- Gaiden Episode 98

Gaiden Episode 98

“Shen, where is your gambling board?”

“Nothing. The lower ones of our clan manage only a part of it. … … If you think about it, if you are not a very unusual person, the more skilled you are, the less interested you will be.”

However, leaving it alone is because it takes a lot of money and it is beneficial to the operation of the organization because even those in power are bound to be seduced.

Well, I also accepted Rerensen's proposal in that respect.

“… … Well, it was also a plate that I had to get my hands on someday.”

Recently, a small gambling board has been opened inside tourist attractions, and if this is the case, it would not be bad to make a full-fledged board.

It's not about catering to that gambling idiot's hobbies.

“So where are you going?”

“I heard that a rather rare gambling table takes place here.”

” ok?”

Haven't I heard either?

Well, it's something I didn't pay attention to, but why is that idiot holding onto information from other continents as if it were natural?

Apparently, Rirensen seemed to want to see the gambling here and understand the psychology of the locals.

“I'm thinking of joining the plate.”

“I'm thinking of participating.”

“of course!”

Maybe it's because I'm more stressed out because I usually have to stay calm.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could show your true nature in moderation like I did?

Well this time, should Shen and I just watch from behind?

As soon as they arrived at their destination, Rirensen went ahead as if they were accustomed to it.

Like a sparrow going to the mill.

“How much did you investigate...

It was ridiculous, and Shen and I followed. With an unspoken promise to beat up that idiot right away and throw it down the river if things got too big.

“… … It kind of gives me goosebumps.”

“It’s okay, let’s go. So what kind of gambling table is it?”

“From what I heard, it seemed like they were making a bit of an unusual bet. I heard that it is held only once every three months here.”


r That?

I can't guess.

I had heard about the form of gambling in Ernesia Kingdom. Seina had told me about it before.

But most of it must have been trivial.

‘what? You'll know when you see it.'

There are some guys who look on the watch as if it's a full-fledged version.

Apparently, Rirensen had written something beforehand, so when I handed over a few words right away, he stepped aside and gave it to me.

“… … His subordinates need to see that.”

Anyway, we passed without any problems, and we were guided right away.

Inside, various gambling tables were taking place.

Like rolling a dice.

Or using a card with a specific picture on it to make a bet with its own rules.

However, Rerensen glanced over it as if she had no interest in it.

“The real real exhaust is here!”

Where we are finally headed... … .

“Ugh… … what's this.”

“You put a lot of effort into it.”

I thought of a dark and drab place, but this is exactly what it is.

“It looks like an underground fighting arena.”

There is an empty space in the middle and outside of it there is a place for spectators.

To be exact, they would be gamblers who bet money.

“indeed… … Is it an arena?”

Certainly arenas are a kind of gambling that exists in most of any world.


For some reason, humans can't use quadrupeds in that primitive act.

‘If you think about it, humans are also beasts... … He must have a fighting spirit.'

It's scary and painful to fight directly, so in the end, it's enough to watch.

“… … Surely it's not an illegal fighting arena?”

The reason why I frowned is because I would probably close my eyes when it comes to gambling, but there is goodness in that as well.

duel. Also, if humans and humans are competing for life and death, I cannot stand by.

It's a matter of fundamental common sense.

“ah? They said it wasn't like that.”

“surely… … Isn’t this reverberation the smell of human blood?”

Rirensen waved her hand as if to say not to worry, and Shen narrowed his eyes as if he noticed something.

I also barely noticed.

“I am not human… … Not even an ordinary beast... … then… …

And at the same time, there was something that appeared in the arena with a buzzing sound, as if it was just about time.

“monster… …

What was really unexpected was the monster being dragged out while being gagged.

It's a bit clumsy, but it seems like it's been tamed, and the monster entered the arena, led by a human hand, reluctantly.

“indeed… … Are you making monsters fight each other?”

Often, chickens, cows, or dogs fight each other and bet money on the outcome.

