I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 238: Shi Tou that flies further

Tossing and turning, unable to sleep, Second Senior Brother simply got up and sat on the heated bed, just like the posture he saw Third Senior Brother adopt while making arrows yesterday evening.

However, his mood at this moment was vastly different from yesterday evening.

His worries were not unfounded.

Although he was a relatively agile fat man, his large belly still caused him many inconveniences.

His ability to hold such a high position within the tribe was not just due to brute strength but also because of his excellent throwing skills, which he was most proud of.

However, the appearance of the bow and arrow shattered his pride.

If Third Senior Brother could shoot arrows farther than his throws, that would be one thing, but now, practically anyone with decent strength could surpass him with a bow and arrow.

This kind of discomfort and loss could not be resolved with just a word…

On this cold and silent night, the snow outside the window seemed somewhat white, and in another room, the fur-covered heated bed suddenly moved, and a person crawled out.

This person was not very tall, looking like a half-grown child. People who woke up and got up at this time had personal matters to attend to.

The rooms in the Green Sparrow Tribe were equipped with covered "urine buckets," brought in before sleeping and taken out in the morning. Urinating could be done indoors, but for defecation, one had to brave the cold and go to the latrine…

Surprisingly, this middle-of-the-night riser didn't go down to look for the bucket but instead turned to the front window covered with fur and lifted the brick on the window sill pressing the fur curtain, pulling back the fur curtain by a large portion…

It was a good idea but also a dangerous move. If the Divine Child discovered it, a beating was inevitable.

However, this kid didn't take out his "equipment" to relieve himself but instead leaned his head out of the open window and looked out incessantly.

Through the reflection of the white snow, the face of this child could be discerned. It was Shi Tou.

Shi Tou had a worried expression on his face.

It could be said that he had been quite melancholic these past two days because it had become cloudy, unable to see the moon, and without seeing the moon, he couldn't draw the shape of the moon.

He woke up in the middle of the night because he kept thinking about whether the moon would come out at midnight. Seeing the room so bright, he thought the moon had come out. However, when he joyfully opened the curtain, all he saw was the white snow and the dim night sky. Where was the slightest shadow of the moon?

He stubbornly looked for a while again and finally gave up.

But he didn't seal the fur curtain, but instead, using the incoming light, looked at the ceramic board leaning against the heated bed.

The moon shapes he had carved on the ceramic board during this period.

After comparing them, Shi Tou scratched his head in distress.

The last moon on the ceramic board was a half-circle he had drawn the day before yesterday.

Since there was no moon last night and tonight, according to reason, he should mark an X, but Shi Tou was unwilling to do so.

Because based on the shapes of the moon he had recorded before, he knew that the moon's changes wouldn't be this fast. There should have been a moon last night and tonight, just… like these two.

He pondered and finally left his finger resting below the two moons separated by two rows.

In front of these two moons was one that was highly similar to the moon he had drawn the day before yesterday.

Shi Tou took out his "clay pen" from the side, eager to imitate the shapes of the two moons he had just pointed out, intending to draw yesterday's and today's moons one after the other. After thinking about it for a while, he still didn't start but instead drew a symbol like a hanging hook on it and placed a dot below the hook.

He had learned this symbol from the Divine Child to represent doubt or something unknown.

After finishing these, Shi Tou moved the ceramic board aside, pressed the bottom of the fur curtain with bricks again, and crawled back into the fur to sleep.

"Come with me."

The following day, Han Cheng woke early to check the earth kiln. After digging it open, there was primarily good-quality charcoal inside. At this point, Han Cheng finally fully relaxed.

With the charcoal burning issue resolved, they now had the most basic conditions for smelting steel or refining copper in the future.

In a great mood, Han Cheng commanded someone to remove the charcoal from the kiln and put more wood on it to continue burning. He called out to him when he saw Second Senior Brother, whose eyes were bloodshot and tired.

Han Cheng finished the lukewarm soup in his bowl, stood up, and addressed Second Senior Brother, who had been looking at the wooden stakes in the snow as targets outside for a while.

Second Senior Brother was stunned, watching the Divine Child, who had already turned and walked towards the room, hesitate for a moment before finally taking a step to follow him.

"Feeling uncomfortable?"

Han Cheng sat on the main seat, looking at the Second Senior Brother, who seemed awkward and nervous and asked casually.

The second Senior Brother had complex feelings about the bow and arrow incident. Firstly, his pride had been ruthlessly shattered by the bow and arrow, and secondly, his previous attitude towards the bow and arrow had not been friendly. Moreover, the bow and arrow were made under the Divine Child's orders, giving him a complex feeling akin to guilt, especially when facing Han Cheng.

