I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 174: The leader of the Green Tribe who pursues flavor.

The morning breeze gently brushed over the land, carrying a hint of chilliness. On the fireless ground, ashes were stirred slightly by the wind.


A bone shovel fell, followed by a large foot covered in mud and ashes. Stepping on the bone shovel's head, a horizontal wooden stick protruding from the side, a forceful step plunged the sharpened bone shovel deep into the soil.

The bone shovel flipped as the large foot lifted, raising a damp chunk of soil. With the help of the wind, the ashes on the soil's surface escaped, while the rest was buried as the overturned soil settled back into the ground.

Eldest Senior Brother wiped the sweat off his forehead, spat into his palms, rubbed them together, and then gripped the bone shovel handle, which had already been polished to a smooth shine, continuing to turn the soil without relaxing for a moment.

He and everyone else also worked fervently, flipping the soil enthusiastically. Their passion now surpassed the energy they put into their nightly musical performances with their partners.

They were all motivated by the unforgettable meal of the day before yesterday, the delicious millet rice, and the enchanting scenes described by the Divine Child.

Even though the Divine Child mentioned that planting millet would have to wait until the next spring, and there was no rush in turning the soil, they still wanted to get the land ready as soon as possible. This way, when the time came, they could harvest plenty of millet, and the delicious millet rice would become a daily staple like fish and meat.

Oh, wait, not just that – they also looked forward to fragrant, sticky, and warmly satisfying millet porridge.

Many even believed that the golden millet porridge was more enjoyable than the occasional addition of blanched wild vegetables and sprinkled salt on venison milk by the Divine Child.

People were like that, inevitably moving forward on their own.

Initially, the Green Sparrow Tribe's pursuit was merely ensuring two meals daily. Under the constraints of frugal living, they were not at risk of starving.

Later, with no worries about food, they naturally began to pay attention to the taste of their meals.

In this regard, one could say that they had far surpassed several nearby tribes.

Wait, that doesn't seem right. Other tribes also pursued flavors, like the Green Tribe leader fretting over the green leaves stuck in his hair.

Carrying a large pot devoid of its outer black ash and holding two ceramic jars, the Green Tribe group returned to the tribe, welcomed enthusiastically by those who stayed behind.

Each person carrying a container back held their heads high, resembling hunters who had caught abundant prey.

The leader of the Green Tribe was particularly proud, patting his chest vigorously to showcase his strength and capability.

If it weren't for him going, with only those not-so-good food items, anyone else wouldn't have been able to bring back these three ceramic jars!

Moreover, he received a promise from the Divine Child of the neighboring tribe that they could exchange items with fur and unused grass spikes from their tribe in the future.

Thinking about this, he couldn't suppress his joy.

For someone who loved taking advantage, there was nothing more pleasing than gaining such a huge advantage.

Food was precious in the tribe, and while he felt a bit reluctant to part with these ceramic jars, there was no such concern for furs. After years of hunting, the tribe had accumulated more than enough fur, even after everyone wrapped themselves in it.

As for those grass spikes with a bad taste, he was not interested at all.

Watching the tribe members crowding around the ceramic jars, occasionally reaching out to touch them with great curiosity, the leader of the Green Tribe became even happier.

After waiting a while, he opened his mouth and howled, waving his hands continuously and directing everyone to prepare food.

Even though it wasn't the usual time for meals, he couldn't wait to showcase the results of this exchange.

He wanted every person in the tribe to enjoy delicious food, making the tribe more submissive to him.

As he thought about this, he suddenly felt a bit proud.

Since the other tribe was unwilling to provide delicious soup, they would make it themselves. With this large pot, they could continuously enjoy that delicious food.

Recalling the scenes they witnessed in the prosperous tribe, the people of the Green Tribe gathered a few stones and placed them beside the fire pit.

Then, they sent someone to fetch water from a nearby spring, pouring it into the large pot. The two ceramic jars and the large pot were not cleaned on the way back.

After filling the pot halfway, three people carried it to the stones around the fire pit.

Although this process was a bit laborious, the people of the Green Tribe did not feel it was difficult.

Once these preparations were done, it was time for the Green Tribe leader's performance.

He took the remaining meat they brought back and, using a stone knife, chopped and smashed it before throwing it into the large pot. To demonstrate his generosity, he intentionally cut the meat into large pieces.

Now, it was autumn, and the temperature wasn't too low. It took almost three nights and four days to return from the Green Sparrow Tribe, and the meat had developed some odor.

The people of the Green Tribe seemed not to mind, as they had eaten meat with a stronger smell before.

The water in the large pot had started to steam. The leader of the Green Tribe stood on the side, surveying the people around the large pot with anticipation. To show off his professionalism, he picked up a tree branch, broke it into a makeshift wooden stick, and mimicked the way the Green Sparrow Tribe cooked, inserting the unwashed stick directly into the large pot, stirring it occasionally to make it look authentic.

Although the Green Sparrow Tribe used sticks with specially made ceramic bowls underneath…

The leader of the Green Tribe creatively solved the lid problem, first placing several sticks on the pot's edge, then covering them with yellowed large tree leaves that others had picked. It indeed looked somewhat like a pot lid.

When it came to the issue of ladles for serving soup, he only realized it right before the food was about to be ready, along with the realization about the bowls for eating.

He had only thought about the large pot and assumed they could do whatever they wanted, but now, even before the soup was ready, they encountered a series of problems. It seemed they would have to make another trip to that tribe.

The only burnt and blackened bowl of the Green Tribe was brought over.

After inspecting the layer of ash on the outside of the bowl, the leader of the Green Tribe finally decided not to use it directly for ladling soup. He found some dried grass, washed the bowl with water, and picked up the now relatively clean bowl. Facing the bubbling soup in the large pot, he ladled half a bowl, then eagerly brought it to his mouth.

All the people around the Green Tribe were salivating, eagerly watching. Those without bowls had to wait their turn.


Before he could even take a sip, the leader of the Green Tribe couldn't help but secretly praise his cooking skills.

As soon as a bit of hot soup was slurped in, his expression became one of enjoyment.

However, this enjoyment quickly disappeared. He furrowed his brows in confusion and took another small sip, and the confusion on his face intensified.

His unexpected reaction puzzled the people around him, who were eagerly swallowing saliva. They couldn't understand why the leader, who had already tasted delicious meat soup, would have such a reaction.


Suddenly, the leader of the Green Tribe made a sound.

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