《Wizard, greetings. Your current identity has been confirmed. The Wizard’s High Council1 reminds you to explore alternate planes with caution. There are countless elemental planes, so prioritize safety over all else.》

Before him, the screen seemed to refresh continuously, displaying lines of blue wizard text scrolling from top to bottom.

《If you discover new planes, you may report them to the wizard network to claim rewards. The Wizard’s High Council is the staunchest shield behind every wizard from another plane.》

《The current plane has not been completely covered by the wizard network, so some functions are unavailable.》

《You currently possess first-level clearance, allowing you to activate the wizard network’s emergency assistance function, access basic information about the current plane, and perform energy level detection.》

《Initiate merit missions: You can scan for items in the current plane not yet detected and upload them to the wizard network. Merits will be awarded based on the value of the items.》

Lynn stood silently in place for two seconds before lifting his head.

And here he had been wondering why wizards go through all the trouble to create something like the wizard network, he swore! The wizard network was definitely more than just a mere imitation of the magic network.

At first, he thought it was a replica of the magic network, a version 2.0 specially designed by wizards for their followers.

But from these messages, it seemed that any plane controlled and invaded by wizards would have the wizard network implanted into it.

Damn, these wizards really know how to play around!

Lynn silently complained.

However, he could understand. With wizards invading so many planes and acquiring vast knowledge, it wasn’t surprising they created something like this.

But Lynn suddenly thought of a possibility.

He lifted his head, gazing at the wizard network in the sky that only wizard eyes could see. Unlike the plane in the Abyss just now, the one before him, which hadn’t fully merged yet, although had a wizard network, they weren’t abundant—sparse might even be an apt description.

But after all, these were the wizard network, and planes with the wizard network were falling into the Abyss one after another. Those wizards wouldn’t be planning to fill the entire Abyss with the wizard network, would they?

Lynn suddenly considered this possibility, marveling at his bold speculation.

As for being shocked, it’s impossible! In the future, no matter how big the revelations these wizards drop, he won’t be shocked anymore!

The more Lynn learned about these mad wizards, the more he admired and yearned for them.

When would he be able to conduct experiments of this caliber himself? Currently, his experiments seemed like child’s play compared to these.

“The stench of death in this world is heavy,” the fly demon lifted its head, its small nostrils between its two compound eyes flaring as it deeply inhaled the smell in the air.

Lynn also took a deep breath, catching the strong smell of horse manure and grass.

He realized he was currently on a rural road.

On either side were fields, but the ones behind were trampled by the brute force demon, its massive hooves sinking into the mud.

The fields had been left unattended for who knows how long, now overgrown with weeds.

Stepping out of the fields, Lynn activated the basic information query function of the current plane.

His eyes flickered slightly.

Lynn quickly learned the basic information of the plane before him.

It was a plane jointly ruled by elves and humans, with a colossal Elven Mother Tree growing at the heart of the world, having existed for countless millennia. Surrounding the Elven Mother Tree was the domain of the Elven Court, ruled by the elven nobility.

Beyond the Elven Court were nine major human kingdoms, each ruled by a half-elf monarchy.

Within the kingdoms, all nobles were required to have at least some elven blood. Despite the nominal equality between humans and elves, years of development had ingrained deep-rooted class distinctions within the kingdoms.

Many officials and nobles could only be ennobled if they had elven blood. Although humans and elves were officially declared as equal citizens of the kingdoms, disparities in treatment were evident everywhere.

Several hundred years ago, there were still many barbarians surviving in the wilderness, repeatedly invading the kingdoms. However, with the combined efforts of the nine major elven kingdoms two hundred years ago in organizing several wilderness purges, the barbarians gradually disappeared.

With no external pressure and the Elven Court suppressing and preventing conflicts between the kingdoms, an environment akin to stagnant water was created, where internal class struggles became the central theme among the kingdoms.

The conflicts between humans and half-elves, and humans and elves, grew increasingly intense.

And among humans, some individuals had communicated with the beings of another world. With their covert support and assistance, they formed the Ascension Organization.

The world-falling ritual was successfully conducted, plunging the entire plane into the Abyss.

Now, this plane had already seen wars erupt. The central region’s Elven Mother Tree and the elves of the Elven Court had been uprooted, leaving the Elven Court lost. The nine major kingdoms had erupted into war against each other, and now the entire world was engulfed in chaos.

So, which kingdom am I in now? Lynn looked around.

He, along with the fly demon and the brute force demon, found the nearest village. It was easy to find because the village was littered with decaying corpses. What was once a thriving settlement now lay in utter silence.

To the fly demon, the decaying corpses were excellent delicacies.

“You guys don’t need these corpses, right?” the fly demon happily rubbed its claws, excitedly remarking.

“No, you can eat them if you want,” Lynn crouched down, looking at the slightly decaying corpse before him, its cheeks covered in rotten flesh, maggots wriggling within. Behind its gaping mouth, teeth were barely visible.

From the corpse, one could faintly discern its appearance in life: natural curly golden hair, and pale blue eyes veiled with a layer of gray.

Lynn removed the corpse’s clothes and gave it a cursory examination, confirming that it didn’t differ much from an ordinary human.

The brute force demon showed no interest in the rotting corpse on the ground. While it also enjoyed consuming flesh and blood, it preferred the fresh meat of powerful creatures.

The brute force demon looked down on the fly demon’s indiscriminate eating habits.

Lynn then proceeded to explore the houses in the village. There were hardly any books, and many houses were in disarray, clearly having been ransacked. Anything valuable had already been taken.

The fly demon wiped its mouth, having had its fill. Although there were still many corpses in the village, it paused its feast upon seeing Lynn still waiting.

There were plenty of prey in this world; there was no need to rush for food.

The priority was to find valuable items first. After all, there were many demons who had entered this plane through the portal.

“Let’s find the nearest human gathering place first,” the fly demon suggested.

“The most valuable thing to plunder in a plane is its legendary treasures. I suspect this plane has already been looted, and the most valuable items have been taken. Many demons have also raided the treasuries of other major forces. Besides that, there’s knowledge. Many demons don’t understand the value of knowledge,” the fly demon explained.

Just hearing about the value of knowledge, Lynn couldn’t help but raise his opinion of it.

This fly demon actually knew about plundering knowledge?! It was truly an anomaly among demons.

Lynn was amazed.

“Your wizards just love knowledge, don’t they?” chuckled the fly demon. “As long as we can plunder vast amounts of knowledge, we can trade things usable by us demons from your wizard hands. And those fools don’t even realize the value of knowledge. Every time, there’s no one competing with me.”

Lynn realized he had misunderstood. The value the fly demon referred to was of this kind.

However, looking at it from a different perspective, it seemed reasonable. Much knowledge is disjointed and overly intricate. Learning it all by itself would take the fly demon too long. It’s more efficient to trade with wizards and directly convert it into something it can use.

From another perspective, this fly demon indeed possessed rare intelligence among demons.

Standing nearby, the brute force demon scratched its head. What were they talking about? The value of knowledge? Why was its head itching so much!


  1. TL/N: 

    -I think this is a different faction/ group as mentioned in Chapter 13..

    -Chapter 13 [ 秩序巫师议会 zhìxù wūshī yìhuì : The Order of Wizards’ Council ]

    -Chapter 106 [ 巫师最高议会 wūshī zuìgāo yìhuì : The Wizard’s High Council ] ↩︎

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