I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 237: Secret Weapon – Han Yu Pin Yin

The knowledge brought from the future, or what can be called common sense, is the foundation of his existence in this era.

There is a truth that will never change, no matter when, which is that a person who can bring benefits and usefulness to others will be far more welcomed and respected than others and can more easily integrate into a collective.

There is no need to look far. Just think about Han Cheng's process from being the meat the Second Senior Brother wanted to eat to becoming the highly respected Divine Child of the entire Green Sparrow Tribe.

In his mind, these things are his most significant wealth and the reason for him to live better in this era.

For such essential things, how could he treat them casually?

As for recording them on pottery, the possibility of others seeing them, and the consequences he would face as a Divine Child, Han Cheng had already considered it when he decided to record the things in his mind and took corresponding measures using Chinese Pinyin.

He recorded all these things using Chinese Pinyin. In his era, apart from him, no one could really understand these things.

Even the three suicidal foreign friends who came over couldn't figure it out. Faced with something that looks similar to English but is entirely different, they were equally at a loss.

This is the insurance that Han Cheng added for himself.

He is not a great person, nor is he a selfless person. It is impossible for him not to plan for himself.

The Green Sparrow Tribe is in high spirits; everyone is huddling together to keep warm, and everyone respects him as the Divine Child. But this is only for now. Who knows what will happen in the future?

The butterfly's wings have already fluttered, the original historical process has quietly changed, and the entire Green Sparrow Tribe has been led astray by him. Who knows what will happen in such rapid development?

No matter from which perspective, he has to leave himself such a way out…

"Divine Child, the kiln…"

The voice of Hei Wa beside him pulled Han Cheng out of this trance. When Han Cheng reacted, he saw Hei Wa looking at him.

He was asking him about sealing the air inlet.

Han Cheng shook his head slightly, not letting himself think about these messy things anymore. Thinking about these things too much always felt like something was wrong somewhere.

He bent down and saw the fire spread to the air inlet. He nodded to Hei Wa, indicating that he could seal it up.

After sealing the top hole of the kiln, all they could do was wait.

Due to the snowfall, the days became shorter. Han Cheng finally gave up the idea of opening the kiln today to see the results. He walked back to the tribe with Hei Wa and a few others.

The fluttering snowflakes fell on the warm kiln and immediately disappeared without a trace.

The dinner in the Green Sparrow Tribe is still soup. Since Han Cheng introduced the practice of making soup with pottery and cooking soup after bringing out pottery, the proportion of soup in the diet of the Green Sparrow Tribe has gradually increased.

And as the weather gets colder, more and more soup is cooked. By now, there is soup to drink for all three meals.


The sound of chopsticks falling to the ground rang out, and Second Senior Brother, holding a bowl in one hand, bent down with difficulty picking up the chopsticks.

This is already the fourth time he has dropped his chopsticks tonight.

He tapped the picked-up chopsticks twice on the bottom of the bowl to shake off some dirt on them. After picking up the chopsticks, he prepared to continue picking up the meat in the bowl to eat.

As a result, his hand holding the chopsticks started shaking uncontrollably, and there was a tendency for the chopsticks to fall again.

After trying this a couple of times, he had to give up and hold the chopsticks in his hand without using them, just leaning over the bowl to drink the soup first before eating the meat.

Tonight, the Second Senior Brother was acting very strangely. In the past, he would at least have three bowls of this kind of meat soup, but tonight, he only ate one bowl before putting it down, got up, left the cave, and walked towards the sleeping quarters, stepping through the snow.

Because of the snow covering the ground, tonight was much brighter than other nights.

The second Senior Brother cleared a space before the door and covered it with sand. After shaking off the snow on his grass shoes by stomping his feet vigorously, he entered the house.

His room was adjacent to the Third Senior Brother’s room, and to enter his room, he had to pass through the Third Senior Brother's room.

When passing Third Senior Brother's room, he stopped in his tracks, raised his head slightly, and looked at the wall above the kang.

Two wooden sticks were nailed to the wall, with a curved piece of wood with a rope on top.

This was the bow that the Third Senior Brother had newly made today, and it was also the source of pain and inner conflict for the Second Senior Brother.

He stood there for a while, wanting to take the bow down, but in the end, he didn't do it. Instead, he reluctantly returned to his room.

After removing his shoes and socks, he crawled into bed and pulled the covers over his head to sleep.

Han Cheng had long noticed Second Senior Brother's abnormality and knew why his chopsticks kept falling tonight.

No one would be stronger than the Second Senior Brother, who could throw stones with all his strength for nearly a day.

It seems that the appearance of the bow and arrow has dealt a considerable blow to Second Senior Brother, the pea shooter of the Green Sparrow Tribe.

Han Cheng chewed his food slowly while pondering over this matter.

Han Cheng deliberately slowed his eating speed, not because he had terrible teeth like the shaman, but because he wanted a good stomach.

In the future, due to various reasons, he had developed a habit of eating very fast. Over the years, this had taken a toll on his stomach.

Now, in the primitive society he had come to, finally freed from the daily life of being chased by vicious dogs, he naturally wanted to try to change this bad habit.

Thinking about things while eating to distract his attention or counting the number of times he chewed while eating were suitable methods.

After swallowing the last soup in three small sips, he put down the bowl, left without looking for Second Senior Brother, and returned to his room.

He hadn't figured out how to handle this matter yet, so he could only wait a little longer.


The fur covering his head was lifted, revealing Second Senior Brother's chubby face underneath. Due to the poor lighting in the room, his expression couldn't be seen clearly.

By now, it was late at night. Usually, he would have been sound asleep after eating and sleeping well, but tonight, he had been unable to sleep all along.

This person, who could usually fall asleep shortly after lying down, was experiencing insomnia for the first time tonight.

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