The trio, consisting of one human and two demons, had been walking for some time when they encountered a mounted procession head-on.

The horses neighed in alarm, their riders taken aback by the imposing figure of the brute force demon, who stood tall and barely shorter than the trees lining the road. The horses grew restless, stamping their hooves uneasily.

The man leading the procession, dressed in exquisite attire, was the first to attempt a hasty retreat.

The fly demon emitted a low chuckle, extending its arm. Suddenly, a swarm of black flies burst forth from its body, piercing the temples of the men and burrowing into their skulls. Those who had been fleeing came to a halt, their expressions transitioning from fear to a numb stupor.

Soon, all of them obediently gathered in front of the demons.

Lynn narrowed his eyes, finding the fly demon’s methods rather weird.

The fly demon cradled the head of one of the men, slowly extruding a white needle-like tube from its mouth, piercing the scalp. Yellowish-gray brain matter flowed into its mouth like tofu pudding.

Shaking its head, the fly demon opened its mouth to communicate with the group.

Remarkably, they managed to converse seamlessly. Unable to understand their language, Lynn could only stare blankly, observing their expressions.

The fly demon relayed the information it obtained to Lynn. Through a brief interrogation, Lynn learned that the leader of the group was actually the son of a noble viscount.

However, this noble’s family now had little possessions left. His hometown had been besieged and overrun by rebel forces. With the help of some elite family members, he had fought his way out of the siege and was now attempting to reach the kingdom’s capital city, Whitefall.

The royal library, the largest in the kingdom, was located in Whitefall, coincidentally aligning with Lynn’s destination.

“Let’s go take a look. I doubt we’ll find what we’re looking for in the royal library,” Lynn suggested.

After all, besides demons, many wizards had also entered this time. Demons might not value knowledge, but wizards might.

However, their current location wasn’t far from the royal library, so they could check it out first.

“If there’s no knowledge, we still have other options,” the fly demon said confidently.

“A world definitely has many mineral deposits. Only a fraction of these deposits have been discovered by the natives. Some are surely hidden in the wilderness, undiscovered by anyone. By then, I can summon a gold-eating demon. They have a keen sense for metal and can detect it within a certain distance.”

Lynn nodded thoughtfully, silently taking note of the fly demon’s experience for future reference.

He could look for similar alchemical creatures or species when he returned. If there were none, he could consider raising a gold-eating demon himself.

“Let’s just raid them directly,” the brute force demon suggested.

“We might not succeed with so many powerful demons coming here this time,” the fly demon shook its head.

If it were elsewhere, that might be fine, but this time there were many formidable characters at the market.

Take, for example, the simplest principle: being able to invade other planes and having plenty of resources to trade, which ordinary demons couldn’t achieve.

“I’m afraid it’s not just demons,” Lynn said quietly.

Not only demons but official wizards had also come.

Direct confrontation might be a bit difficult.

He probably wouldn’t get the lion’s share of the spoils this time, and even the scraps would be hard to come by. But being able to dip his toe in the water was already a pleasant surprise.

“Don’t you know the ‘Universal Language’ spell?” the fly demon asked Lynn.

Lynn silently shook his head.

‘Universal Language’ was a two-ring spell among wizards, allowing one to quickly learn a language by reading the memories of others. But the two-ring spells were beyond his current capabilities.

Learning ‘Universal Language’ would certainly be convenient, although it was said that even if one learned a language through ‘Universal Language’, they could only understand and communicate verbally, still unable to write.

“It’s troublesome if you don’t understand the language. You can’t even communicate if these humans are trying to deceive you. However, I have a solution,” the fly demon grabbed one of the humans by the head and proceeded to split it open.

Steam rose from the exposed, pulsating brain matter.

The fly demon extended its hands towards the brain matter, continuously casting spells. The brain matter compressed and squeezed until it transformed into a bone-like white bead.

“After ingesting this, you’ll temporarily learn the language of this race, but you’ll forget it after a while,” the fly demon explained. “But it’s enough for temporary use.”

Lynn licked his dry lips and took the white bead.

“Are you afraid to eat it, or do you suspect I’ve poisoned it?” the fly demon laughed.

“It’s not poisoned. This is a talent of the fly demon clan,” the brute force demon, standing behind him, interjected.

“I’m just thinking about the best way to consume it,” Lynn mused, rolling the bead between his fingers.

Indeed, not knowing the language of this plane would be troublesome. He would have to rely entirely on the fly demon for translation. However, their cooperation was tenuous, and the fly demon had no obligation to translate for him. If the fly demon left later, Lynn, who couldn’t understand the language, would be at a loss.

Moreover, in the Abyss, the law of the jungle prevailed, where the strong preyed on the weak. If he couldn’t demonstrate sufficient value, Lynn doubted that the fly demon would continue to accompany him.

Although it made him nauseous, Lynn still tossed the bead into his mouth, swallowing it without chewing.

A warm sensation spread in his stomach, as if a seed were germinating and taking root. With the sprouting of this seed, Lynn’s senses sharpened, and the previously obscure language became understandable.

“Don’t kill me.”

“Help! We’re willing to surrender, please don’t kill us.”

“Are you the noble viscount?” Lynn asked, noting the pointed ears of the man, a clear sign of elven ancestry.

