I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 173: Bite of Green Sparrow Tribe 2

Han Cheng saw the Eldest Senior Brother's dilemma, and already highly eager, he didn't hesitate either. He grabbed the wooden spatula, crafted from hardwood and resembling a future kitchen spatula, which had been used to flip the vegetables earlier. He reached into the pot, skillfully scooped up a steaming, golden piece of millet rice, and placed it in his designated bowl.

He then scooped up another piece and put it in Shaman's bowl, picked up chopsticks, and added two chopsticks' worth of vegetables to each bowl. Afterward, he poured some vegetable soup on the golden millet rice.

Then, holding the two bowls, he walked into the inner cave with seemingly unhurried but extremely rapid steps.

Whether the primitive people were enticed or not, he didn't care now; he was already too hungry.

Han Cheng didn't skimp on the millet rice he scooped into his bowl and Shaman's bowl. Although he only picked up two chopsticks' worth of vegetables, with his highly skilled use of chopsticks, anything he picked up made less adept people question their chopstick abilities.

Before the meal started, although he had said such things to the Eldest Senior Brother and the others as the rule maker, he stood beyond the three realms and five elements.

The others didn't think anything was wrong with what the Divine Child did. After all, the Divine Child brought everything they had now, and the Divine Child personally cooked these two kinds of food.

Even if the Divine Child ate both foods alone, they thought it was only natural.

Holding chopsticks and bowls, Han Cheng went into the inner cave. Only then did the Eldest Senior Brother start serving the food. He clumsily imitated Han Cheng, awkwardly taking an infrequently used wooden shovel and digging up a piece of unfamiliar food from the clay pot, then picked up a few chopsticks of vegetables and left.

The millet rice he scooped up was even larger than what Han Cheng had scooped, as his wife and child were the most…

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Han Cheng urgently picked up a piece of millet rice and put it in his mouth, repeatedly exhaling hot air but reluctant to spit it out.

The familiar taste filled his mouth, making his heart surge uncontrollably.

Shaman's eyes were also bright. His dental health was not the best, and millet rice, this soft and sticky food, was the best for him. Additionally, this golden food was easy to chew and unexpectedly delicious. Shaman didn't remember the vegetables in his bowl until he finally thought about eating them after savoring three bites.

Chewing on the millet rice, Shaman occasionally glanced at the Divine Child, who was constantly digging and scraping his face buried in the bowl. A smile appeared on his face again.

He didn't expect that what initially tasted similar to ordinary grass seeds could turn into something so delicious!

The Divine Child was always so clever and wise, discovering good things from places ordinary people couldn't see.

The millet rice inside the pot had disappeared entirely, and the bowl with vegetables had nothing left, not even a drop of juice.

Tie Tou reluctantly scooped the last bit of millet rice mixed with vegetable soup into his mouth, savoring it carefully before reluctantly swallowing it.

Knowing nothing was left in the pot, he couldn't help but stand up and walk to the clay pot containing millet rice, imagining picking up some leftovers from the tribe members' teeth.

Looking at the empty clay pot again, Tie Tou then went to the large tub with fish soup, picked up a long-handled spoon, and began eating the fish soup.

Tie Tou's eating manners today were quite elegant. He ate the fish meat bit by bit and sipped the soup slowly.

Not only him, but the eating habits of most people in the tribe today were unusually calm.

After siping the fish soup in his bowl, the Eldest Senior Brother slightly furrowed his brows, and a bitter smile appeared.

After savoring the delicious and unprecedented food, when they now drank the fish soup, they felt that the food, which used to be incredibly tasty, suddenly lacked some flavor.

This wasn't an exaggeration. Since Han Cheng introduced the fish cages to the Green Sparrow Tribe, fish had become a staple in their meals, occupying a prominent place.

Eating the same food day after day could naturally make the taste buds tired.

Moreover, they were already hungry, and the enticing aroma before reaching the cave aroused an intense curiosity and anticipation for the food inside.

Han Cheng specially stir-fried some vegetables that the Green Sparrow Tribe rarely ate, enhancing the flavor of the millet rice.

Combined with Han Cheng's instructions to the Eldest Senior Brother before the meal, explicitly stating not to touch the fish soup and grilled meat, and his impatient focus solely on the millet rice, it created a psychological suggestion among the Green Sparrow Tribe that this unfamiliar food must be delicious.

Even before they tasted the millet rice, there was already a preconceived notion that this food would be delicious.

Moreover, the steamed millet rice was only in a large clay pot, making it even more precious due to its scarcity.

Under these external influences, a seven-point flavor could be perceived as twelve!

Not to mention, the taste of the millet rice itself was not bad. For the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe, who had never tasted it before, there was a solid sensory impact.

"Divine Child…"

Seeing Han Cheng coming out with an empty bowl, the Eldest Senior Brother put down his bowl and chopsticks and hurriedly approached, looking excited as he inquired about the millet rice.

He was eager to know where the Divine Child found this never-before-eaten food.

He already had some guesses but didn't dare to believe them.

He had tasted the grass seed-like thing brought by the leader of the Green Tribe, and it didn't taste good. Moreover, it looked very different from this golden and delicious food.

He found it difficult to connect that grass seed-like thing with the delightful food he had just eaten.

The others also anxiously looked at Han Cheng, wanting to learn the truth from him.

Lame, who was involved in the matter, and Fire Two, who witnessed the process, had not disclosed anything about the millet rice.

Seeing the tribe members' surprised and curious expressions about the new food made by the Divine Child, Lame, and Fire Two, who knew the truth, felt quite pleased.

Han Cheng, observing the reactions of the tribe members, smiled inwardly, thinking, "Dare to underestimate millet!"

He put down the rice bowl, turned around, and took out a bunch of grain spikes from the corner of the room where he had placed them. Holding them up, he showed the people that the food they had just eaten was made from these grain spikes.

Everyone was amazed, unaware that such an inconspicuous thing could create a delicious meal!

Those who knew the truth beforehand were even more delighted, feeling as if the discovery of the hidden culinary potential of millet was their achievement, adding to their glory.

With a handful of grain spikes in his hand, Han Cheng seized the opportunity to explain the matter of millet to the Green Sparrow Tribe.

The people of the Green Sparrow Tribe gradually became entranced, their expressions turning somewhat intoxicated, wholly immersed in the golden dream woven by the Divine Child using grain spikes…

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