Chapter 239. Spirit Conference (5)

“His Majesty the girl has a suggestion.”

“Pena? Now is the time to listen to your story...

“I can solve the empire's financial problems without receiving support from the Holy Nation.”

While shouting, Pena uploaded a document to the emperor to see.

“What is this?”

“A plan for full-scale trade with the Kingdom of Ernesia is coming.”


The emperor asked curiously.

“Yes, I intend to take the advice of Arell Ernesia and start the empire’s commerce in earnest.”

What Pena learned from me was not simply spiritism.

In fact, in the name of studying abroad, I taught her about commerce to some extent.

It can be said that it was a little kindness to create a plan to save the empire in her own way.

“If the commercial plan succeeds, the empire’s problems will gradually improve!”

“Hmm... but more than that...

I submitted a fairly detailed plan, but the emperor was unwilling.

I guess so.

It would be money if we brought the people to the Holy Kingdom right away.

This is the mistake of those who do not have a long-term perspective.

The former emperor's mistake was this.

He did not give birth to another prince in order not to leave a problem with the successor.

“A commercial plan, is that necessary?”

“Your Majesty, if you hand over the slaves to the Holy Kingdom now, you will lose even more.

Even if it takes time, we have to force the people to farm more and rebuild commerce with it so that the empire can properly prosper again.”

Pena begged desperately.

In the end, the problem is money.

i can't help

The post-processing of the last war is not over yet.

If so, they won't change.


That's why I proposed to Pena a commercial plan.

The empire has much more farmland than the kingdom of Ernesia.

So you can make money by using overwhelming production.

He has already taught me how to improve farming methods for that purpose.

And since I had already promised to receive some benefit as a price in advance, I am not at a loss.

This is the path I suggested to her.

Instead of blindly saving them, we need to teach them how to survive on their own.

i think that's right

It's not like I'm losing either.

If the Empire and the Ernesia Kingdom establish a route to suck honey through trade first, wouldn't the benefits come naturally to me?

Actually, this is the real purpose.


“Your Majesty's people can rise again even if you don't hand them over to the Holy Kingdom.”

At Pena's request, the emperor is troubled.

They say there are plans to get other benefits, so there's no way they'll be shaken.

“Princess Pena. I understand your feelings, but the emperor has already decided to sign a treaty with our castle.”

Nelvenia tries to intervene quietly.

.. that bitch this 9

“isn't it? yes? Isn't it?”

I feel bad about something.

It felt like something other than magic was interfering.

I have the illusion that my voice echoes more than necessary.

what year?

....Ah now I understand.

Was that the identity of hypnosis?

He interferes with the other person's psychology through his voice.

It is a kind of superpower.

Then the solution is simple.

“I don't think that's an issue for us to meddle with, does it?”

I intervened moderately in the same way.

Nelvenia frowned.

He seemed embarrassed that he was not going his way right now.

Yeah, this must be the first time, kid!

“Are you uncomfortable with something?”

When I asked, she hurriedly averted her gaze.

It must be the first time that his ability is not displayed like it is now.

Hypnotism is like this after all.

If you know the principle, you can break it as much as you like.

It's like some kind of superpower.

Then, if you only interfere with the frequency of the ability, you can interfere as much as you like.

However, Nelvenia did not seem to know this principle.

Is it because you have a natural talent that you have not been able to properly grasp your own abilities?

In the meantime, the emperor was staring at the paper passed by Pena.

“Umm… can this really be enough? I will try to talk with the servants once.”

time was earned

The rest will now be something she can push through and push through.

“your majesty? Are you saying you intend to make the treaty with the Holy State a thing that never happened?”

While Nelvenia is perplexed, she tries to keep her composure and asks the emperor.

That's right, if I had just a little bit, I would have gotten a lot of slave soldiers.

Now it looks like it's flying.

I want to force myself to push.

“Wait and see… isn’t there the suspicion that Arele Ernesia insisted on?”

The emperor secretly gave me the reason why it was difficult to accept the treaty.

Yamma pass this way?

I don't have dirty manners.

“First of all... shouldn't we solve it? Of course I don't doubt it.

If you are a saint, you will clear this suspicion.”

“That's right. Don't you know? It could be someone’s alienation.”

I just pretended to agree.

“Arel Ernesia's claim is far-fetched. It's not even worth explaining.”

“Well, it’s only then that each other’s arguments run parallel lines.”

I shrugged.

Evidence was submitted, but the other party said it was not accepted.

The empire stands by and the figures on the Seongguk side are currently protesting.

It's just a good mess.

“Nelvenia, I doubt even if you really are a saint at the time I saw this.”

I silently threw out a statement that doubted her authenticity.

“Same with this evidence. Isn't that something a saintess would do?”

“It’s a frame.”

“Is not even your well-known miracle a lie?”

“Such an insult...

