Chapter 238. Spirit Talk (4)

“I don’t know what you mean.”

Nelvenia took off her pretense.

“I know. Because of this, the empire is trading a considerable amount of slaves with the Holy Kingdom, right?”

“It is for the sake of the empire. Right now the empire is in financial trouble. On the other hand, Seongguk is short of labor. That is why we buy excellent labor from the Empire.”

Why don't I tell you honestly that I just need arrow holders?

It's only natural that you won't admit it.

I can't openly say that I need troops to fight against you guys.

“Haha, I’m also interested in where to spend that much labor force.

That's done. It's just that we... the Kingdom of Ernesia can't overlook you because we can't trust you.”

“What do you mean… I don’t know.

And isn’t that a little too much to say now?”

The saintess protested cautiously.

Then, in a public place, I said something tantamount to insulting her.

And that, too, with an obviously aggressive tone, different from just a moment ago.

Others were also puzzled by my sudden change of attitude.

“I will ask you personally. Do you really not know why I am saying this?”

“Arel Ernesia! I don't know why you're doing this. Are you still doing that about the Elementalist?”

“No way? I'm not talking about that. Saint... No, Nelvenia.”

The tone of my voice lowered.

“…You really don’t know? Are you really saying you don't know? How far are you going to keep pretending?”

My tone of voice became harsh.

Voices of bewilderment are emerging here and there.

Gradually, one by one, it seemed that something was out of the ordinary.

“I already know you want war. Will you stop pretending you don't know?”

“It doesn't matter if you don't admit it.

I will make you admit it.”

Do you really think that I came only to disturb this place?

I ordered my companions to bring something.

It is a magical tool in the form of a crystal ball.

“ that a communication tool?”

The emperor was puzzled because it resembled the most commonly used communication tool.

“no. This is a recording device I recently developed that is being secretly tested within the Kingdom of Ernesia. It's not for sale, but it's called a ‘recording ball'.”

“A record ball?”

“Yes that's right.”

I nodded my head and showed the crystal ball and a certain device to be set.

“Let me show you briefly. By operating this device, for example.”

When the square object was operated, the lens attached to the square object moved.

“What are you doing?”

“No big deal. I just recorded the appearance of this place.”


The emperor muttered as if he did not understand.

“It is like this.”

I stopped the recording and started the courtesy crystal ball.

Then, the transparent crystal ball became opaque, revealing our current appearance from the inside.

Everything that moves, every single thing that the lips move is contained as it is.

“It is a device that records the scenery within range by scanning these specific video patterns into the mana circuit.”

The chatter grew louder.

“You mean the scenery?”

“Yes, of course, only the real scenery and the actions of the people filmed are recorded. The authenticity of this has been acknowledged by Ernesia Magic Tower. If you don't believe me, I'll give you a sample, so you can ask the Merman Magic Tower.”

Magic tools are guaranteed by the Mage Tower.

It is a kind of quality assurance concept.

“…What does that mean? It's certainly surprising. Isn't that what we're going to show you here?”

While showing interest, do not forget the boundaries.

Even so, if we say that we have created something new, our stomach hurts.

No, it's hard to misunderstand.

I didn't make this to make your stomach hurt this time.

Now is the time to get to the point.

“Your Majesty, do you know about the plague that circulated in the Kingdom of Ernesia not too long ago?”

“Um... I heard that. It was unfortunate. But I admired you for overcoming it so well.”

First of all, he pretends to be mourning on the outside, but he has an air of perplexity.

I'm sure you'll think about it in your heart.

What did that mean?

“Yes, it is. A pandemic is arguably an unfortunate accident. Just...

I took a deep breath.

“What if the epidemic was caused by someone else? How would you like it?”

This is the start.

Finally I got to the point.

What if someone maliciously spread the disease?

When I said that, those who were still listening could not help but bewilderment.

Even the Emperor of the Empire frowned.

“…that would be terrible.”

“Isn’t it?”

“That’s right… even Jim wouldn’t tolerate it. No, no one will tolerate it.”

“you're right. It's something no one can forgive.”

that word! Please remember, Emperor.

On the other hand, the saintess is quietly listening to my story without moving a single word.

The attitude of not even interfering and pretending to be someone else.

What do I say, but it is truly contemptible audacity.

a little admired

“But. Why are you talking about it here? Hmmm... If it's just a warning, I'll have to prepare for this too... But

the emperor asks as if he doesn't understand.

It's certainly a big deal, but it's a problem for Ernesia Kingdom.

It is not something that would be said at a gathering of heads of state from other countries.

“Originally, it is, but... Actually, there is a reason we have to tell this story here.”


“Because the person who intentionally spread the disease is here.”

The room shuddered once more.

Even the emperor frowned and asked what he was talking about.

“What nonsense is that? Who the hell could do such a thing?”

