage with a whoosh!

Then, using the recoil from throwing Merilyn, I quickly jumped off the moving carriage.

“Everyone jump off!!”

Shouting to save as many as possible among those in the rockfall area who had yet to grasp the situation.


The debris from the collapsed cliff destroyed several carriages and mercilessly crushed the passengers underneath.

Fortunately, the carriage with Merilyn and those at the front successfully avoided the debris and escaped to the other side.

But right after they passed, the debris that had fallen there began to lose its balance and crumble.

Rumble! Thud!

At that moment, the front and rear were completely isolated.

Thanks to my shouting, those in the middle seemed to have survived by jumping off the carriages, but the problem was that we were now isolated in this valley.

This was more dangerous than the monsters that had been following us.

The demons of the Demon King’s army, who caused this cliff to collapse, were about to swarm in.

“…We’re completely isolated.”

Fear was etched on every one of the dozens of isolated adventurers.

It was only natural. It was impossible to find hope in a situation completely isolated below such an insurmountable high cliff.

“…Hey, friend.”

But even in such a situation, there were a few who did not tremble in fear.

Soon, some of them started moving towards me.

“Earlier, you threw your comrade into another carriage. Did you act like that because you sensed this would happen first?”

It turned out they were questioning my actions.

After all, in a world where it was hard enough to save oneself, it would be concerning to see someone else sacrifice themselves.

“…I have something to rely on.”

After quietly gripping my spear and responding, those who approached me exchanged glances and began to pick up their weapons.

“Ha, so sticking with you means a higher chance of survival, huh?”

“…You’re disgustingly optimistic.”

I hadn’t even mentioned the prophecy yet, and I had no intention of doing so to reduce variables.

“Since it’s come to this, we have to do something.”

Nevertheless, they seemed to have made up their minds, standing by me, ready to lead the terror-stricken group.

“Right, let’s not think negatively. Aren’t we adventurers who are tired of constantly battling the Demon King’s army?

“Let’s just say we met them a bit earlier. If we die, that’s the end, and if we survive and get out, then that’s our fate.”

Whether it was courage or resignation….

No, maybe they were living with the same mindset as me.

I knew it well.

In the end, we lived because we couldn’t die, so let’s do our best to live in any situation as long as we were alive.

“Still, I hope we make it out alive. My wife is expecting our second child soon.”

But why start saying such unsettling things in a situation like this?

“Ha, I didn’t see that coming. A dad, huh? Well, the cost of baby formula is really high these days.”

“You talk like it’s someone else’s problem. You look older than me. Don’t you have a wife?”

“Oh well, I’ve been focused on earning money for my mother’s medication. If I manage this mission’s fee, I might be able to afford professional treatment at the church…”

Normally, I wouldn’t have cared about such words, but considering my death might be waiting ahead, I couldn’t just ignore them.

Each time one of them spoke, anxiety overwhelmed my heart.

As much as reality differed from fiction, what they were saying fit the typical ‘death flag.’

“Ha, such a situation brings out courage. Alright, I’ve decided. If I survive this fight, I’ll confess to her!”

“Come to think of it, my childhood friend said she has something to tell me when she returns. I can’t die until I hear it.”

“You there, young man, if you survive this, please take this. It’s a gift for my daughter…”

Hey, tell me honestly. They were doing this on purpose, right?

Since there was no hope or anything, they were all just self-deprecating, right?

“It’s good to see everyone trying to stay strong in a desperate situation.”

As they shared their circumstances, a man boldly stepped forward to lead the group.

Covered in a hood, his entire body, including his face, was wrapped in bandages, suggesting he was a martial artist.

Probably the strongest and most belligerent in the group.

“If you all have the courage, I can’t just do nothing. Follow me! I’ll lead and take the enemies’ attacks!”

“Wait, wait! If we rush in now…!!”

Damn it.

According to the prophecy, we shouldn’t rush in. We should wait for the enemy to come to us.

“Come at me, demons! I’ll show you the power of the martial arts I’ve honed in the mountains before becoming an adventurer!”

But it was too late to stop him; he had already gone too far.

He soon rushed towards the Demon King’s army, who had just entered the valley, and began swinging his fists.

And then…


With a tremendous noise that made his attack seem insignificant, his body was sent flying into the air by an attack from the shadows…

“…What? What?”

“What just happened…?”

No, he wasn’t lifted into the air but disintegrated.

It wasn’t just a shock sending him upward; the being who was a person just moments ago scattered into dust in the air.

His human body…

To explode like that from mere physical impact was so horrific that it was hard to believe even seeing it.

Pitter patter!

Such thoughts faded in moments under the rain of flesh and blood.

The shadows, stepping over the stained ground, began to approach us amidst the mounting tension.

“Haha! Look there, Captain! Humans over there!”

“Are they scouts of the human army… or are they reinforcements?”

“Whatever they are, they seem just right for tormenting and playing with. Khehahaha!”

Each with a different appearance, but mostly grotesque, these intelligent beings had limbs.

Evolved from their own blossoming desires into physical forms, they were a race known as ‘demons’ that had torn through the dimensional walls into this world.

“Whether they’re scouts or reinforcements doesn’t matter. I have only one question to ask…”

The leader, presumed to be commanding these demons, stepped forward to the front of the group.

Then he began to speak, facing the adventurers, including me.

“Human beings. Now that we’ve met, I shall pose a question to you.”

The voice that came from his mouth resonated with a familiar tone…

Yes, I knew him.

I had seen him overwhelmingly defeat a hero when I was serving her before.

“…Damn it. I had a bad feeling ever since we were raising flags.”

It was Helkry, Demon King’s Army Officer.

A monster among monsters, an orc by birth yet capable enough to be selected as an officer in the Demon King’s army.

The moment I laid eyes on him, I immediately guessed how my death, as seen by Airi, might occur.

“Among the humans here, is there a warrior who would engage in an honorable duel with me?”

Even if he were alone without his subordinates, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say the survival rate of the adventurers here had dropped to 0%.

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