Conversely, are they monsters here?

not my taste It is also the culture of the people here. For now, I decided to keep an eye on it.

If you deny and kick them all for being barbaric, you won't understand them.

Whether you like it or not, it is important to take a step back and observe.

… … As long as you don't cross the line.

“But where are you going to bet your money?”

Of course, it must have been the purpose of betting from the beginning.

For now, both Shen and I have to pretend to bet in moderation, so I decided to ask for opinions.

“If that’s the case, don’t worry. From what I hear, it seems that there is a hot prospect these days.”

“… … A prospect?”

As I wondered, a man nearby interrupted as if he had overheard our conversation.

“It's a guy from another city, but the monsters he sent out swept the board like crazy! If it's your first time, why don't you bet on them?”

Is there such a thing as a rookie to look forward to in an arena like this? I smiled bitterly and focused my gaze toward the stadium to understand with my own eyes.

‘… … hmm. It's normal.'

It's a monster that can be captured by going to a fairly modest hill.

not particularly strong. Well, if it's too strong, you won't be able to use it in a game like this.

‘Then what about the opposite?'

Maybe that opponent is the rookie they said.

It seemed that he was about to come in as well.

‘wow… … What is that?'

What surprised me is that although they are of the same species, their interiors are completely different.

“… … It's kind of absurd.”

Shen seemed to have noticed as well, and calmly recited. Even though they are of the same species, the levels of the monsters are completely different, even the level of mana and muscle nutrition.

It's only natural that you'd expect something like that.

But what I felt was a dubious nuance, no matter how I looked at it, it smelled strange.

‘for a moment? no way… …

I paid attention to the person who seemed to be the owner of the monster. it's 2 people

One of them is short and wears a hood to hide his identity, but the other one.

“ha… … I'm going crazy.”

As soon as I saw his face, I took some gold coins out of my pocket.


Ignoring Shen's puzzled sound, I flicked the same gold coin lightly with my thumb and fired it off.

“oh. How is it so neat?”

Ignore unnecessary admiration. The gold coin I shot is the owner of that monster. It also hit the short head one after another.

“ah… … evil! evil! Aaaaaaagh!?”

Immediately, the screaming guy's face was revealed, and I sighed as if I was being ridiculous.

“What is that idiot doing?”

is a trainer

What are you doing with that kid who is in charge of the monster circus?

Why do pros intervene in amateur play! Shame on you!

“Aim for the strongest with the monsters I have tamed. evil!”

As soon as I went to question him, he was talking nonsense, not an excuse, so he fired a gold coin again and hit him in the forehead.

Dig! Pod! Pod!

“Is it money? Yes, just look at the taste of gold coins!”

“Stop that! That really hurts! It hurts really badly!”

“You hit me because it hurts! Shasha!”

It wasn't until this kid was halfway in tears that I stopped bullying him with gold coins, and I wondered what to do with these idiots.

“Sometimes I think, are you really a monster lover?”

To live and toss monsters into the arena and sweep them away.

However, it seems that this guy has his own reasons.

“… … I couldn't help it. Some monsters have an irresistible fighting instinct.”

It can be suppressed by force, but one day it will burst. Usually, it is solved by hunting, but recently, it seems that there is no suitable place for that, so I heard the calculation that I should rather use the right place.

And the injured monster says there will be no problem with this kid being treated.

“You can make money there.”

“… … You’d make quite a bit of money from the circus too, right?”

“It’s a bit tight because our kid made a bit of a reckless investment.”

By the way, Kels, the youngster who is collaborating with the trainer, is currently taking the monster with him.

I guess I should say I'm glad that he seems to be doing surprisingly well. Should I say no?

Anyway, since I knew I had no other intentions, I decided to just pay attention and end this time.

Still, it seems unfair from the trainer's point of view.

“Rather than that, why are you here?”

“… … I came to spy on an idiot obsessed with gambling and saw it.”

It is difficult to explain the circumstances. Because Rirensen, who is the current cause, is smiling after winning a lot of stakes.

