- Gaiden Episode 97

Gaiden Episode 97

Gaiden Chapter 14. Too much gambling hurts your wallet

“Life sometimes requires reckless gambling!”

“… … You are talking recklessly.”

I thought bullshit was my privilege, but it doesn't seem to be like that.

Today, for some reason, Rirensen, not me, started talking nonsense.

“What? Doooooohbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

Let me frown on my arrogance and let go of the crane.

“I say it plainly. Arele Ernesia! Build a casino near Etelpaina! right now!”

“… … Apparently, today's guest will be beaten and go home.”

“Listen and answer more! Don't frown.”

“I wondered if he had sent his alter ego to find me, but if he suddenly said something like that, even an adult would throw a drop kick?”

Maybe Rirensen thought it would be difficult to convince me at once.

“Arel Ernesia. What do you think is lacking in that Midsummer Land now?”

“hmm. Exposure too?”

“???? Ugh.”

This time, Rerensen frowned. Just kidding. It's about 3.

“… … Oh, but it certainly is.”

“hey. Do you understand?”

In fact, he seemed to know what he wanted to say.

“Sunshine pouring down. A perfect tourist destination. A land rich in atmosphere and supplies! All it lacks is desire.”

Surely this little boy earns his living by pretending to be a divine shaman in the south?

I recently thought that this woman is secretly weak in her own desires.

“In short, is it most appropriate to build a casino in Etelpaina?”

“That’s it. Honestly, I can't think of anything else besides that.”

“… … South'?”

She also has her own knowledge and skills. You don't have to force me to do it, you can build it on your own land.

“The weather or anything like that shouldn’t have anything to do with it, right?”

“My kids say frugality is a virtue… … If you say let's gamble, a little... … You will look at me strangely.”

“Hey, the self-proclaimed holy shrine maiden… …

In the end, is it a matter of cultural mindset?

After considering many things, it seems that he set his eyes on Etelphaina.

Distance-wise, it's close to the neutral zone, and it's under the jurisdiction of Ernesia Kingdom, but I'm the one who actually has an influence.

He must have thought that he had nothing to look at.

“So build it! casino!”

“… … no so Rather, did you like gambling that much?”

“Not to the extent that I like it, but I have stopped by from time to time in other worlds. That's good. casino. I need a place to play without being noticed.”

“… … Yanmar.”

He says it as if he misses something, but at a glance, he must have had the experience of ruining his life with that.

The scent of human depravity emanates from his tone.

Sniff. Sniff. It's the smell of garbage. It's like nuclear waste.

“Or Arele Ernesia. Aren't you?”

“hmm… … Isn't that bad?”

Unfortunately, there was one more human scumbag here.

Can not help it. Even if it's because of the number of times I've lived, this industry can't survive if it's pure.

I mean they're all dirty anyway.

casino… … casino… … Following Rerensen's suggestion, I closed my eyes and thought.

It is truly the source of desire. the ultimate king

drink money beauty A whirlwind of desire that hits either side.

You dare to build something like that on my land?

“joy. Of course it's good.”

I liked it.

It is our race to nod wickedly, saying ‘yes!'

Really, I can't survive without becoming a human being.

And in fact, I was worried too.


That said, it is not possible to immediately build a gambling house in Etelpaina.

Common sense is dangerous.

“Then you can increase the land separately.”

no land? you can make it me saying

“Yes. Yes. Come on, make it.”

And Rerensen nodded.

A trio of our partners, including Shen, who is holding back his remarks with an absurd gaze, are looking for suitable candidates.

Incidentally, Shen visited by chance and got caught up in this idiot.

“More than that, Shen, you are surprising. I thought you'd get away with things like this... …

At least the Shen I knew... … Even though I was a kid, I was far from this type of entertainment.

It was the one I particularly hated.

“Certainly, I had some doubts about those who ruined their lives by gambling or something in those days.”

But he calmly and nonchalantly answers.



“I also learned that the position of the person doing it and the position of managing it are different. teacher.”

“… … hey.”

Also, this floor is rotten.

From what I've heard, there seem to be several gambling halls in the east that are managed under the name of Shen's sect.

“I’ve been curious about it from before, what exactly do your sects do?”

Are these guys really doing a sound business?

… … Well, that's not what I'm going to say.

“Anyway, around here would be nice.”

If you are too attached to Etelphina, it is emotionally.

Looking down at the sea, which is located at a distance that is invisible to the naked eye, he pointed out that this would be good.

“This is the sea, but… …

“Are you planning to fill it up too?”

If you don't have land, you can create it. For us, it is very simple to reclaim and reclaim the land we do not have.

It is possible with the current magic technology, so there is no problem.

Etelpaina itself is also an island that was formed when the base used by the Caduceus settled down in the sea in the past.

“hmm? I've been thinking about that too. Even if you put another island next to a pretty island, it still lacks freshness.”

It would be possible to build a facility of equal quality. But that's why it lacks freshness.

“I don’t think it matters too much.”


“yes. If you lose money anyway, you won't see anything.”

Let's listen to the words of that human bastard.

How much do you like to gamble?

It's a big deal indeed. That self-proclaimed holy priestess is so obsessed with mundane things... … Are there many?