“No, I just have noble status. My father is the viscount,” the man, now alarmed, replied.

“That’s a pity. You’re already this old, and your father hasn’t passed on the title to you,” Lynn said calmly.

“Whether you live or die depends on the value you can provide,” he continued.

“I’ll tell you everything. Whatever you want to know, I’ll tell you,” the half-elf man hastily offered.

Lynn began to interrogate the nobleman, asking various questions.

Through his account, Lynn quickly understood the general situation within the Silvermoon Kingdom’s borders. He didn’t know much about the other kingdoms, but he was very familiar with the internal affairs of his own country.

Because their viscount’s family lived within the borders of the Silvermoon Kingdom, the tumultuous situation within the kingdom directly affected the interests of their viscount’s family. Therefore, they had to be very sensitive to the internal dynamics of the kingdom.

Since the passing of the previous king of the Silvermoon Kingdom twenty years ago, three princes had fought each other for the throne. At that time, many nobles secretly chose to support one of the princes.

However, when the three princes were weakened due to mutual fighting, the beloved eldest princess suddenly emerged under the favor of the old king, seizing the throne with ruthless decisiveness and becoming the first queen of the Silvermoon Kingdom.

When she was young, this eldest princess was praised by the old king for being very much like him. After ascending to the throne, the Silvermoon Queen utilized doctors, biologists, researchers, and armies.

With a tough approach, she won over many middle-level officials in the Silvermoon Kingdom. Furthermore, relying on her mother’s status as the daughter of an old duke, she also managed to gain the support of many nobles from the northern regions, vigorously developing the economy and the army. This rapid expansion of Silvermoon Kingdom’s national power propelled it to become the leader among several surrounding kingdoms.

It was said that the Ironblood Queen had repeatedly proposed initiating wars, but they were always suppressed by the Elven Court. Nevertheless, she had gained the title of Ironblood Queen within many kingdoms’ borders.

Now, the various rebel forces were said to be those nobles who had once joined the ranks of the followers of the three princes. However, they were only using the banners of the three princes. After the Ironblood Queen ascended the throne, all three princes had died under various circumstances. It couldn’t be that the souls of those who had been dead for many years suddenly emerged to organize a rebellion, right?

“I like ambitious, unscrupulous women like her. If it were another plane without demons, perhaps I could tempt her into starting a full-scale war. If we could conquer most of the land, there would be a chance to hold a ritual to plunge it into the Abyss,” chuckled the fly demon sinisterly. “But alas, it’s a pity now.”

Lynn knew what the fly demon regretted. In the current plane, which had already descended into the Abyss, the greatest benefits naturally wouldn’t fall into its hands.

In theory, even if these nobles rebelled, they wouldn’t be able to cause much of a stir. However, the three rebel forces were said to have the shadow of a mysterious power behind them, and their momentum was unstoppable, conquering many cities.

But according to the nobles, a powerful legion stationed in the north of the kingdom had also been struck by a plague, leaving them too preoccupied to act.

“With so many rebel forces, we can cooperate with this queen. We’ll let her provide us with knowledge, flesh and blood, and we’ll deal with those rebel forces for her,” the fly demon suggested.

Lynn thought more deeply. In a plane where the Elven Court had ruled for so many years, what kind of mysterious power could there be behind these rebel forces? Most likely, this mysterious force was related to the power that guided the descent into the Abyss. Lynn doubted there would be conflict with these rebel forces.

When they meet those rebel forces, they’ll know what’s going on.

“We should set off first,” Lynn said.

“We’re moving too slowly like this. I’ll summon a mount,” the fly demon said.

Turning around, the fly demon used its fingers to slit the throats of everyone except the nobleman, using the bodies and blood to sketch out a seemingly uncomplicated array on the ground.

Standing at the edge of the array, a faint black mist was emitted from its body.

Under the black mist, the teleportation array gradually emitted a faint glow.

The bodies on the ground quickly shriveled up, all their essences of flesh and blood devoured.

In the next moment, the dried blood smeared on the ground suddenly became vividly red and glaring.

The red blood light illuminated Lynn’s cheeks.

Within the summoning array, a giant monster, resembling a pterosaur in size appeared—with a long tail full of spikes, two horns, and a bird-like appearance, appeared in the summoning array.

Demons. These people were definitely demons.

The nobleman’s eyes widened in fear at the sight.

He had never seen such terrifying monsters before. Apart from the man who had interrogated him, both the other one resembled a giant fly and this giant monster looked like demons from legends.

And in his eyes, Lynn, who could converse and joke with these demons, had also turned into a demon disguised in human skin.

The summoned monster, upon seeing the fly demon, affectionately extended its long tongue to lick the fly demon’s feet.

“This is my pet, the evil-winged bird,” the fly demon explained. “Riding it is faster than walking.”

The fly demon climbed onto the evil-winged bird’s back. When it was Lynn’s turn, the evil-winged bird suddenly turned its head and emitted a sharp cry.


A sudden slap from the brute force demon behind Lynn struck the evil-winged bird across the face.

Directly stunned the evil-winged bird.

This strange bird stared blankly ahead. After receiving a hefty blow, it seemed to snap out of it in an instant.

Extending its long and slender tongue, it gently licked Lynn’s boot, its eyes full of flattery.


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