Chapter 62 Chapter 16.5 - Nexoria City Trip


As the blood erupted from the wound, staining Jane's small form in a horrifying hue of crimson color, the man crumpled to the ground, releasing Jane from his grip.


The world seemed to hold its breath for a moment, and everyone was frozen in shock at the sudden turn of events.

Kaya, who was looking at what happened with her eyes wide open, was the first one to regain her composure.


Kaya's heart raced, her chest heaving as she took in the sight before her. Jane stood there, tears streaming down her face, trembling but alive. Kaya's legs moved before her mind fully comprehended, carrying her to her daughter's side in an instant.

Kneeling down, Kaya gathered Jane into her arms, holding her tightly as if she would never let go. Tears streamed down her own face as relief flooded her, her body trembling with the release of pent-up fear.

"Jane, oh, my dear Jane," Kaya's voice trembled with a mix of emotions as she whispered soothingly into her daughter's hair. "You're safe now; you're safe."


Jane's sobs were wrenching, her small form shaking with the intensity of her fear and the overwhelming rush of relief. She clung to her mother as if her life depended on it, burying her face in Kaya's shoulder.

"Mother, I was so scared….It was so scary….WAAAAAA!"

Kaya rocked her gently, her hand moving in soothing circles on Jane's back. She held her daughter as if she could shield her from all the pain in the world.

"It's all right, sweetheart," Kaya's voice was a balm, a gentle melody meant to calm the storm in Jane's heart. "You're okay. You're here with me now."

However, as Kaya soothed her daughter, her eyes wandered around to see who was the one that fired the gunshot.

There her eyes landed on a young boy the age of her niece.

His face was covered with a hood, but his black hair could be seen from the tips of his hood. The presence he was giving was someone normal, so Kaya immediately disregarded the idea that it could be him.

However, just as she was about to turn her attention to another place, suddenly, her hazel eyes met with the boy's purple eyes.

Eyes that were indifferent, like a person who lost everything.

'Huh?' kaya asked herself. Those eyes felt familiar for some reason, and then she remembered.

It looks like the eyes of that time.

However, right now, Kaya had no time to ponder about whose eyes were those. She looked around to see the assailant, but she couldn't find it.

'He might be here.' She thought.

It was an unknown assailant; even she hadn't sensed. Thus she needed to be careful.

She didn't want to risk her daughter anymore. Turning her attention to her daughter, she kept soothing her.

Jane's cries gradually subsided into sniffles, her small body gradually relaxing in her mother's embrace. She pulled back slightly, her teary eyes looking up at Kaya.

"M-mom," her voice trembled, a mixture of fear and relief still evident in her gaze. "I-I thought I was… I thought…"

Kaya's heart ached at the vulnerability in Jane's voice. She cupped her daughter's face in her hands, her own tears mingling with Jane's.

"You're strong, Jane. So strong," Kaya's voice was firm, carrying a fierce pride. "You never stopped fighting. And I was here; I was always going to protect you."

Jane nodded, her grip on Kaya's arms tightening as if she needed to anchor herself to this reality.

"I love you, Mom," Jane's voice was small, but it held a depth of emotion that words couldn't fully express.

Kaya's eyes shimmered with tears, her heart overflowing with love for her daughter. She leaned in, pressing a kiss to Jane's forehead.

"I love you more than anything, Jane. And I promise I'll always be here for you."


As she said those words, no reply came from the girl.

'No.' Kaya immediately looked at her daughter, thinking something had happened, but it was nothing much.


The girl was simply sleeping in the arms of her mother. The small marks of her tears were still there as she was hiccupping from time to time.

Kaya slowly wiped her daughter's tears away, her heart a mixture of relief and concern.


At that moment, a sharp sound of tongue clicking disrupted the atmosphere. Kaya's attention snapped to the injured demon contractor who had managed to stand.

The injured demon contractor slowly pushed himself up, his body trembling with the effort. Blood stained his clothes, but his eyes blazed with an unsettling intensity. Despite his wounds, there was an air of stubborn defiance about him as he struggled to his feet.

Kaya's instinct was to confront him, to make sure he posed no further threat. But the memory of the person that shot the gun made her hold back. The unknown assailant was still out there, possibly watching, waiting for the opportune moment. Her protective instincts flared anew, and she knew she couldn't risk Jane's safety.

As the demon contractor staggered upright, Kaya's grip on Jane tightened. Her hazel eyes locked onto the man, her expression a mix of wariness and determination. She was ready for anything.

"This is not the end," his voice, strained yet resolute, cut through the air like a blade.

His words hung there, pregnant with a threat she could feel in her bones. Kaya's heart clenched, a mixture of anger and fear bubbling within her. She wanted to demand answers, to make him pay for what he had done, but her priority was clear.

Watching the demon contractor closely, she noticed his gaze shifting, his eyes flickering as he assessed the situation. A knowing smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and Kaya understood – he was aware of her dilemma.

"You might want to focus on your next move, Kaya Hartley," he said, his voice dripping with a sinister satisfaction. "This little reunion has been enlightening. But remember, it's far from finished."

Kaya's jaw tightened, her nostrils flaring as she fought to rein in her anger. She knew she couldn't let him go unchecked, but the possibility of the assailant's next target being Jane lingered like a shadow in her mind. Her priority was Jane's safety, and confronting the demon contractor now could jeopardize that.