“That's it, and I wanted to be in an inconspicuous place if possible.”

In that sense, it refers to the sea.

Not above the sea, but below it. Deep sea down there.

“Now that this has happened, shall we build a dragon palace down here?”

“… … Actually, Arele Ernesia, you were the most excited, right?”

well? how about

If you want to do it, start in earnest. There is only a thorough professional spirit.

The location was decided and permission was obtained.

I've been thinking about similar excuses before, so it's simple to push things forward and get understanding.

“I can't understand what nobles think. Are you allowing me to live and live like this?”

During the meeting for the construction in earnest, Aken, who heard the rough agenda, snorted as if he was dumbfounded.

“It's a gambling facility.”

“This is a necessary law in life. If I had to say it, it might be close to a game that consumes money.”

There is no concept of instant riches in the world.

It's a plausible statement, but there's never anything like a life in full bloom. I say it because I know it well.

“Above all, this is the most appropriate way to steal money from nobles.”

The purpose of casinos is not ordinary people with a penny or two. It would be nice to rip off tourists. The real bad guys are nobles and wealthy people.

They have plenty of pockets this way and that.

If you want to retrieve gold coins from those who are so full of stomachs, you won't be able to get enough prey.

“Not all nobles are like that, but at least some of them will spend quite a bit of money.”

The purpose of this casino construction plan is to provide such entertainment.

“Well, this time it won’t be that difficult since the South said they will provide this and that.”

“… … The guy who wants to build a facility in the sea? This is so easy to say.”

The reason why Aken was most amazed was that he said he would build the casino under the sea.

When I first said this, it wouldn't be strange if a tool flew right away.

“It is not impossible. With the current magic technology, the spell to maintain the environment within a certain range even underwater is simple.”

“It is as you say. In theory, there should be no problem.”

Dia, who had just returned from inspecting the planned site with the wizards to make a construction plan, said.

“As for the environment, it is possible to decorate it so that it can operate without problems even underwater.”

I really don't mean to let them live underwater.

“It's not that simple. It is to create a space that is not interfered with by the water by hitting a huge dome-shaped field.”

It is an application of the theory that has already been used in various ways such as Mana House.

Developing it would be simple.

Long live the magic.

“… … That's absurd. Wizards say it's possible, so I have no choice but to build it underwater.”

However, there is also a bit of anticipation in those words rather than complaints.

It is a major project to build something in an underwater environment for the first time. If you get it right, you'll get the title for making that first one.

Above all, I will pay the price for that. At least they won't hate it.

“Come to think of it, it seems that the equipment necessary for that gambling hall is not made for us?”

Archen noticed that the most necessary items were not visible in the development list and asked curiously.

“Well, city construction comes first, and when the time comes, I might order trivial things. Well, that's because he decided to take care of it.”

“… … You mean the refusal to invest in the South?”

Those who do not know the general truth, including Aken, only know that some districts from the south and east also invested in this construction.

This time, for some reason, Rirensen shouted that he would draft and provide the necessary equipment himself.

how much… … Do you love casinos? Rather, could the south side make such a guy their boss?

What if it's not my land?

“I’m leaving it to you because I think I’m full of motivation.”

If I had to say it, I was so motivated that I ended up passing it on.

… … Might need to look into it later.

‘Why don't I watch and hang out for the time being?'

Of course, there is a gambling culture here too.

In the first place, the bet with humanity cannot be separated. Of course, there are also gambling tables where you place a full-fledged stake, from a simple bet to set the price of alcohol for the day.

“ruler? Let’s get in touch with the culture here in earnest.”

Rerensen said.

Gambling is a great civilization.


I was speechless at the bullshit and just followed with my eyes wide open.

“ha? what is this doing?”

“oh? Then you should not follow me.”

“… … You're following me because it's obvious that you're going to make a needless accident, right?”

I don't know if it's a foreign country, but if it's in Ernesia Kingdom, I need to watch it myself. I'm not worried about that guy, I'm worried about the poor people who will suffer from that guy.

Incidentally, Shen was also accompanying him, as if he had nothing to do. Although he was not directly involved, he said he would send a staff member, so he had the right to accompany him.

Even Shen looked a little tired of it.

“… … But now that I think about it, you haven’t been involved in gambling before that, have you?”

“hmm? ah… … You mean that?”

Shen must be saying it because I hadn't been particularly involved in gambling while I was teaching him.

I was involved in commerce at the time, but somehow I didn't get involved in it.

Neither involved nor prevented, completely neutral.

“I just wasn't interested. Because it has no meaning to me.”

“???? indeed.”

Now he nodded as if he understood.

“The essence of gambling is, after all, the thrill of sweating… …

But that's what we don't enjoy the most.

“If you are an expert, you can easily sweep most of the gambling tables.”

Like tricks and various methods. Basically, the gambler's skills determine the game.

I wonder if there is a field like that.

“I don’t wear it unless I urgently need electricity.”

Above all, a game where you clearly win is no fun.

There are so many ways to earn money these days, so you don't even have to think about it.

“It’s also not good for children’s education.”

“hmm… … indeed.” How

a former pro

sucks honey

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