Chapter 61 Chapter 16.4 - Nexoria City Trip

"Ah…You finally revealed yourself."

The moment the demon contractor made his appearance, Kaya's eyes narrowed.

"It seems the information we got was not wrong." Following his words, it was something Kaya would never expect.

'Information?' She asked herself. 'There is a rat.' She concluded. But, it was not the important thing right now.

The man before her was strong. She could feel it. She had no time to think about what was happening here or how did he know about where she would be.

She needed to deal with the man first.

"Cat bit your tongue? Why are you not answering?" The demon contractor asked, looking at her with a grin. An Aura of impotence was being released from him, but he was not the only problem she had.

A monster was beside him on a leash, and a bunch of others were already terrorizing the place. It was evident that this was a coordinated attack, both from monsters and Demon Contractors.

"I have no words to answer heretics like you, who sold their soul." Finally, she opened her mouth as she looked at the man. "People like you are a disgrace to our society." As she said, she touched her licensed bracelet and took her weapon from there. It was a long spear, a spear with an ominous black-looking aura.

The demon contractor let out a mocking chuckle. "Oh, how graceful your words are, Kaya Hartley. I must admit, I'm quite excited to see you in action after all this time. Your reputation precedes you, after all. I wonder where your values will take you at the end of the road."

His grin widened, revealing teeth that seemed just a touch too sharp.

Kaya's grip tightened around her weapon, a sense of focus and determination settling over her. Her eyes met the demon contractor's, her own expression unyielding.

And then, as if the world had shifted, the museum became an arena of conflict. The clash of wills and strength reverberated through the air, the battle lines drawn between hunter and demon contractor.

The demon contractor seemed to watch for some reason, but she knew. The more time passed, the more people would die. She could see the security of the museum was already dealt with, certainly something that was planned. She was also sure that the information would not be leaked outside.

'I need to finish this fast.' She concluded. 'Jane is here as well.' She knew right now she was the only one that could defend herself and Jane, so she just did what she needed to do.


She lunged towards the man with her spear in her hands. The spear was illuminated with a deep crimson mana, its aura pulsating with her determination and mana control.


The demon contractor met her attack head-on, his movements fluid and precise. He brandished a wicked-looking sword, its blade infused with a dark energy that seemed to suck in the surrounding light.

With a deft swing, he deflected the thrust of her spear, their weapons clashing with a resounding clash.


The demon contractor met her attack head-on, his movements fluid and eerily graceful. He wielded a sinister sword, its blade infused with a malevolent energy that seemed to swallow the surrounding light.

With an expert swing, he deflected her spear's thrust, the impact echoing in a resounding clash.

However, both she and the demon contractor could feel the difference in their power.

"Even after all this time, it seems I am far behind you." The Demon Contractor mumbled, but Kaya felt something familiar.

The man was someone she felt like she knew, but at the same time, since his face was covered, she had no idea who he was. His voice was also blurry, as if he was having a hard time breathing.


Their engagement was a ballet of magic and steel. Kaya's spear gleamed with her mana, every strike calculated and precise. Her movements were an embodiment of her training and skill.

In contrast, the demon contractor executed his strikes with a lethal goal. His sword sliced through the air, each movement accompanied by demonic energy that tainted the atmosphere.

The black energy was making it hard to breathe, and Kaya needed to keep it under control.

'This heretic. He is trying to suck the life force of the people nearby.'

Because she could see his intentions, she knew she couldn't let him do as he pleased.

While locked in combat with the demon contractor, Kaya kept one eye on the monstrous creature at his side.

The creature's snarls and growls were eerie background music to their duel, a reminder of the two-pronged threat she faced.

'I need to deal with this creature first.' She thought. The monster was about to attack, as she could see from his muscles.

Even for her, fighting with a human and a monster at the same time would be hard. It would disclose the difference in power between her and the demon contractor, and she didn't want that.

In a burst of determination, Kaya spun, her spear arcing toward the monster. She aimed to eliminate the creature swiftly, aware that splitting her attention was risky.

'The House of Hartley. First Move. Spinning Hell.'

As she took her position, she attacked the monster, immediately disappearing from where she was.


Her spear cut through the air, aiming for the creature's exposed flank.


But the demon contractor was no idle observer.

"Not on my watch!"

He seized the opportunity created by her diversion, lunging with his own swift strike, his sword a malevolent extension of his will.

Kaya's instincts kicked in, a surge of mana enhancing her reflexes. She shifted, barely avoiding the demon contractor's blade, the movement seamless and graceful. Yet, her evasion compromised her initial strike on the monster.


The demon contractor's strike impacted the ground, sending shockwaves through the surroundings, and destroying the safeguard mechanism put in by the museum management.


One by one, the protective glasses that surrounded the exhibits broke as the shockwave passed through them. It was a strike with such force.

Kaya had evaded the worst, but the force of the strike threw her out of balance momentarily.

Without hesitation, she regained her stance, focusing anew on the battle at hand.? She was not someone that would fall down from one single clash after all.


Then, she lunged at the Demon Contractor once again, aiming at his abdomen.


"I knew you would do that." the demon contractor remarked with a taunting grin. His voice carried an air of familiarity that sent a chill down Kaya's spine. But there was no time for contemplation. She had to remain focused on the fight.


Before she could react further, a growl from the side caught her attention. The monstrous creature wounded but far from defeated, seized the opportunity presented by her distraction.


With a burst of speed that belied its size, the creature lunged at Kaya once more, its maw gaping open.


Kaya's instincts kicked in again, and her reflexes honed to perfection. She twisted her body in mid-motion, her spear slashing upward to intercept the creature's attack.