With a heavy sigh, Kaya made a decision. Her gaze never wavered from the demon contractor, but she didn't make a move toward him. Instead, she tightened her grip around Jane, her daughter still in her protective embrace.

"You're right," she said, her voice laced with a determination that matched his own. "This is far from over. But for now, I have more pressing matters to attend to."

The demon contractor's smile widened, his satisfaction evident. He knew he had struck a nerve, and he relished in it.

"As expected. You are nothing but a selfish bitch who only cares about those close to you."

His words echoed inside the museum, but Kaya just stood there, her expression not changing. Her arms were wrapped around her daughter as she just watched the demon contractor. She felt Jane's small form trembling in her embrace, a reminder of the stakes in this dangerous dance.

And following his words, the demon contractor started moving. Kaya's gaze turned in his direction, and there she could see a group of people, disoriented and injured but alive, trying to collect themselves amidst the chaos. They were the remaining witnesses to this nightmare, and they were vulnerable.

Kaya's cold gaze locked onto the group. She sensed the demon contractor's intention before it even happened.




Their pleas reached her ears, but she didn't move. She just stood there and watched.

"See….This is who you are, you selfish bitch. Even right now, you are abandoning all these people for the sake of your child, just like you always have done."

As his words sank, the demon contractor's hands reached out, his fingers emitting a sickly green light.

The moment his hands made contact with the wounded individuals, their expressions contorted in agony. Kaya's hazel eyes never once wavered as she watched.

Between the people she didn't know and her daughter, the one that came first was always going to be the little one.

The scene before her was a nightmare unfolding in slow motion. The demon contractor's power sapped the life force from the injured people, and his form rejuvenated as their vitality drained away.

"Never forget….The karma of your actions will come and find you in the future. I will make it so."

"Everyone will reap what they sow."

With those words, the demon contractor pushed the artifact in his hands as he disappeared from the place he was in, leaving a small trail of smoke from where he stood.

Kaya's expression remained cold, her heart never wavering with the weight of the choices she had made.

This was a cold world where strong ruled weak, and she had no regrets about choosing her child over the people she didn't know.

She was not a hero; neither was she a person who fought for justice. She was just a strong mother who wanted nothing but the best for her child.


And then, at that moment, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the museum. A group of officials in uniform rushed into the scene, their expressions a mix of urgency and concern.

"Control everyone and check the situation first. If you spot anyone with critical condition, immediately perform the immediate aid."

They assessed the situation quickly, taking in the injured, the chaos, and the still form of Kaya with Jane in her arms.

One of the officials, a woman with an authoritative air, approached Kaya with a mix of sympathy and determination in her gaze. "Miss Kaya Evergreen, are you all right? What happened here?"

Kaya's gaze turned to her daughter, looking at her with a warm expression.

Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, she raised her head once again, her serious, businesslike expression on her face.

"The situation was dire when I arrived," Kaya began, her voice steady and composed. "Monsters and a demon contractor launched a coordinated attack on this location. The security was compromised swiftly, and chaos ensued."

She glanced around the scene, her eyes briefly resting on the injured and the destruction around them. "I took immediate action to protect my daughter and the people around me. I managed to create a barrier to shield Jane from danger. Once that was done, I coordinated with a few other capable individuals to help the wounded and guide them to safety."

Her words were succinct, focused on the facts and the actions taken rather than the emotions that had accompanied them. She kept her attention on the official, her demeanor professional as she recounted the events.

"We engaged the attackers and managed to repel them. However, the demon contractor used some sort of artifact to drain the life force of the injured individuals, replenishing his own strength. He made some remarks, disappeared, and left a trail of smoke behind."

As she spoke her words, Kaya never mentioned the choice she had made. She was already planning to make sure that whatever happened here would never reach the media or society.

"I will provide any necessary information and cooperate fully to ensure that these individuals are brought to justice." As she finished her words, she slowly hugged her child.

The official nodded, her gaze serious as she listened to Kaya's account. "Thank you, Miss Evergreen. Your efforts have undoubtedly saved lives today. We will give you the space you need for Miss Jane's treatment. If you wish to look for a quick check-up, you can visit our doctors. Even though they will be busy, I will make sure to arrange a space for Miss Jane."

As the official finished her words, she looked at the little girl in Kaya's arms.

"I am glad that nothing happened to little Hartley."

Hearing her words, Kaya nodded her head.

"Indeed. It is fortunate that nothing happened." Her head was filled with the unknown assailant. That person was the one who saved her daughter, but at the same time, he was a threat to her.

Someone that could escape from her senses, even while her whole senses were focused on her daughter and the other demon contractor.

'It seems I am still lacking in terms of my detection skills.' At this moment, Kaya swore to herself, trying to find the unknown assailant, not knowing he was right behind her.

However, seeing the official before her giving her this much attention, she naturally focused on her again.

"What is your name?" As she asked the name of the woman, she could see a faint smile creeping upon her face.

"My name is Kian Miller, the officer belonging to 15. Police Station of Nexoria."

"Understood, Miss Miller. I will make sure to remember your name."



Seeing the little girl squirming in her arms, Kaya decided to leave this bloody place for good right now, knowing there was no need for her anymore.

Just like that, she left the place, making her way towards the outside…..

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