“It is forbidden to participate further than that.”

“too bad!”

“… … It's like being a pro in an amateur competition. What are you doing even if it’s an illegal gambling place in the first place?”


This guy could not protest any more, as if he felt remorse.

I have no intention of blocking anything.

“I just remembered what I want to do instead, so do that. I'll pay you a fair price.”

“… … Got it. Just listen.”

“And I know that because I’m going to rip some of it off today.”


that's life

After that, I looked at other gambling tables or even interfered a bit, but this place was no different from other places.

Desire is common everywhere. Then there will be no problem.

Preparations were being made steadily.

place building. Big problems are progressing without a hitch.

For the interim inspection, I wanted to check the game equipment that Rirensen had decided to take on.

“It just went well. Even if it’s not, I wanted to show you once.”

Speaking confidently, Rirensen first pointed to the equipment reproduced here.

“As expected, these are the basic rules of a casino!”

“… … I was sincere.”

Apparently, the personal romance of the casino was true, and it was developed with great care.

Starting with simple roulette, small tools such as dedicated poker and cards.

There are even mechanical slot machines.

There are different types.

In fact, once I tried it out and started it up, it worked just fine.

The quality is unnecessarily high.

“Anyway, mechanical roulette and slot machines have gone too far.”

“Then shall we take it off?”

“No, let’s leave it.”

It's a waste if you don't use it. Above all, it is the standard of the standard.

“You have a demon that sucks all kinds of money… … Do you have a conscience?”


“Um, wasn’t I there too?”

Other than that, it's a mindset to prepare this and that, and it's a mindset to recreate quite a few games.

“It will be a pretty big project.”

“Today’s Etelpaina, guests from all continents gather. It has to be a place that can handle that much demand.”

“And the funds sucked up like that are well shared between us?”

I know that the reason I strongly recommended this casino is to make money in the end.

There is a limit to the dividend that can be divided only by simply entering the business.

So I'd rather open a bigger plate.

Well, I will also widen it, and this place will additionally serve as a tourist destination, so there is no reason to oppose it.


There must be a separate reason for obsessing over it.

“It’s just about honoring memories.”


“Long ago… … oh it's not here In the past, there were times when I struggled through various things and somehow managed to make ends meet like this.”

He says he misses him a little. It's probably talking about that guy's life someday.

“Sometimes it comes to mind.”

It was hard, but it must have been an intense life. Is that why you sometimes look for memories from that time in order not to forget them?

Forgetting means that your senses as a human being become dull.

“Or is this not the reason?”

“As long as you don’t cross the line, there will be no confrontation.”

“Ahaha. I have no intention of going that far.”

It is called a gambling hall, but it is not made in the sense of decadence.

Must stop by at least once during sightseeing. It's just a memory with a slightly empty wallet. huh. That's it.

“By the way, Arell Ernesia?

Has that been resolved?”

“That’s too bad.”

No, then even if you send me a look like that, right?

I just scratched the back of my head as if embarrassed.

The place is also perfect. The necessary equipment was almost ready.

Except for one.

“It was a problem with the dealer and the security… …

The problem of the personnel to entrust the work. Unexpectedly, it was really distressing.

Although it is said to be a security, there is no problem with the city itself. Because we can use our forces.

However, the most important key talent is the dealer. A talented person who manages the gambling hall, understands the rules, and in some cases can deal with rather rough situations skillfully.

You mean that's surprisingly difficult?

“The kids from the east don’t seem to fit in very well. Aren’t you also a spirit?”

“There is nothing you can’t do. More than anything, Areel Ernesia notices that you are unwilling.”


I mean, they want talented people who have nothing to do with them.

You have to teach them the rules and you have to have excellent physical strength. It won't be easy to find such talented people.

Hard to find in a short period of time.

“Well, for now, I’ll try to find out as I please.” How

a former pro

sucks honey

This content is taken from fr𝒆ewebnove(l).com

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