“Isn’t it?”

I smiled leisurely and pretended to look around.

“You can hide anywhere. Yes who can do anything. Obviously there is. Isn't that right, Saint Nelvenia?”

yes you are the culprit

“Originally, I should have formally questioned him. The Kingdom of Ernesia and the Kingdom of Zelnian have entered into a non-interference pact with each other. Therefore, I have committed this disrespect because this is the only place where I can meet and interrogate you in person, Nelvania.”

“...Arel Ernesia! This is an insult.”

However, no culprit can immediately say, ‘Yes, I did it!' There is no such thing as a criminal who confesses.

It's only in comics that the criminal sits down and cries out, “I did it!”

In reality, it's ‘Hash Chim Duk!'

“Why do you mean I would do that?”

“Hmm? Wouldn't it be too much motivation?

In addition to the basic relationship with the kingdom of Ernesia, in order for the kingdom to continue in the future, it is necessary to destroy the current great power? What evidence do you want?”

I know everything about your family's finances.

When I boasted so much, Nelvania kept her mouth shut as if she didn't want to admit it.

“Are you really not going to admit Nelvania?”

“It's something I don't know. Rather, the Seongguk will sternly protest this matter.”

“Oh is that so?”

good night. Be more outspoken.

Yeah, I can't admit it already.

Haven't you been preparing for a skit like this?

A chance to properly embarrass yourself in front of people in your own country and in front of people in other countries.

“First of all, if you're going to accuse me, shouldn't you bring evidence, Arelle Ernesia? Your claims are just sophistry.”

came out! look at the evidence

....Finally put the death flag, Mr. Nelvenia. Well done.

“Evidence... Yes! Let me show you something.”

” yes?”

“I have proof.”

Are your ears blocked?

Do I look like a hoe?

Do you really think you came here without proof?

I ordered Dia to bring a few more crystal balls.

All of them are crystal balls for video recording that were demonstrated earlier.


“Actually, due to some circumstances recently in the Kingdom of Ernesia, this magic tool was being used throughout the country to try it out. Originally, it was set up to catch the trend of thieves in their own country.”

“So it was about a week before the outbreak of the epidemic? Something interesting was filmed.”

I played the videos one by one.

The magic crystal installed inside the crystal ball glows and starts outputting images according to the recorded pattern.

It is a picture of a woman walking.

Sometimes it's a forest, sometimes it's behind a village, sometimes it's a plain.

What is surprising is that they are all the same person.

Even though I wear simple clothes that are easy to move.

There is no one who can't recognize her graceful face.

everyone is silent

In the video, there is an image of a woman revered as a saint breaking a glass bottle filled with black liquid and spreading the contents.

To put the title, < What does the saintess secretly sow alone in the dark of the night? >degree?

Normally, I would smile, but there is a seat.

Instead, I spoke solemnly.

“.... I vouch for the authenticity of this video on my own name. If in doubt, we can gather wizards from each country and demonstrate.”

It's just a method of recording the shape patterns of objects reflected on the crystal.

As long as you understand the principles and methods, even the most famous wizards cannot overturn this theory.

Because only what actually exists is recorded.

“I don’t know who it is, but it was taken very beautifully. isn't it? Nelvenia?”

After all the videos had finished playing, I scolded her in earnest.

“By the way, stop flirting about the contents of the bottle. Because I already obtained some of the contents.”

It has already been interpreted that it is a virus that spreads a specific disease.

This is the real reason I let her run around.

If you try to catch her before then, the only thing you can do is to disappear or die as a saint.

So, in front of the living person.

It is also to properly criticize in front of a person from a foreign country.

Do you really think I would have stood by and watched you do such a thing without any countermeasures?

The reason why the work of the royal capital was blocked was because there was a mother in the royal castle.

“Aren’t you going to explain this?”

I asked coldly.

“What were you doing on this day and in the places recorded here?”

“It's a mothership.”

Nelvenia's complexion doesn't change despite my interrogation.

“Who would believe such fabricated evidence? Isn't that right, Your Majesty?”

“hmm? Ah?... Um?...”

The Emperor seemed to be thinking about it.

I guess so.

There are more than one eye to see now, and there is a person in front of you who committed a crime that he said with his mouth that he could not forgive.

Even a fairly foolish man would be troubled.

Do I still have to hold hands like this?

“The friendship between His Majesty the Empire and the Holy Kingdom has continued for hundreds of years. But are you suspecting me only with fabricated evidence like this?”

The saintess was threatening her around.

If you don't support yourself, there will be no agreement in the future.

In particular, from the perspective of the empire, the aspect of relying on the castle is large.

I actually have old feelings with Ernesia Kingdom.

‘...Well, whatever.'

I guessed that it would come out with this attitude.

So it's your turn, Pena.

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