The clash was fierce, the creature's jaws mere inches from her face as she halted its advance.


A snarl of effort crossed Kaya's lips as she held the creature at bay, her strength matched by the sheer determination in her gaze. The creature's acidic breath wafted over her, a mixture of saliva and dark energy.


The ground under her feet cracked because, for a moment that felt like an eternity, the two adversaries remained locked in a battle of strength and will. Kaya's muscles strained under pressure, her expression unwavering even as sweat trickled down her brow.


With a final surge of effort, Kaya summoned her mana, infusing it into her spear. The weapon glowed with renewed energy, and with a powerful thrust, she managed to force the creature back.

'Now is the time!'


It stumbled, its momentum broken. Kaya didn't waste a moment. With a fluid motion, she lunged forward once again, her spear aimed at the creature's heart.

The creature roared, a mixture of pain and fury, as it sought to evade her strike. However, it was sure that it was not going to be able to evade the strike. His body was tattered after the effects of Kaya's mana; it was her special and precise way of using it, as she directly sent the momentum of the attack to the creature's wrists.


However, the demon contractor once again appeared before her as if to mock her for her attack. It was like he knew exactly her course of action.

But that was something Kaya also knew right now.

'I knew it.'

As the demon contractor appeared before her with green, she could see the sword approaching her face.

The man's face was saying the game was over, but Kaya's movements were swift and precise.



With a confident smirk, she sidestepped the demon contractor's attack with an agility that came from her superior physical prowess. The blade whizzed past her, missing its target.


With her evasive maneuver executed flawlessly, Kaya seized the opportunity.


Her spear found its mark, piercing the man's side with a sickening squelch. The man's scream turned into a pained howl, its form writhing in agony.


Blood spurted from the mouth of the man.

As she dissected her weapon from where she stabbed the man, she could see the faint lingering mana traces left on the wound.

It was there to make sure that the man would heal at a lower speed, a technique she developed after confronting a lot of demon contractors.

She knew they tend to regenerate rapidly, so she countered it with her own technique.

She raised her spear once again, aiming to attack the man who was spurting blood from


However, the creature did not stay idle as it saw the commanding person was injured. The seal on his neck was activated, and immediately it lunged at Kaya with a loud roar.


The monster's face filled with saliva right before her eyes.


However, after that decisive moment where she had dealt with the demon contractor, the monster was now a piece of cake for her that she could eat as an appetizer after a good meal.

Her decisive and fast spear found its mark as she stabbed the monster from the inside of its mouth, piercing it from the back of its throat and making the spear appear from its behind.


Kaya's reaction was as swift as it was deadly. Her spear lashed out with practiced precision, aiming for the creature's weak point. In a matter of moments, her weapon found its mark, skewering the creature from the inside of its mouth, emerging triumphantly from its rear.


Blood sprayed from the wound, the creature's movements growing weaker with each passing second.


As Kaya retracted her spear, the creature collapsed to the ground, defeated at last.

Kaya's eyes blazed with seriousness and pride as she wrenched her spear free, the dark blood of the creature staining the weapon's blade.

Her cold gaze swept over the battlefield, lingering on the defeated demon contractor and the fallen monster. Destruction surrounded her, but she remained resolute, unfazed by the chaos.

This scene was a familiar one for Kaya – a manifestation of steps she had taken, the life she had lived so far. It was a life filled with the blood of countless monsters and the exploration of countless dungeons.

It was a life filled with destruction from another perspective.


At that moment, laughter could be heard.

The Demon Contractor, who was lying on the ground with his injury still there, could be seen. His wound was not regenerating, but the demon contractor rather had a crazed smile on his face.

"After all, you are also a monster inside." He spoke, looking at Kaya.

'What is this guy saying?' She thought to herself. She didn't understand what his point was.

"You are wandering what I am saying right now, aren't you? Thinking that I am talking nonsense."

The smirk on his face widened.

"In the heat of the battle, you have already forgotten whom you came here with. Even though it is your own daughter."

The words struck like a physical blow, and Kaya's heart pounded in her chest. She spun around, dread tightening her chest, only to be met with a horrifying sight.


Before her, another demon contractor held her daughter, Jane, her small form squirming in his grip. A cloth gag muffled her cries, her eyes wide with fear.

"No. JANE!"

Her eyes were crying, and it was filled with fear. Kaya could see her daughter's struggle as she squirmed under the man's touch.


The muffled sounds of her supposed screams entered her ears as Kaya felt the world freeze.

It was such a weak presence that she had missed in the heat of the battle.

No, it wasn't that she missed.

It was simply that she ignored it, thinking it couldn't even damage her anyway. It was a subconscious action that she had made in the midst of the battle.

It was an action that stemmed from her thrill.

An unbearable wave of guilt crashed over her as she comprehended the danger her daughter was in.

"No. JANE!"

Kaya's voice cracked with anguish as her eyes filled with unshed tears. She reached out as if to touch her daughter, but the distance between them felt impossibly vast.

"Now, say goodbye to your daughter, you hypocrite. Maybe then you can feel how I felt. Though, I'm not sure you can even feel anything," the demon contractor taunted, his words like venom.

Desperation clawed at Kaya's heart, every fiber of her being screaming to save her daughter.

The man's dagger was drawing closer to Jane's neck, a hair's breadth away from ending her life.



A gunshot shattered the air, the sound echoing through the museum like thunder. In the blink of an eye, the man holding Jane was struck, his skull pierced by a bullet.


Blood erupted from the wound, staining Jane's small form in a horrifying hue of crimson.


And, the man crumpled to the ground, releasing Jane from his grip as he fell.

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