This matter had been weighing heavily on his mind these past two days, afraid of being mentioned by others. Now, being summoned by the Divine Child and directly asked about what he had been hiding in his heart made his face flush instantly, and his eyes avoided Han Cheng's gaze.

Standing here, a man much larger than Han Cheng, the Second Senior Brother, looked more like a child than Han Cheng when facing the child-like Han Cheng.

It's bizarre how people are, like Second Senior Brother, who used to eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and work whenever there was work, never thinking much about anything. Still, he had such a big reaction to the bow and arrow incident, with such complex emotions.

"Divine…Divine Child."

After hesitating, he called out and didn't know what else to say.

Watching the Second Senior Brother's appearance, Han Cheng suddenly felt like a parent facing a child who had made a mistake.

Except this child was a bit too big.

"Sit down."

Han Cheng smiled and pointed to a wooden stool beside him, much taller than an ordinary wooden stool, and said to the Second Senior Brother.

After the Second Senior Brother sat down, Han Cheng continued, "You don't have to feel this uncomfortable. Although the bow and arrow can shoot farther than your throws, your throwing skills are still useful…"

Han Cheng was telling the truth. The bow and arrow had many advantages, but throwing could not be entirely replaced.

For example, throwing was better than the bow and arrow in terms of speed and simplicity.

As for shooting three arrows at once and hitting the target with each arrow, that only existed in movies and TV shows, and Han Cheng didn't dare to expect that.

These were not the most important things. The most important thing was that most people in the Green Sparrow Tribe were used to throwing. Using a bow and arrow might not necessarily be as accurate as throwing, just like Second Senior Brother, who was like a pea shooter.

Of course, exceptions like Third Senior Brother needed to be excluded.

The second Senior Brother, uneasy and anxious, gradually calmed down. After Han Cheng finished speaking, there was a smile on his face.

As long as it was helpful for the tribe, that was his most simple-minded idea.

However, when he thought about the distance of the bow and arrow, which was far beyond his reach, Second Senior Brother still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

How could Han Cheng not understand the Second Senior Brother's thoughts? He was prepared for this long ago, patting Second Senior Brother's hand and saying, "I can create a weapon. With it, you can throw stones very far, and it won't be inferior to a bow and arrow."


Second Senior Brother became excited, suddenly stood up, looked at Han Cheng with shining eyes, and didn't even bother to pay attention to the wooden stool he had knocked over while sitting.

"Of course it's true."

Han Cheng looked at the Second Senior Brother's reaction, smiled, and affirmed.

Tossing and turning, unable to sleep, Second Senior Brother simply got up and sat on the heated bed, just like the posture he saw Third Senior Brother adopt while making arrows yesterday evening.

However, his mood at this moment was vastly different from yesterday evening.

His worries were not unfounded.

Although he was a relatively agile fat man, his large belly still caused him many inconveniences.

His ability to hold such a high position within the tribe was not just due to brute strength but also because of his excellent throwing skills, which he was most proud of.

However, the appearance of the bow and arrow shattered his pride.

If Third Senior Brother could shoot arrows farther than his throws, that would be one thing, but now, practically anyone with decent strength could surpass him with a bow and arrow.

This kind of discomfort and loss could not be resolved with just a word…

On this cold and silent night, the snow outside the window seemed somewhat white, and in another room, the fur-covered heated bed suddenly moved, and a person crawled out.

This person was not very tall, looking like a half-grown child. People who woke up and got up at this time had personal matters to attend to.

The rooms in the Green Sparrow Tribe were equipped with covered "urine buckets," brought in before sleeping and taken out in the morning. Urinating could be done indoors, but for defecation, one had to brave the cold and go to the latrine…

Surprisingly, this middle-of-the-night riser didn't go down to look for the bucket but instead turned to the front window covered with fur and lifted the brick on the window sill pressing the fur curtain, pulling back the fur curtain by a large portion…

It was a good idea but also a dangerous move. If the Divine Child discovered it, a beating was inevitable.

However, this kid didn't take out his "equipment" to relieve himself but instead leaned his head out of the open window and looked out incessantly.

Through the reflection of the white snow, the face of this child could be discerned. It was Shi Tou.

Shi Tou had a worried expression on his face.

It could be said that he had been quite melancholic these past two days because it had become cloudy, unable to see the moon, and without seeing the moon, he couldn't draw the shape of the moon.

He woke up in the middle of the night because he kept thinking about whether the moon would come out at midnight. Seeing the room so bright, he thought the moon had come out. However, when he joyfully opened the curtain, all he saw was the white snow and the dim night sky. Where was the slightest shadow of the moon?

He stubbornly looked for a while again and finally gave up.

But he didn't seal the fur curtain, but instead, using the incoming light, looked at the ceramic board leaning against the heated bed.

The moon shapes he had carved on the ceramic board during this period.

After comparing them, Shi Tou scratched his head in distress.