Nelvenia gritted her teeth as if she were furious for the first time.

“I am framed!”

she exclaimed proudly.

“Arel Ernesia is scheming with strange magic tools!”

However, the surrounding reaction was not favorable.

Neither I nor the saint took sides and I am confused.

“It's a conspiracy. If so, you should do a more detailed investigation. Isn't it?”

“Hmm… I guess so.”

The emperor shook his head and nodded.

Perhaps because he thought that he might get involved with the saintess, he couldn't actively defend the side of the saintess.

“I think we should start by revealing the truth.”

” your majesty???????”

“Isn’t it obvious…? If you are really innocent, the truth will come out. First of all, isn’t it the order to solve the problem between you and Ernesia?”

While evasive like that, I declare neutrality for now.

It was because he knew how angry the kingdom of Ernesia was with the plague.

Otherwise, the empire could be beaten by the kingdom of Ernesia first before it could even prepare for it.

I guess that's what made that decision.

On top of that, Pena had already come up with a rescue plan for the Empire.

Of course, your judgment may be shaken.

....Above all, my sneaky interference and disturbing the hypnosis might have had an effect.

ruler! What are you going to do, Nelvenia?

For now, I shut my mouth and waited.

“From the standpoint of Seongguk, I have no choice but to say that it is unpleasant.”

Nelvenia quietly rose from her seat.

It didn't seem like he was going to lie down and borrow it.

“You mean you won’t respond to the investigation?”

I ask calmly, but she doesn't even pretend to listen anymore.

“It's not worth listening to Ernesia Kingdom's machinations.”

yes that is your answer

I decided to accept it without even smiling.

“okay. If so, that answer sounds good to you. All of today's talks are being recorded. Are you saying you won't respond?”

“ don't feel it's worth it.”

Saying that, she left.

The priests of Seongguk also noticed and followed her.

“I'll give you an official answer from now on... Our ‘God' won't forgive you for such a low act.”

He left only those words and disappeared without looking back.

Didn't you say you were going to go with a mask like this?

I would have sent you off.

You may have decided that there is no point in staying here any longer.

I made a place to beg for wrong after a long time, but you kicked it.

Finally, even the last remnants of sympathy were gone.

Did you say see you again?

I decided to keep that answer in mind, foolish saint.

You kicked the last chance to ask for forgiveness.

At first, it was a meeting that started with a debate about spiritism being revealed to the world again.

The last one left an unexpected result.

The record of the meeting was passed on to high-ranking figures in various forms.

The suspicion of the plague on Saint Nelvenia, which Arel coldly threw.

The video released in the archives was enough to embarrass each person except for the parties involved.

The people of Ernesia Kingdom were enraged as if they had waited.

The characters of the Merman Empire were busy keeping an eye on them so they wouldn't be beaten up for nothing.

And those in the Holy Land thoroughly denied the suspicion of the saintess.

In the end, the talks came to an end without any suspicions or anything being clarified.

After a while.

Rumors of a meeting began to circulate.

Where the hell did the information get leaked? In an instant, the people of each country heard about the summit and were whispering about it.

“Did you hear? Did you say that the imperial princess was a spirit spirit?”

“Did you prove it yourself in front of the people of the Holy Kingdom, the Empire, and the Kingdom of Ernesia?”

You can hear the people talking about it from time to time in places where people gather.

“I heard you. Didn’t you treat the spirit king like a puppy?”

It's a bit of a distortion of the truth, but they don't care about that anyway.

You're not even here anyway.

Originally, it is common sense that the content of the meeting is not leaked to the public.

Just because words are blocked doesn't mean they won't leak out.

“Oh my God, I never thought the princess would be a psychic...

Especially, the people of the Merman Empire were surprised to hear the news belatedly.

However, while they were generally embarrassed, no one in particular expressed dissatisfaction with the princess.

“What if you are a spirit sage? Didn't I live thanks to the princess?”

There is only one reason why they show relatively favorable public opinion.

It was because the fact that Pena had made a request directly to the emperor to suspend the slave trade treaty spread.

In fact, it was around that time that the Empire's coercive slavery policy was eased.

In the name of a general investigation, the people who were unfairly taken as slaves were released one by one and were able to return to their hometowns.

In addition, they were also relieved that the plan for full-scale trade with Ernesia Kingdom was also promoted by independently discussing with Ernesi.

Unlike the nobles, they hate war.

In addition, most of them expected that if trade with the Kingdom of Ernesia was activated, life would surely be better than now.

At least I should have thanked Pena for making this opportunity, but there was no reason to resent it.

What if it was a spirit accident Nabal?

It's okay if it's easy for them to live.

It was a very honest reason.

“But the Seongguk... no, the Saintess... are the rumors true?”

That's not the only rumor that has spread there.

This is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.𝒄𝒐𝙢

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