The last moon on the ceramic board was a half-circle he had drawn the day before yesterday.

Since there was no moon last night and tonight, according to reason, he should mark an X, but Shi Tou was unwilling to do so.

Because based on the shapes of the moon he had recorded before, he knew that the moon's changes wouldn't be this fast. There should have been a moon last night and tonight, just… like these two.

He pondered and finally left his finger resting below the two moons separated by two rows.

In front of these two moons was one that was highly similar to the moon he had drawn the day before yesterday.

Shi Tou took out his "clay pen" from the side, eager to imitate the shapes of the two moons he had just pointed out, intending to draw yesterday's and today's moons one after the other. After thinking about it for a while, he still didn't start but instead drew a symbol like a hanging hook on it and placed a dot below the hook.

He had learned this symbol from the Divine Child to represent doubt or something unknown.

After finishing these, Shi Tou moved the ceramic board aside, pressed the bottom of the fur curtain with bricks again, and crawled back into the fur to sleep.

"Come with me."

The following day, Han Cheng woke early to check the earth kiln. After digging it open, there was primarily good-quality charcoal inside. At this point, Han Cheng finally fully relaxed.

With the charcoal burning issue resolved, they now had the most basic conditions for smelting steel or refining copper in the future.

In a great mood, Han Cheng commanded someone to remove the charcoal from the kiln and put more wood on it to continue burning. He called out to him when he saw Second Senior Brother, whose eyes were bloodshot and tired.

Han Cheng finished the lukewarm soup in his bowl, stood up, and addressed Second Senior Brother, who had been looking at the wooden stakes in the snow as targets outside for a while.

Second Senior Brother was stunned, watching the Divine Child, who had already turned and walked towards the room, hesitate for a moment before finally taking a step to follow him.

"Feeling uncomfortable?"

Han Cheng sat on the main seat, looking at the Second Senior Brother, who seemed awkward and nervous and asked casually.

The second Senior Brother had complex feelings about the bow and arrow incident. Firstly, his pride had been ruthlessly shattered by the bow and arrow, and secondly, his previous attitude towards the bow and arrow had not been friendly. Moreover, the bow and arrow were made under the Divine Child's orders, giving him a complex feeling akin to guilt, especially when facing Han Cheng.

This matter had been weighing heavily on his mind these past two days, afraid of being mentioned by others. Now, being summoned by the Divine Child and directly asked about what he had been hiding in his heart made his face flush instantly, and his eyes avoided Han Cheng's gaze.

Standing here, a man much larger than Han Cheng, the Second Senior Brother, looked more like a child than Han Cheng when facing the child-like Han Cheng.

It's bizarre how people are, like Second Senior Brother, who used to eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and work whenever there was work, never thinking much about anything. Still, he had such a big reaction to the bow and arrow incident, with such complex emotions.

"Divine…Divine Child."

After hesitating, he called out and didn't know what else to say.

Watching the Second Senior Brother's appearance, Han Cheng suddenly felt like a parent facing a child who had made a mistake.

Except this child was a bit too big.

"Sit down."

Han Cheng smiled and pointed to a wooden stool beside him, much taller than an ordinary wooden stool, and said to the Second Senior Brother.

After the Second Senior Brother sat down, Han Cheng continued, "You don't have to feel this uncomfortable. Although the bow and arrow can shoot farther than your throws, your throwing skills are still useful…"

Han Cheng was telling the truth. The bow and arrow had many advantages, but throwing could not be entirely replaced.

For example, throwing was better than the bow and arrow in terms of speed and simplicity.

As for shooting three arrows at once and hitting the target with each arrow, that only existed in movies and TV shows, and Han Cheng didn't dare to expect that.

These were not the most important things. The most important thing was that most people in the Green Sparrow Tribe were used to throwing. Using a bow and arrow might not necessarily be as accurate as throwing, just like Second Senior Brother, who was like a pea shooter.

Of course, exceptions like Third Senior Brother needed to be excluded.

The second Senior Brother, uneasy and anxious, gradually calmed down. After Han Cheng finished speaking, there was a smile on his face.

As long as it was helpful for the tribe, that was his most simple-minded idea.

However, when he thought about the distance of the bow and arrow, which was far beyond his reach, Second Senior Brother still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

How could Han Cheng not understand the Second Senior Brother's thoughts? He was prepared for this long ago, patting Second Senior Brother's hand and saying, "I can create a weapon. With it, you can throw stones very far, and it won't be inferior to a bow and arrow."


Second Senior Brother became excited, suddenly stood up, looked at Han Cheng with shining eyes, and didn't even bother to pay attention to the wooden stool he had knocked over while sitting.

"Of course it's true."

Han Cheng looked at the Second Senior Brother's reaction, smiled, and affirmed.

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